Producer Binaiferr Kohli shares heartfelt memories of Firoz Khan

In a touching tribute to Firoz Khan, renowned producer Binaiferr Kohli fondly recalls her experiences

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Firoz Khan
Binaiferr Kohli shares heartfelt memories of Firoz Khan

In a touching tribute to Firoz Khan, renowned producer Binaiferr Kohli fondly recalls her experiences with the beloved actor, known for his uncanny resemblance to Amitabh Bachchan.

"He was the nicest baby on the set, very pure and sweet," Kohli reminisces. "Anything he did wrong, he would get so scared that somebody was going to scold him."

Reflecting on Firoz’s struggles with depression, Kohli reveals, "After COVID, he really went into a shell. He needed help and would call even at night, asking if he could take a rest."

Despite efforts to support him, Khan's battle with depression intensified after the loss of his mother. Kohli shares, "Just a couple of months ago, his mother expired, and he went even further into depression."

Expressing sadness over Khan's gentle nature and talent, Kohli says, "He was such a sweet actor. He used to act so well. He used to always be so grateful."

Recalling their attempts to uplift his spirits, Binaiferr shares, "Everybody on the set tried to tell him to come have lunch with us and spend time with us. But he just wouldn’t come to the set."

Lastly, she reflects on Khan's presence on set, noting, "Everybody used to treat him like a little child because he was very childlike and very shy. But when the camera was on him, he would perform like he had a lot of spunk."

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