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Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: HeirofSharingan

Interesting chapter.. I'm curious about the same thing. What does the nosebleed mean here? Is there something that's Mohana's doing or it's just nature creating more problems for them without any evil being at work. 

I don't remember Dev. Was he introduced before or is he a new character. I'm completely blank on him. 😭 

But their reunion is going to be interesting. And hopefully some progress because they've been stuck in this mess without any hope. And the more they stick around the more this world will allure them. 

They will need will as strong as iron to leave this world and go back to their own. Hopefully it happens soon. 

No dear, as unbelievable as it may seem, in this world neither Mohana nor any other evil entity has any power. Everything is happening as per Ansh's wishes because somewhere deep down, he still has the fear that his presence in Piya's life will only cause her pain. So while he's consciously fighting against all odds to reunite with her, the dynamics in this world have changed as per his subconscious mind's convenience where Piya has a complete family and his own family members aren't in constant danger because of his dark power.

As Piya had decoded earlier, the intricacies in this world are beyond perfection. Given enough time and without any intervention from the real world, anyone would lose his/her way here and accept this as the reality.  

Coming to Piya's nosebleed, back in Chapter 11, Saavi suspected that the spell was taking too much toll on Piya since she was the one who directly connected their minds with their counterparts using Daayan Vriksh. However, before she could convince Piya to reverse the spell, Naman came and one thing led to another.

You see, despite her losses, Piya grew up to become a strong person be it physically or emotionally. But here the spell is really complicated and it's exhausting her. Not to mention, coming face to face with all her deceased family members has also overwhelmed her. So now she's slowly losing her restraint and it's manifesting through her decaying health.

Last but not least Dev... smiley15 smiley15 smiley15

I'm making a separate post to clear up your confusion regarding him. smiley1

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Posted: 1 months ago

Hello my dear readers! smiley1

To clear a few things up, I'm making this post...

As you already know, Piya grew up with Naman under Guru Maa's care because her parents got separated after her brother's death; later Mohana kidnapped Divya. Growing up, she had only one wish - to reunite with her mother. When Nazar originally aired, it was shown that whenever Piya felt terrified or was unsure of her actions, she would always reminisce about Divya and let her wisdom guide her. 

The flashback I included in the last chapter, took place when Piya first began to experience her power and felt drawn toward Ansh while consciously she decided to marry Naman under certain circumstances. At that time she had a vision of Divya encouraging her to have faith and do her best. 

Considering how Piya is torn between her desire to unite with Ansh and her guilt of neglecting others, it felt like an appropriate reference concerning her dilemma. 

Coming to her flashback with Adi, when the show took a 6 years leap, PiyAnsh separated for the silliest of reasons and the Nalayek writer made PiyAnsh behave totally out of their characters. smiley7 smiley7 smiley7 

Ansh felt Piya chose her power over him and their son, smiley44 smiley44 smiley44 refusing to listen to her side of the story smiley7 smiley7 smiley7 and left Piya stranded on the day she came to tell him she was pregnant with their second child. smiley28 smiley28 smiley28

Piya on the other hand, was shattered by Ansh's desertion and decided to leave the city. However, she left Adi behind and hoped that the child would eventually forget her and get on with his life considering he was barely a year and a half at that time.

Post leap, during an accident when Piya tried to save Adi, he blurted out that he knew she was his mother and urged her to save herself. And when Piya said she was not going to leave him, the poor kid stated the obvious prompting Piya to hug him and assure him of her love. smiley19 smiley19 smiley19

As for Dev, he was a Daivik who turned bad and joined forces with Kalashree (Another powerful Daayan). The makers never clarified how and when he decided to switch sides or what was his exact reason for taking that step.

It was only shown that he gained immense power, he could also control others' minds and he played a lot of tricks to prove that Piya being a Daivik belonged with him and not Ansh. For a moment there, even Ansh wondered if he deserved to be with her but Piya had unwavering faith in their love and fought till the end until she overpowered Dev and froze him in a cave. 

That was one interesting track where we had an intelligent villain and the way Ansh supported Piya, it certainly compensated for his horrible behavior during the leap to a large extent. 

That's why Ansh lost his cool when he saw him here because he's not just a regular evil entity; he's someone who tried to snatch Piya from him. That's why he thinks Dev has been revived somehow and used time traveling to exact his revenge on them... 

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Posted: 24 days ago

Chapter - 14

“What a day!” Dev threw himself on his divan, letting out a loud sigh. Although his session with Ansh was rather brief, for some reason he couldn’t get his image out of his mind. The glint in his eyes was vastly different than what he usually saw in his other patients. Until he met him in person, he saw a common pattern and categorized his behavior, but their interaction made him question his own diagnosis; perhaps for the first time in his entire career, which only added to his frustration. What was it that he was missing?

He opened his bag and drew out Ansh’s sketchbook. He was awestruck by the meticulous detailing, â€œGotta give him credit where it’s due, he is awfully good!” Just as he was about to turn the page over, Ansh barged into his apartment, “What the hell did you do with Piya?” Before he could process what was happening, Dev found himself lying in the other corner of the room, bleeding profusely as Ansh hit him with all his might. “For the love of God! Ansh stop it!” 

Karan rushed to Dev’s aid while Rishi stood at the doorstep, astounded at his cousin’s sudden outrage. Even an hour ago Ansh wasn’t well enough to walk properly. How on earth did he manage to run all the way up and then smack the psychiatrist so brutally! It felt as if he was possessed. And the sudden glow in his eyes! Was it real or did he simply imagine that? â€œTell me what did you do?” Ansh punched Dev again, making the latter spit blood this time.

“Ansh please! You are killing him!” Karan shielded Dev from Ansh and tried to reason with him. â€œWhy do you think I have harmed that girl?” Dev asked with much difficulty, angering Ansh further but this time Rishi held him from behind, protecting the young shrink. â€œThank you so much!” Dev grabbed a tissue from the side table and wiped the blood off of his face. It wasn’t the first time that he had been attacked by one of his patients. However, never had it been so severe, and more importantly, what made the guy so violent towards him when they did not even interact properly? 

“I don’t have time for your games Dev. Last time, I fell for your trap, not this time. You may have succeeded to turn the wheel of time but you will never be able to separate us. One way or another, Piya will find her way back to me. I’ll make sure of that.” â€œI’m glad that you think you share a love so great that can defy the laws of time and space. But may I ask what exactly I have done to be treated as a villain in your story?” â€œListen Sir,” Karan finally lost his patience, â€œI appreciate your dedication to your patients but this is insane. Stop this nonsense and tell us what you know for your own good.” â€œAlright,” Dev took a deep breath and faced the cousins, “Neha feels Ansh has schizophrenia.” 

“What?” â€œSchizophrenia - a disorder where a person slowly loses touch with reality.” “I don’t understand…” â€œI don’t blame you for that. It’s actually pretty confusing… All I can say is, it adversely affects a person’s behavior, often leading to isolation from family and friends; because they can’t differentiate between hallucination and reality.” He paused briefly, giving the trio some time to comprehend. “I suppose Ansh was in a relationship with some girl named Ruby and yesterday out of nowhere he dumped her which according to Neha is not something his brother would ever do…”

“And that made her suspect Bhai has schizophrenia! She has lost it!” Rishi was aghast. “That and this,” Dev handed him Ansh’s sketchbook. “Do you know what this is?” “It’s Bhai’s sketchbook.” “Yes, but not just any sketchbook. Take a closer look.” “It’s the comic book Ansh started writing for Vishesh.” Karan mumbled. â€œWait, what!” Ansh was taken aback. “Please don’t tell me you have forgotten about it,” Karan got a little annoyed. 

“Last month when Vishesh’s favorite comic writer declared he was scraping off one of his favorite franchises, Vishesh was inconsolable and you promised him that you would write him a better one. We thought you were joking; at the very best you might write a few chapters and find something else to distract him. Guess we were wrong.” Appalled, Ansh took the book from Rishi’s hand and looked at it. On that particular page, Pralay Yudh (The Great Battle) was depicted where Piya took Goddess Kali’s avatar and he was lying before her.  

“Everyone in your family is aware that Ansh dotes on Vishesh, not that it’s a bad thing but has it ever occurred to you that his attachment with the boy is almost on an obsessive level?” “No, it hasn’t,” Rishi replied firmly, “Vishesh is our baby brother. Each one of us loves him to the moon. There’s nothing wrong or unhealthy about it.” “Is that so?” “Yes. My sister might hero worship you but to me, you are nothing more than a quack who is hell-bent on proving something is wrong with Bhai. You know what, we have heard enough. Let’s go Bhai.” “I respect your opinion Rishi, I really do. But before you leave, please answer one last question - can you tell me in full confidence that the fire incident didn’t shake Ansh’s core or affect his behavior in any way?” â€œWell, I…” “Your hesitation spoke for itself.”

“I have had enough of your riddles and honestly… I don’t even care. It was a mistake that I came here. Go ahead, plot as much as you want but if you dare to harm Piya or my family, you’ll see the worst of me. Let’s go guys.” Ansh was about to leave when Dev stopped him again, â€œI know you don’t trust me, fair enough. But you trust and more importantly love Neha, right? Then hear me out for her sake, you have a shot at a normal life, with people who love you dearly. Don’t toss it away; don’t let one accident dictate your life forever.” â€œWhat do you mean?” Ansh stopped immediately. He was least curious about any of Dev’s stories let alone believe in them. Nonetheless, he had to know what conspiracy Dev hatched this time to manipulate his family.   

“Neha told me a massive fire broke out in your apartment when Vishesh was merely six months old. Only Vedashree Ji, Vishesh a,nd you were at home. If she wanted, she could easily flee with her child. But she didn’t. She prioritized you and saved your life while endangering her own along with Vishesh’s. Ever since that day, you made them the center of your life, even if it came at your own expense.” He paused for a moment, â€œTell me something Ansh, this girl you are so worried about - Piya. If something is really wrong with her, shouldn’t you be by her side right now? Instead, you are here, fighting me because in your imagination I’m some evil wizard who wants to come between you two.” â€œInteresting hypothesis. Still, what makes you so confident that all of these things are interrelated and Ansh needs help?” 

“Because I have gone through his books. Neha isn’t some idiot who would try and get Ansh treated simply because he broke up with his long-term girlfriend. But then it struck her, as per her, Ansh has been acting weird for the past couple of weeks. He does something and then he forgets, there’s been frequent mood swings and then sometimes he completely disconnects from his surroundings. I can tell from the look on your faces that you two have noticed this as well. But yesterday, it went out of hand when he attacked his mother and then got into an accident only to wake up to a complete stranger who he now considers the love of his life.”

Suddenly Ansh felt nauseous. How did Dev come to know about all these things? This was exactly how he behaved when he first began to experience his powers. At that time, he was clueless and Ruby with Mohana’s aid took full advantage of his confusion until Piya stepped into his life. Even if Dev got the upper hand this time due to his association with Kalashree, he couldn’t have known every single detail of their past. And more importantly, if he indeed was repeating his behavior, how come he lost his powers? Yes, at this stage he did not have any control over them but his Daavansh side always took over when he got injured or his life was at stake. Then why did it not work the previous day when Avinash hit him?

“Vishesh loves these stories and I guess that’s what triggered Ansh. The adoration in his little brother’s eyes made him want to become the protagonist of the story who ultimately becomes the protector of mankind.” â€œYou are lying.” â€œI wish I were but I’m not; your love for your brother is so great that you would do anything to please him. It was endearing as long as it didn’t overwhelm your conscious but now things are going out of hand. I’m not saying you shouldn’t pamper your brother. But you should also understand that your Badi Maa made a conscious decision when she saved you because she loves you unconditionally. That makes you a fortunate young man, not a culprit.”

Ansh couldn’t decide how to react. Every cell in his body warned him of Dev’s treachery. Yet, somewhere deep down he felt there was some truth in his narration. Just as Piya was the light in his life, Vedashree was the one who truly gave life to him. He could understand certain changes in this timeline considering someone went back decades ago. But how was it possible that both of his parents were alive and Mohana was a normal human being? 

“Both Vedashree Ji and Vishesh are well aware of what they mean to you. You don’t have to prove your loyalty as a means of repaying your debt. You need to forgive yourself for a tragedy that did not even take place. You must know where to draw the line, where love becomes obsession and easily one can blur the line separating fantasy from reality.” Ansh blankly stared at Dev. Could he be right? The memories that gave him strength, were they all mere his imagination? 

“Are you thinking about what Dev said? There was nothing true or logical about his statement… Look at me Ansh, we haven’t reunited after six years to be separated again. We are made for each other; that’s why we are together despite so many problems and misunderstandings. No one can come between us. 

“He’s a Daivik Piya.” 

“I don’t care who he is. And his identity should not have any effect on our relationship… As long as we are together, we can face anything. Just don’t ever think our separation is the only solution to this problem.” 

“I’m not concerned about this problem Piya, it’s about the connection between two Daivik.” 

“I am connected to you Ansh... And this is how it’ll forever be… You are mine and I’m yours, there’s no place for a third person between us, not even another Daivik…”

No, it was a trap. All those moments he spent with Piya, their love, their loss, her unwavering faith in their connection - he couldn’t let them go in vain. He had to fight with everything in his being to come out of Dev’s spell. â€œI don’t believe you.” “Ansh…” â€œYou have been talking about my obsession with Vishesh. Fine, I agree it explains some of my actions. But what about Piya? How could I describe her entire family with such perfection when I met her only yesterday?” â€œYou are a creative person. Do I really need to spell it out for you? Inspiration comes in many forms. Maybe you had seen her before with her family and something about them resonated with you. Perhaps that’s why you named your characters after them.”

“So your theory is my characters are very much real but I’m living in an imaginary world where their stories pan out differently?” â€œYes.” â€œYou are insane. A delusional person would want to escape the bitter reality not the other way round. Nothing about this book is pleasant. In my sketches, Piya is abandoned in childhood and my character grew up without his biological parents. Why would I want something like that when we both have a complete, happy family in your so-called version of reality.”

“Because tragedy has its own charm Ansh. How many people care about Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”? It’s funny and has a happy ending but people don’t fondly remember him for his comedies as much they fantasize about his tragedies. Be it “Othello” or “Romeo and Juliet”, even kids are aware of them. I told you before also, you have woven a compelling tale here. Two people whose destinies were intertwined for the sake of the greater good, came across and found their missing pieces in one another; two soulmates whose love transcended the barrier of the living and the dead and emerged triumphant; who wouldn’t want to be consumed by such love? I know I would; and so should you. If this Piya girl truly makes your heart flutter, then you should be with her no matter what. Just remember, you should be with a person because you love her, not because you feel compelled to fulfill someone else’s fantasy.” 

Ansh was about to say something when Rishi’s phone beeped. “It’s from the hospital Bhai. She has regained consciousness.”  â€œThank God!” Ansh heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. “We better be going Ansh. This entire Q and A session has been nothing but a waste of time.” Karan faced Dev and folded his hands, “I apologize on my brother’s behalf. But we are done here. Let’s go Rishi.” “I wish you all the best Ansh. May Goddess help you find your way. I just hope you don’t come back seeking my help when it’s all over.” 

His last words sent a shiver down Ansh’s spine. What did he mean? Was it some sort of foreshadowing? He turned around again only to see Devs smiling at him. â€œYour Piya is waiting for you Ansh. Decide with a clear mind how you want her story to end.” “Bhai!” Rishi’s voice startled Ansh, “What’s taking you so long?” “I’m coming.” He closed the door on his way out and took a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter what Dev says. I won’t let him get inside my head. I won’t squander Piya’s efforts because of my baggage. This time, when she opens her eyes, she’ll find the Ansh she always deserved...  

Edited by Nush_Rat - 24 days ago


coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

Dev has got Ansh all turned around and confused. He has him questioning everything that is important to him. But there are traces of truth in what he says.

Ansh will have tread a fine line here. Listen just enough but continue focusing on his ultimate goal too.

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Posted: 24 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

Dev has got Ansh all turned around and confused. He has him questioning everything that is important to him. But there are traces of truth in what he says.

Ansh will have tread a fine line here. Listen just enough but continue focusing on his ultimate goal too.

You got that right. smiley20

The real Dev was a master manipulator. Even though Piya saw through his pretense, she had a hard time dealing with him as he gravely injured Ansh and controlled the rest of the family members' minds. 

As for Ansh's ultimate goal, I apologize in advance if it is becoming a little boring/repetitive. But then again, it's essential for the climax of the story. Because we know what and who led to this situation but the characters don't. They are navigating through their complexes while also trying to stay strong and do the right thing for their loved ones.

Besides, this parallel world has its own dynamics. So it's not like they can just appear here, take Ansh back and leave. Ansh tried that and that landed him up in the hospital bed. So they are being extra careful.

But I can give you some spoilers - in the next chapter PiyAnsh will finally meet. So yes, there will be some progression in that direction. smiley20

Edited by Nush_Rat - 21 days ago
HeirofSharingan thumbnail
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Posted: 23 days ago

This is getting even more intriguing. Dev is trying to manipulate Ansh, right? I hope Piya finds some solution for them. Dev seems to be a real threat here, more than Mohana. Ngl, considering how persuasive he is, he reminds me of Danzo. 💀 

Like, he's so convincing, so there's no way to counter him. And people around Ansh seem to trust him, so there's so much he's going to have to fight. 

I'm waiting for the next chapter, because it's going to be interesting to see how it turns out. Agghh. I cannot wait. 

Nush_Rat thumbnail
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Posted: 21 days ago

Originally posted by: HeirofSharingan

This is getting even more intriguing. Dev is trying to manipulate Ansh, right? I hope Piya finds some solution for them. Dev seems to be a real threat here, more than Mohana. Ngl, considering how persuasive he is, he reminds me of Danzo. 💀 

Like, he's so convincing, so there's no way to counter him. And people around Ansh seem to trust him, so there's so much he's going to have to fight. 

I'm waiting for the next chapter, because it's going to be interesting to see how it turns out. Agghh. I cannot wait. 


At this point, I'm not sure how to react. The complex universe that NARUTO is if I've been able to remind you of a character like Danzo, that's literally the ultimate reward for a novice like me. smiley27 smiley27 smiley27

Then again, I hated that b****rd to his core smiley7 smiley7 smiley7 but loved Dev smiley15 smiley15 smiley15 so I'm feeling a bit conflicted right now. smiley17

You are absolutely right, Mohana came nowhere near Dev if we consider his calculative moves and powers. Unfortunately, she was one of the central characters, and the makers were practically obsessed with her so they always came up with some dumb explanation to prove her superiority over the Daivik-Daavansh duo who BTW defeated all the remaining and more powerful antagonists together. smiley44 smiley44 smiley44

But that's a different topic and I can write page after page on this so let's not get into that. smiley39 smiley39 smiley39

It's not like Ansh's cousins believe Dev, except for Neha of course. Nevertheless, they are being reasonable and cautious. I mean, you can't barge into someone's apartment, beat him to a pulp, and walk away; there's gotta be some repercussions, and Karan is trying to avoid that. On the other hand, Rishi doesn't believe Dev at all but Ansh's complex is known to all. Hence he couldn't say anything to Dev.

Right now Ansh is this close to losing it. It's amazing in the sense that this Dev is a creation of his subconscious as well. Yes, he's not real. Ansh is consciously trying to get to Piya while his subconscious mind is controlling the dynamics of this world where Piya is better off without him. That's why this version of Dev is aware of how he behaved originally; his relationship with Vedashree and his guilt is almost the same as how it is in the real world. It's designed so meticulously to ensure his subconscious wins over his conscious and ultimately he gives up on Piya. It's dangerously twisted. smiley13 smiley13 smiley13

That is why it's more on Piya because she has to reinstate his faith in their love again. And we already know how the spell has started to affect her health so the next chapters are gonna be even more difficult for them.

I just hope I can do complete justice to their situation in the successive chapters because it's becoming awfully difficult even for me... smiley24 smiley24 smiley24