KTLK mini ss:The Tea Stall(pg-28) Note. Check - Page 7


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SwastikAshNi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Ana,Its going interesting,so getting updt very soon right!Fine,waiting...
karajekar thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

oye madam pls jaldi se update karo

ek toh pehele he itna delay hogaya ,aur kitna wait karna padega
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Nidhi's POV

On reaching back home, i took a long sigh, stretching my arms out...The sun was fully out shinning on my head now...

My eyes involuntary went to the huge grandfather clock, stick in our living room that struck 10:44..

Gosh!! half of my day is rushed out with that Anji's emergency but right then, the cute baby's face flashed infront of my eyes...and a smile came on my lips



Closing the door behind me, i went towards my room just thinking how me and Anji used to think about our futures, not to forget about our babies...We wished to get our babies best friends too just like we are...

Guess her second one will the best friend of my first one :P ...haha...

That silly thought get me hypped...Girls!!! i can seriously think whatever i want...now cant I?? :P

I pulled off my sweater after throwing duppata on the bed...A warm shower will do me great as to get up at 3pm and rush to KGH to see anji first and then running back to CCHH to join my duty at 5pm...

Just this thought was making me lazy...so its better that i take a bath early then leaving it on later...

I took a hot bath and after getting into some warm clothes, get myself dipped into the softness of my bed and after putting my alarm...I went deep into a beautiful slumber.

Ashu's POV

Life for me was just about home and hospital...But now, that Girl's face was proving out to be a distraction, seriously...

Never in my life, i was ever effected by a face as much as of her's...

God, when will I meet her again...

My heart asked.

My mind quickly replied, Never...cause sometimes, somethings you get just for once, and her glimpse was on of those things...

But my heart comforted me QUOTING a superb QUOTE: The world is too small...You will meet her a day...

Whoop!! my heart proving out to have more GK level than my mind...I laughed at my statement...

Thankfully, my day in KGH, which started at 12pm was full of appointments that i hardly get time to think about anything else...

At 4'O Clock, i was nearly done when Dr.Priyanka entered with a file

"Sir??" She said out to gain my attention.

"Yes, Dr.Priyanka?" I looked up at her, after closing my appointment book.

"Sir, we have this surgery tomorrow...and you asked me to remind you and give you the patient's file...so...Here it is" She extended the file to me and with a "Thank you" I took it.

"No Problem Sir" She replied... "I will take your leave sir" I nodded as she turned and opened the door to get out...But the door was hardly closed, before my ears heard the sound of a beautiful, almost kind of a musical giggle...that took my attention.

I went towards the window of my room which was covered with blinds and can give a view of corridor, and from the corner of my eyes, i saw her...

My heart jumped in excitemedt like a little kid, my mind boggleswith astonishment and refused to accept the reality...But it was real

She was real...and was standing infront of my eyes.

Dr.Ranganath was standing with her and they both were in a pretty excitement conversation...I guess it was about Ranganath's baby that just got delivered in the morning as i was unable to hear anything...My room was pretty sound proof

I was still processing my thoughts when she just looked at her watch and her eyes went wide and she tirn to Ranganath to give a quick hug and after patting his back, rushed, almost run out from the hospital.

I turned around as it may sound strange, but i didn't like her hugging Ranganath...

Was am jealous?

Ranganath was still standing outside waving bye to her...This aloofness that what she might be to Ranganath was scratching me...May be I should ask him...

But that will sound odd...isn't it??? I mean, i never ever asked about any girl from any one...and ranganath knew me pretty well...so it was a risk

"I haven't wished Ranganath yet...so may be calling him in for a cup of tea and wishing him congrats will sound ok...Right" I asked myself...

You probably would be thinking, why i am in such a hurry to know about this girl...Well, you just heard what my mind say...ONE CHANCE...

And someway, I am not ready to LOOSE it...

I opened my door quickly and called out to Ranganath before he was about to go back to, i suppose, his wife's room

"Yes Sir" He looked startled at me...

"Mind to have a cup of tea with me?" I asked with a hopeful look...Ranganath looked at me with a shocked expression and a little scared too..

OK, may be i should start getting socialized...atleast with my colleagues...I made a point to myself

"Ye.a...h, I mean, sure S.ssir" He stuttered as i made a gesture with my hands to ask him to get into my room and he came.

"Have a seat Dr.Ranganath" I said with a smile...

Dr Ranganath carefully took a seat infront of me as i get seated my self and hold up the reciever after hitting canteen code no "Two cup of teas and sandwiches" I ordered and turn back to look at Ranganath, who was playing with his fingers.

"So Dr.Ranganath...I heard you are now a proud father of a son...Hearty Congrats to you" I said with a warm smile as he look back at me, and hearing of his baby, a smile popped on his face

Thats surly a proud father's signal...What a sweet feeling it must be to think, that you played a part to make a life.

"Thank You Sir...surly this is a proud moment for me" He was beaming with happiness.

"For sure, for sure...so howz your wife and baby? Any name you have given him yet?" I asked generally

"They are doing fine...and no sir, no name yet...Her massi has to decide it as per her, My name is boring and old-fashioned and she don't want his nephew to go after me..." He laughed as i joined him too.

"No no, you have a nice name..." I tried to boost him up

"You better tell her...she is a stubborn girl and my wife's best-friend...so guess, i have to bend down infront of her...not to mention, i consider her my younger sister, i so wished to have" Ranganath praised his saali sahiba that made me curious.

"Seems like she has a dominating personality" I made a guess.

"Dominating and courageous..." Ranganath corrected me. "I admired the way she built up her life on her own and i know, she will be one of the best doctors, our country will ever have" Ranganath kept on going

"Oh really...she is a doctor...then why not a part of KGH?" I wondered.

"She applied for KMC but her grades were not that great as just before her final exams, her father faced a major heart-attack that distracted her...but in MBBS, she was on 4th rank all over india...she wanted to join KGH...but as per rules..." Ranganath left the discussion in the end as i nodded in acknowledgment. As per rules, KGH only hire KMC pass outs.

"I am sorry Dr.Ranganath...i know these rules are tough and i think, we loose a good doctor here...But anyways, let me meet her someday...I am sure i could recommend her in some other hospitals" I offered.

Ranganath smiled "Thank You sir for your kindness...She just left few minutes back or i would have got you two introduced" My heart beat. Is he talking about that beautiful stranger who just bid him bye, outside my cabin.

"She has to report on her duty at 5 as she is doing her internship in CCHH" Ranganath keep on going. "Poor soul...anji was so stressed in the morning that we made her wake up at 6 in the morning even after she did a duty of 36 hours...But these friends are like real sisters...always ready to be with eachother" Now i am sure, Ranganath is talking about her.

We both got interrupted by the knock on my door as the canteen boy, Ajay, entered with tea and sandwiches and we diverted the topic to some hospital related things as i didn't want ranganath to knowledge my keen interest in his sister-in-law.

It almost felt sinful, knowing that she must be so younger to me...but i want to keep my admiration, my little secret for now.

Nidhi's POV

Life was getting tough in internship.

Its been three days that Anji's baby came in this world and i still couldn't found a name to give him. I was sitting in rest room to take a break for 15 minutes, when as on cue, my cell buzzed and Anji's name flashed on it

"Hello" My tired voice said

"What the hell Nidhi...Its been three days but you didn't proposed a name for my baby...are you going to take a month time to give him a name?" She sounded angry

"Anji..." I rubbed my hand on my forehead. "Yaar, i have been too busy with this schedule that couldn't think of anything...and waise bhi...why are you in such a hurry...its just three days, not three months...even beti b got a name after 4 months of her arrival" I tried to joke and giggled.

"Hahaha.,..." anji make a sarcastic tone. "Well my son is not a beta b...and is in need to get a name...as me and ranganath are having differences on his nicknames too...so you better get a name fast or i will name him myself" Anji declared

"Don't you dare Anji...or i will kill you ok" i warned...in which reply she just said a sarcastic yeah yeah.

"Ok i will give you a name in a day or two ok..." Right then, i received a pager calling me for an emergency "Anji, see i need to go now...talk to you later haan...give lots of kisses from me to my baby...bye" I bid her and hurry up to attend the emergency.

It was around 10 in the night when i get free. My senior's bid me bye, and after signing the register...I went out to my car.

My head was paining and all i needed right now was a strong cup of tea...My only rescue.

But i knew, dadi bua will be asleep by now and i was too tired to make it myself so i decided to check on any tea vendor on my way to home.

By chance, the tea stall i visited few days back was the only one i found open...and the scenes from the last time, run in my mind.

The stranger from that day, the rain, the hot glass of tea and the cold...i remembered all that perfectly.

I wrapped my shawl around my shoulders as i get out from my car after parking it and went towards the stall.

The vendor gave me a knowing look as if asking...I nodded back saying "aik garma garam chai" He went on to make it as i look down and this time, i sit on the bench, last time the stranger was occupying.

It was feeling strange. I mean, how many people we do meet day after day...but we forget them so easily, but this face, it seems like not getting out from my mind.

I was still lost in my thoughts when a beep of car locking voice got my attention and i look up, to see my thoughts standing infront of me, in shape of a reality.

That handsome face was looking back at me and was now, coming closer taking strong steps. I didn't witnessed it last time, how tall he really was...and with these specs on, he was looking more chrismatic. The dress pants and that blue shirt with a loose red tie was making him look messy but hot at the same time.

And i didn't realize it that i was actually drooling over him till he came into the shelter of the stall and cleared his throat.

I looked up to see his mischievous bright black eyes, looking down at me that send chills inside my body.

"Hi, I am Dr.Ashutosh Mathur..." He introduced himself and took me by surprise. My mind was working on a slow pace then to process his words as it was still busy memorizing his features, but by the time, i actually realized what he said, he was ordered for his tea.

"OMG" i shouted making him stunned while i was standing on my feet and my hands were covering my mouth "You are the Ashutosh Mathur...The great neurosurgeon" I gasped.

This has to be one of the best moments of my life.

Next Part >>> Click Here

P.S: The fight cancelled...hehe...i decided to bring another aspect here...so may b...a fight will follow later on...who knows..

i dont know, how this chap went...but it just some random thoughts, i wanted to put in here...hope you guys are liking this...

luv ya


Edited by cool_SK - 11 years ago
vidyasabde thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Gm. lovely update.
My heart's GK is more than my mind's  was too good. continue pl. asp update deejiye .
Cherishh thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Hi Ana,

Woww what an unexpected update with an equally unexpected and wonderful part.

Me toh going all gaagaaa about it...its just so cutie-cutie one

Loved Ashu's pov a lottt...loving this teenage Ashu..the way he is already getting crazy about Nidhi and his desire to meet her one more time and to know her was so nice...and he trying to get to know about her with Rangu and Rangu's reaction to his invite was so much funny and was just worth reading...

I always love and admire Nidhi-Anji bond..they r really great buddies

So Nidhi does remember the meet with Ashu..glad to know that.

Well never thought he will introduce himself...well I guess he couldn't have asked more after seeing her drooling over him so openlyπŸ˜‰

The reaction of Nidhi is also cool..so guess this has layed a path for them knowing each other...

Looking forward to more of Nidhi's reaction and Ashu's thoughts about his joyful heart after that...bring the next sooonnn
achiever thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Ana.. a beautiful chapter.. πŸ‘
i really luv the underlying current of romance..
messy and yet hot.. πŸ˜† tht describes Ashu really well..πŸ˜›
so finally thy r face to face.. and girl is already smitten by him..  Good start!πŸ˜‰
Edited by achiever - 11 years ago
Anjani9 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Ashu is in love first, fresh change...Nidhi will also fall in love and Ashu puts effort towards that????
Ashu looking at Nidhi through blends and inviting Ranga for Tea, how many more meetings he has to do now???🀣
He have introduced himself to Nidhi, so tea meetings are required with others...😳
Yes, he looks like Teenager in love...will she shift her to KGH now?
Very good update, enjoyed it...thank you..
achiever thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Anjani9

Ashu is in love first, fresh change...Nidhi will also fall in love and Ashu puts effort towards that????

Ashu looking at Nidhi through blends and inviting Ranga for Tea, how many more meetings he has to do now???🀣
He have introduced himself to Nidhi, so tea meetings are required with others...😳
Yes, he looks like Teenager in love...will she shift her to KGH now?
Very good update, enjoyed it...thank you..

the title of this FF is Tea Stall.. ab tea meetings hi hogi na.. ..πŸ˜†
she has essentially indicated . bahut adrak kutna padega to make a classic adrak wali chai out of his meetings with Nidhi!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†
karajekar thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

hey ana awesome chap sweetheart πŸ˜ƒ

loved ashu curosity to know about nidhi ,how cunningly he tooked information about nidhi from

rangu πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ‘πŸΌ

will wait for next chap ,😊

yaar pls next time give long chap ,extra long chap
lee_Ashni thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Wow nice chapter Ana. I liked Ashu's POV. Waiting for next update. Make it romantic which is lacking in KTLK.