TV actors urge people to vote!

With the General Elections round the corner and being the citizens of the nation it is our fundamental right to vote. Our TV stars express their views on voting for the first time and also expect a development in the country.

As Elections are nearing and everyone is curious to cast their vote for a better leader who will run the country efficiently, here are our TV stars who share their voting experience and also tell us about what are they expecting from the new government.

Sharad Malhotra who was last seen in Zee TV's Banoo Main Teri Dulhaan -  "I am voting for sure this time  and I am very excited about it because I will give my vote to the person or party I feel is most deserving. The issues which I feel should be addressed by the winning party are corruption; provide high level of security to women and citizens of the country. Every class should be entitled to the basic amenities like water supply, electricity, food, shelter and hygienic sanitation facilities especially in the rural areas. Good educational facilities should be provided all over the country and especially to the woman class in the rural sector as that could later help them earn their livelihood through better means."

Avinash Wadhawan who is seen in Colors' Balika Vadhu - "I voted last in 2009 general elections.  I will surely vote this year too like every year. Since my school days, I always had this fascination of voting. I found it very exciting to vote & choose our Govt. My parents too have always voted & encouraged us too.  It was a very patriotic kind of feeling when I voted for the first time. I felt good about myself for having exercised my right as a citizen. I felt more Indian & proud of myself. The issues, which I feel the new Government should address, are a) Population- I'm surprised that no party reps are raising this issue. I definitely want my new Govt to tell me how it plans to curb our huge population. Because, whatever said & done, this ever-growing population is the real culprit for all our woes.

b) Education- Our illiteracy rate is one of the highest in the world & is pulling our country backwards. We must bring it down tremendously. No development, economic or social, can take place in any country if its citizens are uneducated.

c) Strong infrastructure- Any country's pride is its infrastructure. But, I as an Indian have to live without it. Our 70% people who live in villages don't even have basic amenities. Living in such pathetic conditions is a shame which the new govt must address. Even big cities like Mumbai & its slums need massive overhauling.

d) Stronger Laws-I've noticed we Indians tend to have this "chalta hai yaar" attitude. Even educated people do not respect law. It's because our system has loop holes & people know that they can easily get away with wrong doings. It is difficult to prove anything in the court of law because of lack of CCTV cameras & witnesses. On top of that, giving & accepting bribe has become a sort of norm. Hence, without fear, people drive without helmets, seat belts, drive drunk, spit in public, rarely follow traffic signals etc. I want my new Govt to seriously look into this matter."

Shashank Vyas who is seen in Colors' Balika Vadhu - "Experience of voting for the first timewas great. I fulfilled my duty towards my nation. It's my right and I should make best use of it. This is the only medium through which I can expect some positive change in society and in nation. Issues should be taken acted upon and strict actions should be taken for rapist and people who exploit women. Secondly developing of metro cities is good but converting village into a metro is needed. Third is taxation relief is required most of the time people have to pay more than the actual price of commodity or services. And end they don't find no development. There are more issues related to the corruption scams. But start with these issues we can expect major positive changes."

Piyush Sahdev who is seen in Zee TV's Sapne Suhane Ladakpane Ke - "Honestly I am ashamed of the fact that I have never ever voted in my life, it's not because I didn't care but because didn't know which party to trust. Once I was even in the queue to vote and there people kept asking me being an actor who will I vote and why? Guess they wanted to follow my path, but that was the moment I realized what a big responsibility voting is, so since I couldn't make my mind and I didn't want to misguide people, I left without voting! Even today I feel we should vote responsibly but from this year I am voting, I finally know which party I would like to support."


Rishina Kandhari who was last seen in Zee TV's Buddha - "I voted when I became eligible for voting. I voted for my mother as she had then stood for co-operator's elections in Indore! I have seen elections very closely as a child as the congress party in a way use to work from my place thanks to my grandfather. I was very excited as it was my first time to vote and I was voting for my mother. I am going to cast my vote this time as now the scenario has changed drastically v need good leaders!  We have had enough of false promises made by politicians and now it's high time to change!  The issues which need to be addressed include protection for women, better job infrastructure better roads, better education and water supplies for people of my country. I need to know where are those leaders who said "we will turn India into "Shanghai", I request them to come in public n confront us."

Yash Gera who is seen in Star Plus' Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai - "Last year I voted and this year too I will vote. When was under 18 I was very excited. To give vote I used to see mom, dad and my brother going for voting and I was excited to see how to give vote and before all the rally of all parties. And when I was 18 and was going for casting my I reached early morning before for voting. I just want to say we should do for our country all the things which are needed and required and whether we are poor or rich one shouldn't suffer. Ministers and Government should work for the needs of the people. They must be loyal towards the responsibility bestowed on them." 


Rucha Gujurathi  who is seen in Zee TV's Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se - "When I voted for the first time, I was elated  and  felt  responsible of being an adult to choose the government where my valuable vote forms and run the nation towards growth and development. I expect winning party to ensure freedom of speech without being judgmental, expression of your views... secularism. Stay in a safe and secured nation and development should happen of our infrastructure economically."

Gulfam Khan who was last seen in a cameo in Colors' Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon - "I'm a very responsible voter. I don't miss any elections. Even the BMC elections or be it my housing society elections. When I voted for the first time I felt important. At that time and age (18) you are at your peak enthusiasm and you feel you can change the world and when I voted I thought I had made the first important change. The important issues which I feel winning party should address include Grievance cell, Youth Income and taxation issues, Infrastructure and last but not the least severe dealing with corruption which starts by increasing the salaries of public servants and improving their standard of living physically and mentally."


Saurabh Raaj Jain who is seen in Star Plus' Mahabharat - "Yes I voted last year too. I will be voting this year too.  The issues which winning party should address includes - Reservation system (academics and jobs) should be banned,  Police should be free from political hold Court proceedings should be faster. Candidates with criminal records should be banned from future elections. Basic amenities like water and electricity supply should be there and education should be made compulsory for everyone."

Adaa Khan who was seen in Life OK's Amrit Manthan - "I voted as soon as I turned 18. I felt like I have officially become a citizen of India. I felt like I have contributed towards my country though not at the level of freedom fighters or soldiers defending our country but in my own small way. I have never felt more Indian and patriotic in my life on any other times. Not because it is our constitutional right. But because I feel it is my duty to give the soldiers defending the borders of our country and all, to fulfill the dreams our ancestors who fought for our country's freedom the country which should make us all proud of remember the government is what the people choose they r from the people. So they should be for the people of India...and not favoring any one society or community. Please go and vote. Progress without corruption Right to education especially for the economically backward are the issues which need to be addressed by the winning party.  Every community should feel secure and safe under them. Proper procurement of the black money so that the taxes should be paid by all. Today a very tiny group of individuals are paying for the tax collection in our country but everyone who is also not contributing to it is taking advantage of it. Everyone should be made accountable for the taxes...and those who pay must otherwise get special benefits over those who do not file their taxes. Choose our government sensibly...please do not replace one group of devils by another group thinking they are going to be any different or better...Let these elections be a True victory for the Indian...Jai Hind..."


Your reaction

Rucha Gujrathi Thumbnail

Rucha Gujrathi

Ssharad Malhotra Thumbnail

Ssharad Malhotra

Gulfam Khan Thumbnail

Gulfam Khan

Piyush Sahdev Thumbnail

Piyush Sahdev

Sourabh Raaj Jain Thumbnail

Sourabh Raaj Jain

Adaa Khan Thumbnail

Adaa Khan

Shashank Vyas Thumbnail

Shashank Vyas

Yash Gera Thumbnail

Yash Gera

Rishina Kandhari Thumbnail

Rishina Kandhari

Banoo Main Teri Dulhann poster

Banoo Main Teri Dulhann

Amrit Manthan poster

Amrit Manthan

Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se poster

Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se

Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon poster

Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon

Mahabharat poster


Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke poster

Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke

Balika Vadhu poster

Balika Vadhu

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai poster

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai

Star Plus thumbnail

Star Plus

Zee TV thumbnail

Zee TV

Colors thumbnail


Life OK thumbnail

Life OK

Comments (52)

Luv u piyush
U r the best!!!
Keep rocking

10 years ago

keep rocking yash gera !!
u r the best

10 years ago

well said Rucha...
DDBEDS Team Rocks...:))

10 years ago

Shashank Vyas want to see u in a good show soon

10 years ago

Missing you in do dil bandhe ek dori se, Rucha.

10 years ago

Shashank Vyas u rock rock rock

10 years ago

Yash is doing a fab JOB in YRKKH :)
Keep it uP!

10 years ago

Shashank Vyas u r the best !!!

10 years ago

Rucha you are stylish vamp as mahima in do dil bandhe ek dori se

10 years ago

Shashnak Vyas,u r the best.. Keep rocking..

10 years ago

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