Since I have moved to Mumbai, it has been tough to celebrate Rakshabandhan with him but: Aditi Sharma

Rabb Se Hai Dua star Aditi Sharma reminisces her bond with her sibling on the occasion of Rakshabandhan today.

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Aanchal Chowdhary

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Aditi Sharma with her brother.

Aditi Sharma, who brilliantly portrays the character of Dua in Zee TV’s beloved series "Rabb Se Hai Dua," recently shared her heartfelt thoughts on the much-awaited festival of Rakshabandhan. In a candid conversation, Aditi provided a glimpse into her personal connection with this special occasion, which intriguingly coincides with her own birthday, creating a dual celebration that holds profound meaning for her.

While residing in the vibrant city of Mumbai comes with its own set of challenges in maintaining time-honoured Rakshabandhan traditions, Aditi remains steadfast in preserving the essence of this festival. Despite the geographical distance, the actress eagerly looks forward to the annual reunion with her brother. During this time, they beautifully merge the celebrations of her birthday and Rakshabandhan into a tapestry of shared joy and togetherness.

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Talking about the festival to us, the Rabb Se Hai Dua actress says, “Rakshabandhan is one of my favourite festivals because it always falls around my birthday, so it's like a double celebration for us. Since I moved to Mumbai, it's been a little tough to celebrate Rakshabandhan with him, but we try to meet up every year and celebrate both occasions together. Despite being younger than me, my brother has always been extra protective of me. He's my first best friend, and our bond is unbreakable. No matter how many times we fight or disagree on things, in the end, we always come to an agreement, which I think is very important. 

Since I moved to Mumbai, it's been a little tough to celebrate Rakshabandhan with him, but we try to meet up every year and celebrate both occasions together.

- Aditi Sharma

Further, Aditi recollected a few childhood memories and went ahead to say, ''I remember when we were young, we used to save each other from our mother whenever one of us made a mistake, and we still do that to this day. My brother is the best gift my parents have ever given me, and I couldn't be happier to call him my brother. Even after he’s just a year and a half younger than me, he calls me Didi. I think that’s his way of showing love and respect, and I adore that. I wish everyone a very happy Rakshabandhan."

Through her personal story, Aditi reminds us of the significance of these relationships that shape our lives and provide unwavering support and companionship.

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