Too much is too bad, is the lesson learnt for Eva Grover...

Eva Grover, the actress known for her excellent comic timing on TV, took to her strict diet program and ended up on the wrong side... Read for details.

Not so long ago, the actress had put on excessive weight owing to her pregnancy! Now, being the proud mother of her 9 month old baby, Eva Grover, (who happens to be Aamir Khan’s stepbrother’s wife) is back to her normal self, with a slim and trim figure. Determination holds the key, and who better than Eva can talk of this? The actress took to a strict diet regime, and shed 26 kilos in few months. Amazing, isn't it?

But as the saying “Too much is too bad” goes, it has been reported that the actress fainted on the sets of the SAB show Gupshup Coffee Shop thrice. “Yes, I fainted on the sets due to too much of exertion caused by the crash-diet program I was following”, says the actress. She adds on to say, “I never got to know that in this diet program, I might be losing the essential vitamins required for the body too. I even had sleepless nights, as my kid is very small; all of this took a toll on my body”. A quick learner that she is, Eva has now taken to eating lots of fruits, with a regular intake of vitamin tablets to replenish her body.

The actress who is now seen in SAB’s Gupshup Coffee Shop is aspiring to take on more projects. “I am getting many offers, but all I get are daily soaps, and at this stage in life, I prefer only weeklies”, says the actress. Open to various types of roles, Eva says, “I want to do an anchor-based show on Television. I am also looking forward to good cameos in films too”.

Reporter: Ranjini Nair
Author: Srividya Rajesh

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Aamir Khan Thumbnail

Aamir Khan

Eva Grover Thumbnail

Eva Grover

Comments (8)

thats put me off doing my diet =[
wow she is related to aamir khan

16 years ago

omg!!! she shouldn't have hurried in losing weight...cos when u do, u end up with some serious health problems either straight away or later on in life... hpe she gets better...

16 years ago

this is indeed a crash diet my goodness 26 kilos in few months.how cum she didn't findout the sideeffects. that is strange

16 years ago

im glad she's on the right path now.. that shows all the girls who go on crash diets that its WRONG... hopefully, anyone who was about to go on one read this and stopped..

16 years ago

im hell shocked...she is related to aamir khan...wow!,,,wel..t4s...

16 years ago

she is sm what related to amir...! thtz shockin

16 years ago

26 kilos in few months.........SHOCKING!!!

16 years ago

OMG that's brutal 26 kilos in few months???
Is this gal insane??

16 years ago

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