RadhaKrishn Live Updates 15 Dec 2020 ...Pg #39 [NC] - Page 30


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Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 19 Oct 2020

Krishna asks Ayan to climb up on the mountain n see the war from there , Ayan is surprised to see a head there , it was Barbarik , the son of Ghatotkach, 

Ayan is assured he will get a live update of the war from Barbarik.

Dronacharya puts down his weapons n grieves as he gets the news of Ashwatthama’s death. Dronacharya is killed . 

Dushasan’s arms are torn off by Bheem and his chest  is torn apart n his blood is collected by Bheem and this  fulfills his promise to avenge  the dragging n molestation of Draupadi. 
 Karn ‘s chariot get stuck in mud , he climbs down to free his chariot to free the wheel, Arjun approaches Karn. Karn asks him not to shoot as he was unarmed , and this was against dharma. Arjun asks did he follow dharma n save his brothers when they were stuck in Lakshagriha inferno ?? Did he follow dharma n save his brothers n bhaabhi Draupadi in the Dyut Sabha ?? How can he asks others to follow dharma now ?? Arjun kills Karn with his arrows .

Shakuni’s is killed by Sehdev when he is fleeing from battle field, unable to face Arjun’s arrows . 

Duryodhan grieves with Dhritarashtra the killing of Dushasan n Karn , his close friends n brother . 
Dhritarashtra n Duryodhan grieve their losses. They lament this war should never have taken place . They accuse Krishn for failing to stop this war .

in the hill top Ayan asks what Barbarik was seeing , he replies that he sees Krishn as Panch Pandavas, Krishn in the form of Bhishm pitamah lying on bed of arrows , all dead bodies are of Krishn only , all killed Kauravas n other relatives of Hastinapur are Krishn only . Ayan is confused .

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 20-23 Oct 2020

As the Battle of Kurukshetra draws to an end , Pandavas are victorious . Krishn says he has one in o plate task. Radha is concerned and he shares that who so ever comes to this earth has to depart one day , so for them too the time had come to depart , the time for their reunion at Golok was drawing near , so he had to set the beginning of this track in  motion .

He goes to grieving Gandhari who is at the battle field weeping with Duryodhan’s head in her lap. As she senses Krishn’s arrival she curses him for not stopping this war, for causing the death of al her sons . She curses him for bringing an end to Kurivansh and curses him he too will weep the end of his clan soon , she curses him that just like she was helpless n could not stop any of this Krishn too would be u able to stop any of that .

Krishn is in tears n accepts her curse . He deserved this he says n departs .

At Hastinapur Pandavas come to pay their respects to Dhritarashtra a companies by Krishn and find him grieving the loss of his Hundred sons n all his relatives.
Pandavas reassure him that they too were his sons n were still living . Dhritarashtra then wants to hug Bheem who’s physique was just like that of his departed son Duryodhan. .. Bheem affectionately proceed to hug his uncle when Krishn signals him to send a statue. Dhritarashtra screams Duryodhan’s name n crushes the statue with his arms .

Pandavas are shocked . Krishn says he had lost crown  as  the king of Hastinapur , He had lost his sons , now he had lost the trust of Pandavas also . Dhritarashtra seeks forgiveness he declares that he hands over the baton to Yudhishthira, he hands over the kingdom and the crown to Yudhishthira n expresses his desire to proceed to vaanprashtha . Where he will spend the rest of his life doing meditation n penance for his sins . Krishn n Pandavas agree. 

Krishn then departs leaving the Pandavas to rule over Hasti following Dharma . His journey with them had come to an end with the establishment of Dharma .

Krishn reaches Dwarika 

Radha, Rukmini, Jambawati , are all waiting impatiently for him. Rukmini’s son Pradyumna is about to get married to Rukmi’s daughter .

Balram, Revathi and their three children are there too .

All are waiting for Krishn’s arrival . He arrives n signals the beginning of his marriage rituals . Rukmi and his daughter arrive for the wedding at Dwarika . 
Radha asks Rukmini to hand over the Tilak rasam to Jambawati to perform. She too was a mother to Pradyumna and she was feeling left out . Jambawati agrees but asks Krishn to grant her wish to have a son too. She too desired to become a mother . Krishn grants her wish . Krishn thanks Radha for paving their way to leave this earth n for the destruction of Dwarika too. Radha is surprised that who would destroy Dwarika ?? Krishn asks her to wait for the time to come.

Krishn leaves Dwarika and goes to Mahadev to seek his blessings for a son for Jambawati .Mahadev understands that the time had arrived for the end to Krishna Avtaar . 

Mahadev asks him to perform hard Rudra Tapasya . Hard penance.

Krishn performs hard penance n gets the boon of a son for Jambawati who has massive powers of destruction .

Mahadev warns Krishn about the abilities of the son.

Jambawati is very happy to become a mother . Krishn is p,eased to see the son who will eventually destroy his clan and pave the way for his departure too. 
He names the Son “Shaam” 


Shaam gets jealous witnessing his father Krishn romancing with Radha while neglecting his mother Jambawati . He vouches to teach Krishn a lesson . Krishn is taken aback .

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 26 Oct 2020

Episode begins with Radha decorating a venue for the Janam divas for Saam. Krishn comes n appreciates her efforts despite the fact that Saam could not stand Radha . Radha says he was a kid n would learn soon .

Balram comes to Saam n asks him to bey obeisance to God before the celebrations , Saam says no one was greater to him than his own mother , so he prays to his mother . 

Everyone gathers for the Janam divas celebrations for Saam. Krishn asks him to get Tilak done by Radha but he refuses to let any one do Tilak other than his mother .He questions Radha’s presence in this family celebrations accusing her not a part of their family , he questions his relationship with him. Jambawati asks him not to talk impolitely on his birthday , Radha was his father Krishn’s childhood sakha .

Jambawati does Tilak . Krishn asks him to seek blessings from all his elders . Saam declares it was his birthday, he was supposed to get what he demanded why should he tough other’s feet ?? And never will he touch Radha’s feet , as she was not related to his family . 

Radha and everyone is taken aback . Balram reprimands him.

He then reluctantly touches elder’s feet n seeks blessings but is full of vengeance n hatred as he touches Radha’s feet . 

Saam then demands a gift from his father on the occasion of his birthday, Krishn asks him tk demand anything that’s suitable for his age . Saam demands invisibility . He wanted tk move around unseen .

Krishn says this is inappropriate for his age n he denies it .

Later Saam complains to his mother about his gift from his dad , Jambawati assures he will get what he wished , she would get it for him through her penance .

Jambawati invokes Kali Mata n demands a boon for her son in Return for her penances .  

At Kailash Shiva n Parvati are worried about Sam’s nature , he was displaying his rudra Avtaar right from childhood . Mahadev says Krishn knew very well what he was asking for n he should know to deal with the consequences . Parvati is worried about the boon Jambawati was seeking . Mahadev advises her to listen to the demands of her bhakt / believer n grant it . Parvati grants the boon to Jambawati 

Saam is thrilled to get the boon but he is warned this boon was effective only for a day 

Later Radha Krishn are sitting on the swing , they discuss how Saam was getting out of control. Saam witnesses Krishn playing the flute for Radha as she rests her head on his shoulder , he is full of jealous fury as he thinks Krishn never ever played the flute for his mother but he was doing it for this Radha who was u related . He thinks of teaching Krishn a lesson . Krishn senses this n gets alarmed . Radha is worried too.

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 27 Oct 2020 

Radha asks Krishn why he wa so lost in thoughts .

Krishn says Sam is unaware he had powers of Mahadev in Him , he fears Saam might misuse them .

Saam is very happy as Krishn hands him the invisibility power from Mahadev. 

He disappears .

Later Radha Krishn are romancing , Saam witnesses them together , Radha dancing to the divine tunes of Krishn’s flute n letter resting her head on his shoulder . Saam falls jealous that a Krishn never played flute for his mother . He decides to interrupted RK romance . He goes to the banks of Yamuna and pushes his brother Aniruddh into the waters 

As his Aniruddh screams for help .. all get alarmed n rush to river side . Krishn reaches there first n jumps into water n rescues Aniruddha , Sam is jealous that Krish;rescued his brother but not him first , he decides to teach Krishn a lesson by hiding inside the river . 

Saam meets Naag devta , Naag devta asks him to leave as this was his territory n he was not invited here . He was Krishn’s son , Krishn had killed his guru Kaaliya Naag . 

He challenges naag Devta and kill him out of pride n vengeance 

Sam pulls dead Nagraj out of Yamuna n boasts of his achievements 

Krishn and Balram ask Saam to apologise for killing NagRaj without any provocation . This was a sin. Saam refuses to apologise or repent his wrong doing , he accuses Krishn that he was feeling jealous of Saam as Krishn’s Kaaliya Daman was appearing smaller in comparison to his achievements 

Everyone is taken aback .


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 28 Oct 2020 

Episode  begins with Aniruddh after getting rescued from drowning . He reveals to his parents that he did not fall on his own but he was pushed . Also he grabbed Sam’s arm while trying to avoid falling into the water, so he suspects it must be Saam who had pushed him . Balram, Krishn co front Saam for pushing his brother into the river . . Sam initially denies then accepts he did that to distract RK while they were romancing . 

Everyone is shocked . All ask him to apologise firstly for killing Nagaraj and then pushing his brother into the river .

Sam  refuses. Krishn then takes a decision to send him to Gurukul for studies . Sam is aghast n pleads Krishn no to send him, or separate him from his mother .
Saam p,dads his mother Jambawati to request Krishn change his mind .

Jambawati ska Krishn to forgive his son’s fault , Krishn asks Jambawati that she knew her son’s shortcomings yet she demanded Parvati’s boon for him , 

Jambawati accepts her fault n agrees to replant but not to punish her son by sending him away .Krishn replies that all princes received education from Gurukul , he then helps Saam feel the separation less by sending his cousins to Gurukul along with him. 

Krishn’s other wives agree but skeptically.

At Gurukul Saam acts with pride n refuse to sleep on the floor like others . He demands princely treatment the befitted a Prince .

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 29 Oct 2020 

Episode  begins with Saam asking Radha to fulfill her promise given to him and accompany him to Gurukul.  Jambawati protests that this was a very unlawful demand  Sam remains adamant . Balram, Revati, Jambawati and Rukmini all protest n assure Radha that she need not give into to unjustified demands of this naughty child , but Radha keeps her promise n agrees to accompany the kids to Gurukul

Krishn meets Radha n laments that this separation was going to be a very long one. Radha is surprised n replies that Krishn has remained with a Radha despite their separations . 

Krishn warns he could not alter destiny .

Radha and the princes reach Sandeepani Munni’s ashram . Radha n the princes seek his blessings n pay their respects to guru

Sandeepani refuses to accept Sam’s respects as he refuses to allow him to touch his feet .

Saam displays his pride n arrogance being the Yuvraj of Dwarika . He even insults Guru . Sandeepani senses how powerful this boy was n withdraws all his powers n locks them into a Boulder, agreeing to return only when Saam was found fit to own them. He even envelops his gurukul inside a protective shield that none could cross.

Later  Radha meets Sandeepani and asks him to forgive the arrogant boy . Accept his respects . Guru says he could not allow Saam to touch his feet because he was having Mahadev’s portion within him, Sandeepani had immense respects for Mahadev as well as Vishnu . So his revered lords could not be near his feet . 

Radha then requests him to let her out of this protective shield for a day to meet Krishn for one last time 

RK meet , they get emotional over this prolonged separation, Radha says Krishn always knew this was coming that’s why he alerted her about destiny . Krishn asks Radha to feed him Maakhan n Radha prepares some maakhan for him and feeds him Krish also feeds Radha .

She is surprised that the pot was full despite both of them eating out of it . Krishn says this was Akshay Patra that was gifted to Draupadi , now it was with him, he was now going to relish this Maakhan from this Akshay patra until Radha returned to Dwarika 

Radha smiles . 

Krishn tells Radha that their time to return to Golok was drawing near . 


Saam is now a teenager n is using his powers n attempting to harm Radha . Krishn senses this n worries for Radha .

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 30 Oct 2020 

Episode  begins with Guru Sandeepani supervising wrestling match between the royal princes of Dwarika . He declares them excellent and well trained. He then warns that the inauspicious tomes was coming with the new moon night and he needed the princes to be geared up to protect the ashram n his yagya . The three princes are well geared up .

No one know where was Saam.,Radha assures Sandeepani that Saam would change for the better n would never harm the buri n his ashram Laurie remains skeptical, Radha goes to find Sam’s whereabouts n how activities. She finds him performing Ganga to invoke the evil powers n cause destruction. Saam refuses to hear Radha’s pleadings  n attacks the ashram by abusing his divine powers . Radha is in danger . Krishn senses the Radha’s state n appears to help Radha . Saam shatters Sandeepani Munni’s Yagya n protective shield .

Krish assumes Achyuta form n arrives to shield ashram n Radha and rescue her .

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 02 Nov 2020 

At Sandeepani muni ashram. Saam has performed mediation n penance en evoked the evil powers n he uses his powers to break Sandeepani Munni’s suraksha Kawach over the ashram . He then prepares to attack n destroy the ashram of Sandeepani Muni. 

Radha pleads Saam not to destroy that ashram. He says the power had been evoked n it had to be used now . Radha asks him to throw is at her , she offers herself to bear the brunt .

Saam then throws it at her .

Krishn senses the danger coming towards Radh n his guru’s ashram 

He arrives to save Radha . He spends beautiful moments with Radha n relishes rice Kheer . 

He assumes the disguise of Achyuta and remains in Asharam to teach Saam. Only Radha knows that Achyuta is Krishn .

Saam challenges Sandeepani muni that he was leaving the ashram, Guru forbids him saying his education was incomplete . Krishn plays a trick on Saam n he has no option. It to stay back

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

RadhaKrishn Written  Updates 03 Nov 2020 

At Sandeepani muni ashram, Saam jokes with his cousin Aniruddh how they will make sure their new shikshika Achyuta will quit teaching them n go away just like her predecessors.

At Ashram Achyuta starts classes , Radha seeks permission to join. Krishn as Achyuta explains to Saam how intentions of the deeds were basis of paap punya . Saam challenges her to prove his words , Achyuta then asks them to perform the deed of moving Achyuta’s foot , Anirudh, Unmukh n Nishant, fails to move Achyuta’s foot , Saam then uses trick n injures the foot at its weak point , thus forcing Achyuta to wince n move foot . 

Saam proudly declares his victory.

Later Radha applies marham Patti on his injured foot l Krishn explains how Saam was misusing his powers . How he was heading towards destruction. Radha is scares Saam would be unstoppable .


Saam threatens to finish Achyuta .

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Updates for 04, 05, 06 Nov 2020.

Achyuta changes into Krishn’s form n Radha and Krishn spend time together enjoying eachother’s company. Krishn  offers to tie Radha’s hair just the way he loved it and he does a beautiful job. Saam enters the room with out seeking permission or knock n is shocked to find Achyuta doing Radha’s hair . Radha is so relieved to see Krishn had changed into Achyuta from before Saam could spot him. Achyuta reprimands Saam for his audacity . Saam orders Radha to stay away from Achyuta. 
Radha and Krishn try numerous means to make Saam give up his evil destructive ways n transform into a better person who does selfless acts benefitting others. But their acts fail and Saam remains the angry destructive being with super powers  to use as he pleased . He vouches to destroy Krishn n his Dwarika in one go . 
Saam demands his father’s Sudarshan chakra. Krishn refuses to give it to him u til he became a better person, fit to handle the weapon. Saam throws a tantrum n goes away full of fury as Krishn refuses to give it to him. 

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 years ago