Raj Singh and Shalini Shauta, the next couple in the making..

'Just good friends' is a line that's been done to death...

The latest buzz in the television industry is about a new couple in Telly town. It's none other than Shalini Shauta and Raj Singh, popularly known as Aditya and Pari, of Imagine's Baba Aiso Varr Dhundo.
According to our source, "The two people gel very well with each other. They spend a lot of time together on the set."

We contacted Shalini who told Tellybuzz, " It's nothing like that. We are good friends and if two people get along very well such rumors are spread."

We also tried to get in touch with Raj who told us, "It's not at all true. We are just good friends."
Guess we know by now that the word 'Best of Friends' co-relates to 'Being in Love'…

Reporter: Ranjini Nair
Author: Sharat Kumar

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Raj Singh Thumbnail

Raj Singh

Shalini Shauta Thumbnail

Shalini Shauta

Baba Aiso Varr Dhundo poster

Baba Aiso Varr Dhundo

Imagine thumbnail


Comments (6)

well if its true they 'll make a gud pair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
go on paritya!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

gimmick used by most of PHs to increase trps *their business technique * but result in vain

12 years ago

Hey is it true that KaJen are going to get married or is it a rumour??

12 years ago

And Sharat Kumar is in relationships with both Tejashree Bhopatkar and Ranjini Nair. Can we read more about it here?

12 years ago

These media persons Get a life dude !! No one interested in this crap.

12 years ago

TB you are so VELLA.

What if they are only good friends? If two people gel well, then that doesn't mean that they are in a relationship or dating each other.

12 years ago

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