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luvharshiti thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Great update ...πŸ‘
Loved it ...It was awesome ...
Waiting for next update ...
Please update soon ...
Thanks  for the pm...
sowmya18 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Finally the update is here.. Awesome update!
-Xpress- thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Really really happy to read tjhe update...


so preet out of country for study...hmmm  and now prem too might go... and nihaals marriage is offf... so many things happened...

loved it

thanks for the pm and looking forward to the next part
classyandsassy thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Ahh ... Atlast πŸ€—... After a looong time ... Don't u think this calls for a partyπŸ₯³πŸ₯³ ...  It was a nice part ... Really worth reading after a looong gap ... But tht doesn't mean that u'll take another decade 2 update d nxt part πŸ˜›πŸ˜› ... w8ing 4 d nxt part ... Cum bck sooon πŸ€—
Posted: 11 years ago
this time u can't take much time, ok? πŸ˜ƒ plz update soon
Pumpkinn thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Hey ...
Sorry for being late ...
The part was amazing ...
Preet's departure was so emotional ...
And maybe there is one more in stock ...
Premeer scene was very cute ...
Continue soon ...
JugniPH thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Easter Egg Contest Winner (2023) 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
nice update ...πŸ‘
aww..loved this soo much..πŸ‘
can't wait to see premeer fulfilling preet's little wish..πŸ˜‰
ToobaS thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Eagerly waiting for the next part..
Posted: 11 years ago
hey grace! waiting for an update
iheartChai thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Chapter 92: Summer Memories - Part A


Preet shifted from side to side as he craned his neck watching attentively as passengers entered the baggage claim area of the airport.  He couldn't believe how time had flown.  He couldn't believe he was somehow still here.  The internship was extended into the summer as the firm really liked his work and requested him to stay through the summer semester.  They also increased his compensation.  His initial reaction was mixed.  On one hand it was a great opportunity to continue learning and on the other hand he missed his family.  He especially felt guilty for leaving Meher behind for so long.  It wasn't fair to her.  She deserved a boyfriend who could be there for her.  But she convinced him to stay.  And he knew he really owed her.


His wily smile suddenly stretched from one ear to ear as he saw Meher walking towards baggage claim.  He waved his hand wildly trying to catch her attention.  He instantly felt his heart skip a beat when she turned and beamed him her bubbly smile.  They immediately walked towards each other and embraced tightly.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath breathing in her scent and relishing the feeling of holding her in his arms.  It had been too long.


Meher pulled back and grinned at seeing Preet in the flesh.  It was a welcomed changed from viewing him from within a computer screen.  "You got a hair cut?"


"Yea, yesterday," Preet replied as he comb his hand through his shorten locks.  "I had a very special occasion to prepare for," giving a sly wink.  Meher gave an embarrassed smile and glanced down at the ground.  "So shall we go and pick up your luggage?"  Meher took the hand he was offering and walked with him hand in hand to baggage carousel 10.


"You must be pretty tired," Preet said.


"No, not really," Meher answered and then yawned making Preet chuckle.


"No, not really?"


"I'm not too tired," Meher replied.


"Are you hungry?  Do you want something to eat?"


"No.  Are we going anywhere today?" Meher asked.


"It's up to you.  I figured you want to take it easy today.  I can show you some of the things near the apartment and then if you're not too tired we can go out to for dinner."


"Sounds good.  I guess we will see," Meher smiled and then yawned again.


Expressive brown eyes stared out across the water front.  Her lips perked into a smile as she felt two hands cover her eyes.  "Hey," his deep voice whispered against her ear.  Veera turned around and grinned at seeing her date.  "So, ready for lunch?"

"I'm starving," Veera replied.


"Good so am I," chuckling a little, "I know it's only been three days but how are you liking Australia?"


"I'm having a really great time Rishabh," Veera answered.  "It's beautiful here."


"Well, I'm glad you are enjoying yourself.  I'm sorry I haven't been able to really take you around town."


"What are you talking about?  You've taken me places," Veera replied.


"I've been working."


"Your uncle needed your help at the office.  By the way how is that video assignment going?" Veera inquired.


"It's going pretty well.  There is just a lot of editing that needs to be done," Rishabh sighed.  "But enough about work.  Let's get some lunch shall we?"  He offered his arm which Veera gladly accepted and hooked her arm around his.


A majestic field of greenery spread far and wide as the eye could see.  The sun was still sitting high even though it was nearing four o'clock in the afternoon.  Prem breathed deeply as he rode his bike navigating it through the path of lush fields.  His pale blue kurta flapped against him as the speed of the bike pushed the wind towards him.  He grinned thinking quite fondly this was an experience that Nihaal, Heer, and Meher must have encountered often during their childhood days.  He halted as he came into view of a tractor that had gotten stuck in the mud.  He parked the bike to the side and joined the group of farmers to lend a helping hand in pushing the tractor free.


Few minutes later he was covered in mud but smiling joyfully as they had accomplished the task of freeing the tractor.  He bid his farewell to the thankful farmers and pedaled his way back to the Maan Manor.  Every time he passed the wooden gates he recalled that fateful stormy night two summers ago.  It had changed his life forever.  He parked the bike near a scooter and noticed voices coming from the living room.  There were guests.  He sighed and looked down at himself.  He had splotches of mud all over his kurta and pants.  He would have to apologize for his attire and quickly go upstairs and change.


Balraaj laughed heartily at the joke being made.  "It's really great seeing you all again.  It's been too long."


"Yes, far too long," a man with a thick beard replied.  "Isn't that right Jasmin."


"Yes.  I've often told Manoj we should come back and visit.  We have so many friends who still live here," answered a plump woman.  "I still think back to that day we had to leave.  Poor Heer and Geet two childhood friends having to separate like that.  By the way how is Heer doing?  She didn't come back to visit?  Is she still in London?"


"No, she's not in London anymore.  She's in Canada," Balraaj replied.


"Jasmin, she's married now.  Don't you remember?" Manoj asked.  He then looked at his friend with an apologetic look, "I'm sorry we weren't able to attend.  I was away in Dubai on business and Jasmin had gone to Singapore to visit Geet at school.  And when the entire family finally came home...Jasmin's mother's health was very poor.  We were in Kerala for several months."


"It's all right," Balraaj nodded in understanding.  "How is she doing by the way?"


"Ma is doing very well thank the Lord," Jasmin replied with her hands folded in prayer.


"Hot samosas..." Teji announced as she carried in a large silver tray with a plate of samosas. 


"Oh Teji you didn't have to go to so much trouble," Jasmin replied.


"Nonsense, I know how much Manoj loves samosas.  And don't worry I have your favorite snack mix.  I happened to make them yesterday...nice and fresh," Teji said.  "I'll go back and get that along with some chai."


Jasmin glanced toward her daughter who understood her meaning.  "Auntie let me come and help."


"No-no you sit beta."


"It's okay.  You've always said I'm like one of your children.  Let me help you, please," Geet replied.  Teji smiled at her words and nodded.  Geet then followed her into the kitchen.


Balraaj and Manoj were enjoying their samosas and catching each other up on old mutual friends, when Prem cautiously entered the living room.  His hands were folded in front of him in polite greeting.  "Namaste...Auntie...Uncle..."  Balraaj raised his eyebrows at his son-in-law's attire.  "I went out for a bike ride and there was a tractor stuck in the mud.  I stopped and helped some farmers push it out.  I apologize for my appearance."


"That's a great thing you did," Balraaj beamed.  "Let me introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Khanna.  Old friends of ours."  Prem politely bowed his head towards them.  "This is my son-in-law Prem."


"Oh this is Prem?" Jasmin excitedly replied.  "We didn't get see the wedding pictures."


"I'll ask Teji to bring the album out," Balraaj said.


"Excuse me while I go and change."  The adults nodded and then Prem left walking towards the stairs.  He nearly ran into Geet who was carrying a tray of tea.  "I'm sorry," Prem apologized.


Geet looked up startled but then quickly replied, "I'm sorry."  Prem gave a warm grin and then hurriedly went up the stairs.  Geet glanced up the stairs and smiled.  Despite his attire she couldn't help but think he was quite handsome.  She wondered if he was Heer's cousin Vishal.  She had heard the adults talking about how besides Heer's husband Prem visiting; Vishal had also come.  He was in the city running some errands but would come back for dinner.  Geet came out of her reverie when she heard Teji's footsteps behind her.  She quickly resumed walking and placed the chai tray on the coffee table.  Geet sat there for a few minutes as the adults chatted.  She quietly sipped her tea and gave pleasing smiles at the conversation taking place, but her eyes would wander up towards the staircase wondering when the man she had almost ran into would come down.  Eventually, the adults became so engrossed in their talks she was able to leave the living room.  She made her way into the kitchen and saw the steel thali with some extra fried samosas.  She found another serving tray and placed a small plate with a couple of samosas on it.  She then made some chai and placed the hot tea cup next to the plate of samosas.  She smiled to herself and then stealthily walked up the stairs in search of the handsome young man.


Prem dried himself with a towel and then put on a fresh clean white kurta and pants.  He picked up his cell phone and checked the time.  His lips curled up into a tight grin and he began dialing a number on the phone.  He put the phone to his ear and opened the double window pane doors to the large balcony.  He walked out into the setting sun and took a deep breath waiting patiently as the ringing continued on the phone.  Eventually, he heard what he had longed to hear. "Good morning Mrs. Sleepy Head," he greeted.


"Mmm...are you calling to gloat about what a wonderful time you are having?"  Heer replied drowsily.


"I called to say how much I miss you.  And I can't wait to come home.  I'm going to hug you and never let you go."


Prem grinned at hearing his wife chuckle.  "How's Papa and Mama?"


"They are doing well.  Your Mama made me stuffed bhindi last night.  And the night before she made the brown gravy paneer...my mouth is just watering thinking about it...and this morning she made aloo parathas...aaahhh..."


"You really are rubbing it in," Heer pouted.  "Are you really done with your work in Dehli?" 


"Yes, I am.  I planned it so I could spend a few days with your parents before coming home.  Don't I deserve to receive some love from your parents?  I am their son-in-law."


"Mama is cooking all this food for you," Heer whined.


"Doesn't Ma cook food for you too?  I think I heard from Harman he said Ma cooked a special curry that your mother makes for you two nights ago," Prem replied. 


"Uh, well, um..."


"Speechless?" Prem teased.


"You're going to be sleeping by yourself Mr. Juneja," Heer threatened.


"Good, I can have the entire bed all to myself.  I can just sprawl out.  You know it gets a bit cramp having to share a bed with someone."  Prem smirked hearing a defeated whine at the other end of the telephone.  "So, tonight I think we have some guest staying for dinner...the Khannas," Prem said changing the topic.


"Khannas...hmmm...does Mr. Khanna have a beard?" Heer asked.




"And his wife has really dark black hair...she's wearing floral patternish clothes?  Oh, and she has gold bracelets?"  Heer inquired.


"Um, yeah...Your Dad said they were old friends of theirs," Prem answered.


"Oh...it's Manoj Uncle and Jasmin Auntie!  Was Geet with them?"    


"Um, I'm not sure...I think so.  There was a young woman helping your Mom bring chai to everyone.  I didn't get to talk to them that much.  I went on a bike ride and ended up helping some farmers with a tractor that got stuck in the mud.  My clothes got dirty and I came home and went upstairs to take a quick shower and change," Prem explained.


"Oh I remember taking bike rides through the fields," Heer reminisced.  "We use to play out there a lot."  Prem gave a soft grin at her words.  He then turned as he heard some footsteps.  His eyebrows raised in surprise at the young woman walking towards him holding a tray of chai and samosas.


"I'm really sorry for disturbing you.  But I just thought..."


"Geet?" Prem innocently uttered.


"Huh?  Uh...yes..." Greet confusingly replied wondering how he knew her name.


"Oh my God are you talking to Geet?  Is that really her?  Let me talk to her!" Heer excitedly shouted into the phone.


Prem chuckled and then offered his cell phone to Geet, "A really old friend of yours wants to talk to you."  Geet stared at him with a perplexed expression not sure if she should really take the phone from him.  "Heer...my wife."


The minute Geet heard Heer's name her whole face light up with glee.  "Heer?!"  Prem barely grabbed hold of the tray as she thrust it towards him so she could take his phone.  "Heer? Is this really you?"


"Of course it is.  Geet!  It's so good to hear you.  How have you been?" Heer greeted.


"I'm doing well.  What about you?  Married?  I'm so sorry we couldn't come. "


"I know you had a very good reason.  Don't worry about it," Heer replied.  "So, you have to tell me...what have you been up to?  I think I heard you were studying in Singapore?"


"Yes, I did..."


Prem smiled at the way Geet was animatedly talking to his wife.  He placed the tea tray on the wide ledge of the balcony and started eating the samosas.  He knew the two friends had a lot to talk about and it would take more than one phone call to finish, but he wondered how long they were going to be on the phone.


Preet softly smiled as he gently pulled the comforter up over Meher's shoulder tucking her into the bed.  She barely made it through the day.  She tried her hardest to stay awake, but in the end sleep won the battle.  His lips tightened as he watched her snuggle into the bed and let out a sleepy moan.  Preet brushed his fingers through her curls and then patted her head in a rhythmic motion lulling her to sleep.  "I'm sorry Preet..." Meher drowsily spoke.


"Sshhh...it's fine.  You need your rest.  The jet lag will probably last for a couple of days."


"Still..." Meher whined into the pillow.


"Just sleep Meher," Preet repeated firmly.  He smiled as he saw her relax and drift softly into a deep slumber.  He watched her for a few minutes before exiting the bedroom.  He then sat down on the couch and turned on the TV making sure to lower the volume at a comfortable level, so it was still low enough to hear but not so loud that it would wake Meher.  He pulled the blanket that was hanging on the side arm of the couch over and covered himself before laying down.  He watched the news channel catching up on what was happening around the global.  Before long his were closed and he was fast asleep.


Preet stirred restlessly as he heard some noises coming from the kitchen.  It sounded like pans and dishes being moved about.  He cracked one eye open and then turned his head away from the light emanating from the backside of the couch.  He could smell something gently cooking as the aroma slowly filled the apartment.  He let out a groan and sleepily got up.


"Oh, I'm so sorry Preet.  I was trying to be as quiet as I could," Meher apologized.  "I woke up and was hungry."


"It's okay," Preet replied as he scratched the back of his head and sat down on the bar stool in front of the breakfast bar.  "What are you making?"


"Just some eggs and potatoes.  Would you like some?" Meher replied.


"No, it's okay," Preet answered as he yawned tiredly.


"Why don't you go and sleep in the bed?  I'll be out here for awhile.  I'll take the couch."


"No, you sleep in the bed.  The couch is fine for me," Preet replied.


"Don't be silly Preet.  Go sleep in the bed.  I feel bad enough that I'm taking your room for three weeks."


"It's three weeks I'd gladly give up."  He got up from his chair and hugged her.  "I've missed you a lot.  I still can't believe you're here.  I keep thinking I'm going to wake up tomorrow and realize it was all a dream."


"I'm really here Preet," Meher replied rubbing his back.  "I'm not going anywhere."  She gave a sweet but tender kiss on his lips.  Preet grinned and then nestled his face into her neck and sighed.  "Go to bed Preet.  I'll wake you up later."


"Promise?"  He glanced towards his bedroom and then back at his girlfriend.  "If I go lay down in there you'll wake me up when you are ready to go back to bed?"




"You're not just saying that are you?  I know we could share the bed and all but I want to be respectful...your parents are trusting me for three weeks...sharing this single bedroom apartment with you," Preet said.


"Preet, stop worrying and go to bed," Meher ordered.


He rubbed his eyes and then yawned, "Okay."  Meher smiled glad he finally agreed.  She watched her sleepy boyfriend walk into his bedroom and close the door to sleep.


Veera sighed as she checked her watch wondering how much longer she would have to wait.  She finished her drink and then waved at the bartender, "Another ginger ale please.  And can I get an order of spinach dip and tortilla chips."  The bar tendered nodded and went to fix her drink and place her order in the kitchen.  Veera picked up her cell phone and began checking her Facebook seeing if anyone had posted up anything interesting on their page.  She barely registered the presence of someone sitting one sit down from her.


"You waiting for someone?"  Veera looked up from her phone perplexed as to why she knew that voice.  It was a voice she wasn't expecting to hearing from.  She turned and her eyes immediately widen at the man sitting next to her.  "Hey," Nihaal greeted with a warm smile.


"Nihaal?  What are you doing here?"


"I work here now," he answered.


"Work here?" Veera repeated with a questioning look.


"I mean I work here in Australia...not here at the restaurant.  I'm still in consulting," Nihaal clarified.


"Oh, okay.  I was about to say.  I had heard from Heer Bhabhi that you were working here in Australia."


"So you knew and you didn't call me?" Nihaal asked.




"Relax.  I was just joking," Nihaal chuckled.  "It's fine.  You probably wanted to spend time with your friends.  It is summer vacation right now.  Why would you care to hangout with a weird old person like me?"


"You're not old," Veera replied. 


"But I'm still weird."  Veera smiled at his joke.  "And I got a smile from Ms. Veera Juneja...my work here is done," straightening out his collar and pretending like he was going to leave.  At this point the bartender had come back from the kitchen and finished making Veera her drink.  He placed the ginger ale in front of her and then looked at Nihaal ready to take his order.  "I'll have a Victoria-Bitter please."  The bartender nodded and went to get him his drink.


"Victoria-Bitter?" Veera inquired.


"It's what the locals here drink.  They drink this beer more than Fosters," Nihaal explained.  "Thank you sir," he greeted as the bartender placed the beer mug in front of him.  "So, are you waiting for someone?  I only ask...cause you've been checking the time a lot."


"I was suppose to met with Rishabh and have dinner together.  I guess he's busy at work," Veera sighed as she checked her phone again.


Nihaal's eyes flexed but then relaxed as his mind silently told him the obvious.  "So you came to visit him," taking a sip of his beer, "He's a nice guy.  I'm happy for you."


Veera tried not to look surprised by his words but she knew her initial reaction had betrayed her by the way Nihaal was looking at her.  "Um, thank you.  He's funny and a good person."


"Sense of humor...a good trait to have," Nihaal agreed.  "So," pausing as the bartender brought the plate of spinach dip and chips to Veera.


"Please have some.  I can't eat all of this," Veera offered.


Nihaal gave a half grin and took a tortilla chip.  "So how long have you guys been dating?"


"About five months or so I think," Veera replied.


"You think?"


Veera nodded as she finished chewing the food in her mouth.  "Why are you giving me a look?"


"I'm not," Nihaal answered as he placed another chip in his mouth.  "This spinach dip is quite good."


"So, what are you doing here?" Veera inquired.


"Decided to come out and get some dinner.  I really didn't want to cook tonight."


"You cook?"


"Instant noodles," Nihaal replied before taking a sip of his beer.


Veera laughed at his reply.  "Tired of cheese and jelly crackers?"


"That too," Nihaal playfully agreed.  "You should probably try calling him again."


Veera nodded and dialed her phone again.  Each time it rang she prayed that Rishabh would eventually answer, but he never did.  She sighed as she heard the voicemail come on.  "Not answering," Veera said as she hung up the phone.


"Aren't you going to leave a message?" Nihaal inquired.


"I already did.  I've also texted.  He should know where I am when he eventually checks his phone."


They sat there in silence for a few seconds before Nihaal decided to make an offer, "Since I'm here by myself and while you are waiting for Rishabh...would you honor me with your presence for dinner?"


Veera gave a warm smile, "I would be honored to."


"Phew...didn't think you would accept," Nihaal joked.  "It's tough eating alone sometimes...sometimes you need someone there."


"Anytime," Veera replied.


Harman yawned sleepily and rubbed his eyes with his fingers.  He took a sip of coffee and returned to the law book he was reading from.  He jotted down some notes into his notebook and then turned the page of the book.  He was so engrossed in what he was doing he didn't hear anyone enter the room.


Maya smiled seeing her fiance.  She had so much to tell him as she had been looking at various graphic designs, colors, and fonts for their wedding invitations.  She had also picked out a number of wedding saris and sherwanis that she loved and wanted his opinion on which ones to get so they could decide on the color theme for their wedding.  "Hi!  So, I found these great fonts for the wedding invitations.  See..." placing a folder on the table, "I printed samples out to see what they would look like.  I really like this Ganpati design and I think this one should be on the front envelope...what do you think?" Maya asked pointing to a graphic on page two.


"Looks good," Harman said as he lifted his eyes up and glanced at the page she was pointing at.


"But, I really like this font here," Maya said flipping to page 4 of the folder.  "But I don't think the font goes well with this crme color and the Ganpati graphic I really like.  It goes better with this other one...which isn't too bad."


"They all seem nice," Harman answered.


"So you think gold and red?  Or this orangey-red with this light crme color?  Or maybe this off white?"


"You know better than I would," Harman replied as he continued staring down at the law book in front of him.


"What do you mean by that?" Maya inquired.


"You know what I mean.  You work with fashion and colors and such...you choose."


"I want you to be a part of the decision making process," Maya explained.


"I'm fine with you choosing.  In the end, it should make you happy."


"It would make me happy if you would choose," Maya replied.


Harman let out a small sigh and put his pen down.  He glanced through the folder and then said, "Page 5.  Anything else?"


Maya put down another folder that had the sari and sherwanis.  "I found these and I put the matching saris and sherwanis together...so which pairs?"


Harman quickly paged through the folder and then said, "Page 2."


Maya frowned when she saw him pick up his pen and returned to this notebook.  "Is that it?"


"Isn't that what you wanted?  I gave you my choices."


"You weren't even looking," Maya complained.


"How was I not looking?" Harman asked perplexed by her reply.  "You saw me look through the folder."


"You weren't really deciding.  It took you two seconds to pick it out.  You know how long it took me to find these and narrow down my choices?"


"That's why I said you should just pick."  Harman sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Why are we arguing about this?  Just pick the one you want.  I'll wear whatever you want me to wear.  I will be fine with whatever invitation you decide to go with.  The color scheme of the wedding and everything...decorations...whatever you want."


"That's not the point," Maya replied. 


"What do you mean it's not the point?  I don't understand what you want me to do," Harman answered with frustration.


"It's fine...whatever..." Maya said as she angrily grabbed the folders stormed out of the room.


Thank you for reading πŸ˜ƒ

Edited by iheartChai - 11 years ago