Vegan Ratan accidentally eats meat!

Ratan Rajput aka Laali of Zee TV’s Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo paid a heavy price for not listening to her colleagues.

Ratan Rajput, a strict vegetarian since her conversion in '95, had a terrible day on the sets of Zee TV's Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo as she accidentally consumed chicken.

Says our source, "The other day on the sets during lunch time the unit had called for special Biryani, both veg and non-veg. Everyone jumped on it. Little did Laali realize that the one she got on to was the non-veg biryani. People did warn her but then she thought that they were teasing her as usual."

Laali went hysteric as soon as she bit on a tiny piece of chicken that came with one of her morsels. That's when she realized that people weren't joking around at all! Says our source, "After realizing that what she ate was actually chicken, she puked her stomach out. Poor girl, kept gargling for more than an hour, even brushed her teeth thrice. Full of guilt that in spite of warnings she ate the chicken rice, she almost went into depression. The co-actors were really feeling bad for her but what could they do?"

When contacted, Ratan said, "Oh! Don't remind me of that incident. Yes it's true that I ate non-veg biryani and later felt extremely sick that how could I do something like this. I hope this never happens with me again."

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Ratan Rajput

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Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo

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Zee TV

Comments (17)

oh poor girl. I can understand how bad feeling it was.

14 years ago

lol.. i feel bad for her but thats hilarious

14 years ago

oh that's bad.
but accidents are accidents, they happen.

14 years ago

Poor Girl.. But, She needs to calm down it was a accident !

14 years ago

i agree withj hindi4lf; i cant even eat it eevm my firnd ate it acidently in the party she was really mad at the waiter

14 years ago

calm down it was an accident yur not gunna die

14 years ago

Awwww poor girl! :( I feel soo bad for her!
@Loverboy: No not at all. Some people take it really seriously so RESPECT dude!

14 years ago

so what.. accidents happen.. doesnt mean she should force her to puke..

14 years ago

ohhh so sad
i m also pure vegy
pOOr gal ):

14 years ago

Is her diet the reason she looks malnourished. But i feel for her tho. I've been in that situation.

14 years ago

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