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Posted: 3 years ago

Till now the story has proceeded in predictable manner. All three characters have done things that were expected of them and somehow we were able to guess what their next move would be

Kabir- we knew he will send Riddhima to vansh's house, to get proofs. He did it, but without training Riddhima property, and not thinking of the consequences.

But some he does not come across as a officer, who is sharp and excellent at his job as they are trying to portray. Perhaps if they had shown planning with his team and training Riddhima the impact would have been more.

Riddhima- she said that she can do anything for Kabir, and agreed to spy over vansh. 

But let's be realistic here, she is a normal happy go lucky girl, living a simple life, how will she know danger of trying to spy over a person like vansh.

She has no knowledge of the art of espionage. It's not her fault, Kabir gave her zero training.

Vansh- He is portrayed to be a shrewd business man and a ruthless white collar criminal. He is able see through Riddhima's facade. 

As predicted by most of us is marrying Riddhima to get to the truth. He wants to know whom is Riddhima helping?

Now we have seen many shows in which the leads get married to "destroy each other" but eventually fall in love. But IMMJ is known for its unpredictable plot line and twists.

I hope that the makers of the show, and the writer give us an extraordinary story filled with surprises and twists that are beyond imagination. The lead actors are doing a great job. This show is different and has a lot of potential, I hope it lives upto our expectations.