Big B Announces IIFA's Venue

15 years ago


Big B Announces IIFA's Venue : Macau

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indi pancholi @pujap 15 years ago HELLO mr.AMITA BHACHCHAN. I hope ur good health can u please send me ur blog address as i want to hve chat with you SIR. as mum @ 86 YEARS OLD [GRAND AGE ] AS SHE LOVES U DARELY AS SOON AS UR FILMS COME ON, bless her she is so happy to see ur films @ any time .thank you for giveing so pleasure to my mum my last wish if i could bring my mum to meet YOU i''ll love IF next time you come leicester i''ll be very houner if you ''ll came to my house to see my mum .that WILL MAKE ME N MY MUM VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY HAPPY IF I COULD FULLFILL THIS WISH FOR HER . i hope that next time you come to uk[LEICESTER WE HOPE TO SEE PLEASE DO INFORM US WHEN U COMEING TO LEICESTER YOURS FATIH FULLY YOUR ADMIER I HOPE TO RECIVED UR REPLY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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