Ritesh to get slapped by Nisha in Nisha Aur Uske Cousins!

Birthday party of Suketu to happen amidst drama in Star Plus’ popular show Nisha Aur Uske Cousins.

Trouble seems to be not going away from the life of Nisha (Aneri Vajani) in Star Plus' popular show Nisha Aur Uske Cousins.

According to the ongoing tracks of the show, we have seen that Dadaji has announced that Nisha should get married to Ritesh as he finds him as the suitable guy for Nisha. As Suketu's (Parv Kaila) birthday party is round the corner, Ritesh doesn't want to miss this golden opportunity to impress Nisha and her cousins but everyone is unaware of the fact that this will lead towards a drama.

Our source informed us, "While Nisha doesn't want to have Ritesh attending Suketu's birthday party, Ritesh joins the party with lots of gifts for Suketu so that he becomes happy and the cousins get impress of him. Ritesh then convinces Nisha to sit with him as he wants to talk to her something important. Then he came closer to her and tries to kiss Nisha. Nisha, who didn't like Ritesh's act, slapped him."

We tried contacting Aneri but she remained unavailable to comment.

Keep reading this space for more updates.

Anwesha Kamal


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Aneri Vajani

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Parv Kaila

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Nisha Aur Uske Cousins

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Star Plus

Comments (12)

ritesh kucch zyaada hi eccentric ho gaya tha ...in the starting I really liked him but now ...I think he really deserves this slap !!!

9 years ago

I m loving u guys a lot
Nisha nd Ritesh Rocks!!!!
But pls pls pls can we get him as a genuine guys???? I wanna c these two as a couple ^_^

9 years ago

bichaaraa rithesh..but i thnk he deserves dat

9 years ago

Mohsin Khan and Aneri Vajani are doing a great job.NAUC ROCKS

9 years ago

Excited... Loving nisha and ritesh !!!!!!!!!!!

9 years ago

Wow Nisha slapping Ritesh for his disgusting act
Excited to see the episode to air

9 years ago

wish the tv channels will get some sense not to show this movie with bad language... have n't got courage to see movie even on dvd... not fan of this kind of humour

12 years ago

believe it or not... this movie only got Hit due to its "abusive language", otherwise..there was absolutely NO STORY... i love Imran Khan and his acting ... but this movie was a huge disappointed for me..!!
Peace :D

12 years ago

i wish they told which channel will show the film.

12 years ago

Why not show the movie in it's entirety [without any cuts] after the 11pm watershed.!
Show the edited version before the watershed time!!! THIS WAY YOU KEEP EVERYBODY HAPPY.

12 years ago

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