The 'Ishqbaaaz' fans are demanding a NEW Pairing for Shivaay!

They apparently loved Nakul Mehta's off-screen camaraderie with this actor and can't wait to watch them share the screen together..!

Kunal Nirmal Kothari Thumbnail

Kunal Nirmal Kothari

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Star Plus show 'Ishqbaaaz' keeps getting more and more popular with every passing day, where the fans love the on-screen chemistry between Shivaay (Nakuul Mehta) and Anika (Surbhi Chandna), the silent killer persona of Omkara (Kunal Kulbhushan Jaisingh) and the adorable fights and love of Rudra (Leenesh Mattoo) and Saumya (Nehalaxmi Iyer).

However, there's one more highlight in the show which may not come into notice directly but is certainly endearing. And that is the child actor Aaryan Prajapati's fantastic portrayal as Sahil.

The little one who plays Anika's adopted younger brother has been an important presence in some funny and emotional scenes with Anika and recently with Saumya too.

However, Aaryan, who is not only a playful lad on-screen, but is also the same off-screen, recently made a funny video with none other than Nakuul Mehta aka Shivaay.

The video had the flavour of Nakuul showing his swagger joined by Aryan who fires a gunshot (of course, with a fake one). 

This video received a lot of love and funny comments, out of which, some fans started DEMANDING something.

Wondering what..??

We haven't seen Shivaay and Sahil share screen space together directly and this cute video and the off-screen camaraderie got the fans demanding that they witness some endearing scenes of this duo together.

We certainly hope this wish is fulfilled soon..!

Your reaction

Nakuul Mehta Thumbnail

Nakuul Mehta

Nehalaxmi Iyer Thumbnail

Nehalaxmi Iyer

Kunal Jaisingh Thumbnail

Kunal Jaisingh

Surbhi Chandna Thumbnail

Surbhi Chandna

Leenesh Mattoo Thumbnail

Leenesh Mattoo

Ishqbaaaz poster


Star Plus thumbnail

Star Plus

Comments (34)

Dying to see the Shivvay/Sahil face-off. We have heard their interaction on the phone, but dying to see them int he same frame!!

7 years ago

Nakuul Mehta
Leenesh Mattoo
Surbhi Chandna
Kunal Kulbhushan Jaisingh
Neha Lakshmi Iyer

7 years ago

Really wanna see Shivaay-Sahil scene!!
Nakuul Mehta rocks!!! Love Ishabaaaz

7 years ago

i really want to see those scenes myself. waiting.

7 years ago

I'm looking forward to this Can't wait for Shivaay-Sahil scenes...
Love Ishqbaaaz

7 years ago

They hopefully will when Shivaay-Anika get closer.

7 years ago

Shivaay and Sahil scenes or the scenes would be worth the wait.

Amazing star cast, love each character to bits.

7 years ago

Have been waiting to see Shivaay-Sahil scenes! Hope we get it really soon! And the video of Nakuul Mehta and Aaryan is so cute!

7 years ago

Have been waiting since long for the scenes of these two but the title of this news is funny and equally shocking for the fans of shivika/ nakul surbhi

7 years ago

Most awaited meeting! Shayad ab hoga jaldi.

7 years ago

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