Priya Banerjee: Vikram Bhatt has always Shown Belief in Me and My Work!

Actress Priya Banerjee who has been roped in for Vikram Bhatt's twisted 3 spoke to us about working with Vikram Sir, her character in the series and much more..

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Actress Priya Banerjee who has been roped in for Vikram Bhatt's twisted 3 spoke to us about working with Vikram Bhatt, her character in the series, equation with Shivin and much more..

1. You've been roped in for Vikram Bhatt upcoming web series Twisted 3, replacing Nia Sharma. How does it feel?

It definitely feels great that I’m a part of such a massive franchise! The show has worked so well in the past so that’s a lot of pressure on me now! But I’m surely looking forward to it.

2. You've worked with Vikram Bhatt before this as well in his web series, Rain. Tell us about your equation with him.

We have a great equation. Rain was my first web show so it’s always going to hold a special place in my heart. Vikram has always shown belief in me and my work and I hope I can stand up to his expectations in Twisted.

3. What are some things that you like about Vikram Bhatt's work?

I’ve always liked all his work. Socially because I’m a huge fan of horror movies. Raaz franchise is my favorite of all times I and I really hope they make more of those and I get to be a part of one! *Laughs*

4. Tell us about your role in this web series. Did you have to do put in extra work on building your character?

Absolutely! The character I’m playing is nothing like what I’ve done before! Myra is the character I’m playing and she’s complicated, strong yet vulnerable and absolutely twisted. It actually took me a few days to even understand her entirely.

5. How do you get yourself into a character and does it have any effect on you even after shooting?

Well, I try to switch on and off of characters as much as possible but yes when you play someone like Myra, it tends to stay on with you even after. But I feel that as actors it’s very important for us to learn the art of cutting ourselves off from the characters we play or else we could lose our minds! *Laughs*

6. You've starred in quite a lot of web series. What do you like the most about the web series world?

I guess it’s the longevity! In the sense a movie’s destiny is decided on the Friday or weekend it releases. Whether it will make it or not. No matter how good it is if it can’t make the money in the first few days it’s out of the theatres in a week. With web shows, people can binge-watch shows whenever they have the time! Also, I feel web shows have a lot more creative freedom compared to films.

7. Your film Dheet Patangey with Shivin Narang has gained quite a lot of attention. How was it working on the sets of Dheet Patangey. What's your equation like with Shivin?

Dheet has done really well and has been loved by everyone. Also, unfortunately, or fortunately for us, it released at the time of Covid 19 and the entire world is at home and right everyone is watching shows and movies at home so that has definitely been good for us. Regardless people loved the concept! Shivin has been a wonderful co-actor and so has the rest of the leads. Chandan Roy Sanyal I had already worked with before in Jazbaa and Ali Murad and Hardik (Hardik Sanghani) were also amazing.

8. What's next on the work front?

Once I believe we are all allowed to get back to work there is a lot that’s in the pipeline! Twisted 3, Bekaboo2, Baarish2, Hello Mini 2. Haha, looks like I’ll be flooded with season 2s this year!

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