FAQ - MSankalp Shoppe / Magnum Magneto Bracelet

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Posted: 13 years ago

1. How Do Magnetic Bracelets Work?

The Magnetic Theory Revolves In the Arteries Around The Wrist, Which Magnets Improve The Circulatory System And Blood Flow. The Increased Circulation Gives The Body More Of Nutrients It Needs In The Blood, Improving Health Naturally.

2.  What does a BIOMAGNETIC Titanium Bracelet consist of?

Neodymium bio magnets, which are derived from the earth, hold their charge indefinitely, with no significant loss of power. The magnets are combined with Titanium metal, because it is stronger than steel, but is 45 percent lighter. Due to its strength. Lightness, extraordinary corrosion resistance and the ability to withstand extreme temperatures, Titanium metal is used to make BIOMAGNETIC TITANIUM bracelets with 100% pure germanium metal conductor FIR balls.

3. Does the effectiveness of the Bracelet vary according to size or design? 

Even though the sizes and shapes of the bracelet vary, the effectiveness remains the same as the neodymium magnets in each bracelet are around 2,500 gauss to 10,000 gauss. (Gauss is a unit of measurement of magnetic field and is named after mathematician, physics and magnetic research, Kar F. Gauss) 

4. Can I wear my BIOMAGNETIC TITANIUM BRACELET next to my watch? 

We suggest u do not for  a couple of reasons .one reason is simply the extra  wear and tear on the watch and or the bracelet from rubbing  together  another concern is the possible damage to the internal movements of a non - digital watch .

 5. Any side effects?

Magnetic therapy is very safe .The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed that static magnetic fields pose no health risks at all. No complications have ever been reported with its proper use.

6. Who should not use Magnetic Bracelet?

Magnetic bracelet should not be used if you are wearing a pace maker, insulin pump or any other electro- medical device. Do not wear a magnetic bracelet during pregnancy.

Persons  suffering  from  High blood pressure  should  wear  the bracelet on right wrist and person  suffering  from  Low  blood  pressure should wear the bracelet on left wrist .

7.  What are Far-Infrared rays?

 Far- Infrared rays are part of the sunlight spectrum which is invisible to the naked eye. It also known as Biogenetic ray (between 6 to 14 microns). Biogenetics rays have been proven by scientists to promote the growth and health of living cell especially in plants, animals and human beings.

8. What is the effect of Far-infrared rays?

FIR causes resonance with water molecules. it ionizes and activates water molecules in our cells and blood thus improving our blood circulation and health condition, the human body contains more that 70% of water by weight.

9. What is the effect of Far-infra-red rays on our human body?

Actives water molecules in our body. Improve oxygen level in our body. Warming and eliminating fats, chemicals and toxins from our blood and thus smoothening the flow of blood. Elimination of waste from the body, reducing the acidic level in our body & improving the nervous system.

10.Are the BIOMAGNETIC Titanium Bracelets health products or fashion accessories?

Actually, both! They are Jewellery with health benefits. Although you may purchase them initially for the health benefits, we think you will be very happy with how they look as well. Some people even purchase them primarily for the appearance.