Swine Flu now threating B-Town!

Recently Dharma Productions' "Qurbaan", starring Saif Ali Khan and Kareeena Kapoor, had to shoot a scene ...

Recently Dharma Productions' "Qurbaan", starring Saif Ali Khan and Kareeena Kapoor, had to shoot a scene in Pune. However producer Karan Johar had to cancel the shooting because he did not want to expose his cast and crew to any potential danger.

It is reported that the crew were at Pune waiting for our Chote Nawab and Bebo. The duo was supposed to leave on August 7 but because of the Swine flu scare,  the production unit decided to cancel the shoot and postpone it to a later day.

Kareena Kapoor said, "We were set to leave on Friday at 2 pm when we got a call from (director) Rensil D'silva and (producer) Karan Johar saying that they have decided not to go to Pune due to the swine flu scare. We have about three scenes left and we can easily shoot them in September, once we have a clear picture on the swine flu and the precautions we have to take. I think it's very sweet of Karan to think about people and do this."

The Production house didnt want to take such a big risk, especially when they have a big unit of 180 Crew members..

Now lets hope the Swine Flu scare doesn't shoo off more of our Bollywood production houses or else we will have to wait a lot for the upcoming movies..

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Saif Ali Khan Thumbnail

Saif Ali Khan

Kareena Kapoor Thumbnail

Kareena Kapoor

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Karan Johar

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