A New Year without stars.

5- star hotels in Mumbai put down their plans for 'New Year Starry Night.'

Before Mumbai terrorist attack there was a lot of buzz with respect to the performances of actorsin 5-star hotels. Not only this the actors were signed for a good hefty amount as demanded by them and why not when their market value is at premium. However, scenario has changed with the recent terrorists attack in Mumbai.

Recession was a gripping problem for everyone and along with this terror attacks worsened the situation. Now most of the 5-star hotels that had plans for a grand ‘New Year Starry Night’ have put them down for this year.

As known all the events are cancelled as a protest against terrorism. However in all this many actors are at loss as they did not take other offers for they had one in hand. Till now performances of actresses Bipasha and Katrina are cancelled.

Still two more days to go for New Year eve let’s see till then how many performances will be left.    

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