a woman is strong.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

.If it turns out that you are weak and sensitive, you are finished. However, if you go your own way and still show success (faster, better, stronger...) then you will make many friends that you would be wisest to keep at a distance until everything crystallizes. Don't show that anything confuses you and let them know as little as possible about you and be nice and civil with everyone.... People are evil.

This is one of those stories that will never wait to be read, or maybe they will.


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zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

Chapter 1.

It might sound pretentious, but this is perhaps one of those stories that can always be continued, depending on the actor of the story.

Every wound will not heal, every word will not hurt, every pain will not stop hurting, but if you are persistent enough and have a big heart, regardless of all that, everything will be fixed.

The story started way back in 1980 and some. She met the love of her life. And she lived like a queen in her own little world where, together with her great love, she made a wonderful life filled only with happiness and joy. After a year of happy marriage, a beautiful boy was born who won the heart and soul of his parents. Their little oasis of peace and happiness was so wonderful that she was afraid that something would disturb them. She followed her wonderful husband everywhere and was proud of him. And he on her. He did everything to make her happy and, if necessary, take the stars from the sky. Their little son grew up in the same environment and prosperity, and no one suspected that the end was in sight.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

Chapter 2.

And then it happened. Their little family was destroyed in seconds. He died. He, who was everything to her in life, he who lifted her up to the heavens and took down the stars from that same sky. He, without whom she could not breathe or even exist. He, who made her the happiest person in the world, and gave her their little son. Everything disappeared in a second, like a tower of cards everything collapsed. She stayed on the street. She who lived like a princess was left with nothing in the world. They took everything from her, her house and her husband and her son's father and her reputation in society, but they couldn't do one thing. The pride and immense love she felt for her husband. Everyone turned their backs on her, everyone except her parents. But she didn't give up. She stood up and became one of the strongest women in her town. She stood up because she became aware that she who didn't know how to pay one bill now has to take care of everything. Her little son, who was not yet aware of what was happening, asked to have everything, and she had to give it to him.

  She who never had to do anything hard, now she was forced to work two or three jobs to support her son, she had to take care of him and give him both her love and her father's love. She thought that for her in her life is over. She devoted herself so much to her son that she forgot that she was young, and that there might be someone who could replace her husband.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

One day she accidentally and unconsciously became aware that some dark eyes were watching her. She became aware that those same eyes had been watching her for some time. She was happy and began to feel like a woman again. She hadn't used make-up for years, but suddenly she felt the need to start dressing up a bit. She enjoyed his company. Little by little, the two fell in love with each other so much that they could no longer live without each other. They started living together, and her wonderful son saw in that man a man he could say would make my mom happy, and I would finally have someone whom I might call dad one day.

Everything was wonderful and fabulous and they were planning a family, and maybe to expand their small family with one or two more members. They agreed and planned the wedding, but as always in her life, something had to go wrong.

Every time they arranged the wedding day, his mother had a heart attack. Then they both became aware that nothing would come of their marriage as long as his mother was alive. And he said it himself.

However, she who has already gone through hell in her life could not bear that someone she loves more than herself thinks that way. One morning when he was getting ready for work, she saw him off and with a heavy heart and soul she packed all his things and sent them to his mother. She cried for days and sent her son to her parents because she didn't want him to see her so devastated.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

She needed time to settle down and think about what to do next. But her big heart realized that only if she understood that if he was happy, she would be happy too. She never met him again, although his friends tried to bring them together. He got married, and had a beautiful little girl whom he gave a beautiful name. She met him in those days by chance, and she just wished him luck and congratulated him on his daughter with a smile on her face.

She heard that he had to marry that person and that he was not happy at all, but she never tried to get involved in that relationship and ruin the marriage. She also met his wife by chance, and then because of that meeting she realized that he still loves her. She is aware that she will never stop loving him and will always be happy to see him in life.

He still lives in the conviction and in the hope that maybe sometime in his life the two of them will be together.

zajedno thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

coderlady thumbnail
Most Comments (2023) 1 Thumbnail Most Comments (April 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 7 months ago

Things were going so well for the couple. What could go wrong?

coderlady thumbnail
Most Comments (2023) 1 Thumbnail Most Comments (April 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 7 months ago

She was dealt a severe blow indeed. These things are beyond anyone's control.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

She did not give up. She was secure in her love and fought to rebuild her life.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 7 months ago

Guess the guy's mother did not want him married to a woman with a child.