Neha Devi Singh - Talent in plenty...

Neha Devi Singh, the original Bhumika is a milti-talented personality for sure, with a collection of poems, a film script and much more to her kitty. Read here..

Neha Devi Singh, the original Bhumika of Star' Plus show Saarthi has a new way in which she expresses her understanding of the world.

Well, the young actress has taken to writing poems that reflect her state of mind. Says she, "I have this passion to write from my childhood days. Somewhere in my college days, I began to pen down poems seriously. Some of them were general in nature, few personal enough to reflect my state of mind at that point of time".

Neha is busy now compiling her poems, and running thro' them to see whether she has a satisfactory collection. "Once I think I am done, I will go looking for a publisher. I am also dabbling in Hindi writing, and this will be another step towards building my strength", states the talented girl.

Neha also aspires to look out for a column where she could reach out to the world.  Well, this certainly is not a full stop to the talent that Neha possesses. She has recently written a film script for her friend. "It was a skill I hadn't tried before, and I was eager to add another dimension to my abilities. The response from senior writers has been encouraging if not surprising. Needless to say I'm happy and hopefully there will soon be another subject I can sink my teeth into", expresses the multi-talented girl.

Moving on to her acting abilities, she quips, "I am very passionate about acting and finally am itching to get back. The reason I have stayed away from any long term commitments till now is partly due to health and personal issues. Also I'm still not ready to throw myself into another daily soap. The interesting thing is that with the advent of new channels and slightly more intelligent programming, there is scope for different and more exciting stuff, although I would love non fiction like a travel show".

Ask her whether she will try Bollywood, and she quickly says, "Bollywood has been tempting me too, but I'm waiting and pacing myself out, like I have been with TV as well. Let's see which turns up a better option. Recently I have finished shooting for a short film with a social message. It is dedicated to the fight against female infanticide/feticide. It probably isn't one of the more popular or glamorous issues, but an extremely important one none the less".

Wondering what else interests her after this long list? There is more to come, as she states, "Besides this, I am just happy at home, doing interesting work if it comes my way. Designing and painting, and of course writing interest me. And yes, I am also studying for my law exams. I am doing a two year BGL (bachelors in general law) through distance learning. My papers are in mid May, so am going to be pretty busy with that till the end of May, I guess".

Lastly, Neha sends out a message to her fans, "I am just thankful for everything and also want to send a warm thank you and all my love to my fans, who even today make an effort to reach out and show me their affection".

And before she bids goodbye to us, she gives us a glimpse of her favorite poems which read as this.

Beautiful faces, hollow souls;
Vacant eyes make incomplete wholes,
'Tis the world we call our own,
Each reaps the hurt that he has sown.

Trust not the soul that seeks you out,
But follow he, who can do without,
For it's not the search for unclaimed pleasure,
But sacrifice, that's a man's measure.

Reporter and Author: Srividya Rajesh

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Comments (11)

I loved her in Saarrthi. I wonder what made her gain so much weight later on during the show. Nevertheless, she is a fabulous actor, and hoping to see her back on screen

15 years ago

Lovely poem. Liked her in Saarthi. Hope she is back on TV soon. Wish her all the best!!

15 years ago

she was so cute in saarthi, iloved her pairing with karan in it.

15 years ago

wow that poems beautiul, she is a very talented girl, and also very pretty ... loved her during Saarthi and was upset when she left, but Zalak did a good job as well.

15 years ago

OMg she is well preety
i loved watching saarithi

15 years ago

I loved her as Bhoomika in Saarthi..She was my first fav as bhoomika.

15 years ago

thanks.looking forward to see her back on television

15 years ago

i loved her as bhumika in Saarthi
all the best neha and wish to see u soon in some show

15 years ago

amazing.....i thought she was an ordinary actress but damn she is one talented lady...very precious

15 years ago

thank you for an article of her.. loved her in saarthi

15 years ago

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