Rohit Chandel reacts to Pandya Store going off-air

Rohit Chandel, aka Dhawal of Pandya Store got in an exclusive chat with India Forums after the news of the show wrapping up broke.

Rohit Chandel reacts to Pandya Store going off-air: Yeah, I'm upset because it's unfair of Star Plus
Rohit Chandel, aka Dhawal reacts to Pandya Store going off-air. Image Courtesy: Rohit's Instagram

Pandya Store, the show that has been ruling the hearts of Hindi television show lovers, is going off-air. The show started with the story revolving around the Pandya family, starring Kinshuk Mahajan, Shiny Doshi, Kanwar Dhillon, and Alice Kaushik. After almost three years, the show took a generational leap, with Priyanshi Yadav and Rohit Chandel taking the storyline ahead. Recently, the show took a six-year jump with new additions to the cast. However, Pandya Store is now gearing up to end its journey after five years.

One of the leads, Rohit Chandel, who is best known for playing Baji Rao in Kashibai Bajirao Ballal and Dhawal Makwana in Pandya Store, got in an exclusive chat with India Forums after the news of the show wrapping up broke.

Is the show going off-air due to low TRP? If not, what went wrong?

Generally and honestly, I don't know the reason because we were doing really great and holding the number of five. When we found out, I seriously didn't know what went wrong because I have the best hard-working team of my life, and they are still doing the hard work.

Yeah, I'm upset because it's unfair of Star Plus, just because they didn't give us enough time to see the leap's TRP results

- Rohit Chandel

How shocking was the news for you, especially after the recent generation leap in the storyline?

It was actually shocking because nobody expected that. Recently, Imlie went off-air, and we thought after leap, at least we would hold the show for the next five to six months, but I'm feeling bad for the viewers of the Pandya Store because, as an actor, I might get some different show within a month.

We were also planning to go to Kashmir but later cancelled, which turned out to be a good decision

- Rohit Chandel

Are you upset, as the show was just starting to get interesting after the leap?

Yeah, I'm upset because it's unfair of Star Plus, just because they didn't give us enough time to see the leap's TRP results. We have yet to receive the TRP rating after the leap, and we received the off-air news from their side. After the leap, it was a sudden decision from the production house and the makers. It involved a lot of hard work and expenses because we were shooting outdoors. We were also planning to go to Kashmir but later cancelled, which turned out to be a good decision. If they had informed us earlier, we would not have taken the leap, and a lot of expenses could have been avoided. We did our maximum hard work on the show in the last few days, as we were shooting in Naigaon, near the sea coast, in the scorching heat. We generally avoid going out in this season, but we opted for a better visual experience. Unfortunately, the show is going off-air.

Were you as surprised as we were, or were you informed?

No, we were also unaware. The news started coming out a day ago, overnight. Initially, I wasn't worried about it, as such news was recurring. Still, I stretched the show after the leap for ten or eleven months, but the next day, the production house informed us.

When is the last day of shooting? Do you have any plans or projects lined up after the show wraps?

23 of May is the last day of shooting. Yeah, obviously, I have some creative plans, and I'm very selective about upcoming projects. Whichever project is the best in terms of creativity and aesthetics comes my way, I'll choose that.

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