Kisse Pyaar Karoon ???

A sneak-peek to the funny world of 'Kisse Pyaar Karoon.'

Directed by Ajay Chandok 'Kisse Pyaar Karoon' is a story of three inseperable friends Sidh [Arshad Warsi], John [Aashish Chowdhry], and Amit [Yash Tonk]. Their life is full of fun, frolic and adventure. But sometime the destiny cannot fathom such smooth sail. Hence it introduces twists and turns to the happy goings, to usher in some trauma and some drama. So, enters Sheetal [Udita] with an evil design to usurp all the wealth of John. She entices him and John falls for her. She creates problems and hurdles in their friendship.

Sidh and Amit realize her game and plan to foil the same. They decide to bring John back but John is in her full grip and refuses to budge. To save John, Sidh and Amit embark on an ambitious Save John Operation. Sheetal retaliates with full venom. Sidh and Amit without any ammunition fight back with all the weaknesses at their disposal. We enter the world of Chitty - Chitty Bang Bang.
The futile attempts, the timid attacks, the weak scheming, the daring retreats and the lucky escapes of antic afflicted Sidh and Amit coupled with the submissiveness and meekness of the henpecked John will definitely succeed in bringing down the roofs.

Needless to say Aarti Chabria, Shweta Menon, Shakti Kapoor and Aashish Chaudhry all board the fun train to make the journey funnier and funnier.

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Shakti Kapoor Thumbnail

Shakti Kapoor

Shweta Menon Thumbnail

Shweta Menon

Arshad Warsi Thumbnail

Arshad Warsi

Yash Tonk Thumbnail

Yash Tonk

Ajay Chandok Thumbnail

Ajay Chandok

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