BigBoss - After Party pg 64 COMPLETED - Page 34


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arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: ramya4barun

Is it all for real..!!?

I mean..Its Unbelivable man..!!😲
Firstly ...Awesome Update..!!πŸ‘
Hahaa..Drama serial...really that was correct..!! It does look like one..πŸ˜†πŸ˜› !!
No MVP...😲..Then what are planning Di..!??
Its okk..koi baat nai..Am sure u r upto some other idea...πŸ˜ƒ!!
Hehee..the reaction on double eviction...πŸ˜›πŸ˜†...Lol..!!
Told u..Swayam wiuld be safe...He is such a sweetheart..😳!!
Finally My Arnie n swayam got to know the truth..!!πŸ˜•
 Thier reaction was justified.!!πŸ€”
I mean they r worried about Abhi...n Abhi should have told him beforehand..!!
Koi Nai..Rehendee..!!
No Secrets btw them..!! πŸ˜Š
So..Roshini is Evicted....!!
I feel Sorry for her..!! But its a gameπŸ€”..!!
But there was no gud bye messages for her..poor girl left without any..!!πŸ₯±
I know its a double eviction so..u had to hurry up...!! 
Dun worry Roshini...Everybody loves u..😳

πŸ‘πŸ˜‰Yayyy...β­οΈπŸ‘πŸΌ..My Arnie is the HOH!!

Am superrr excited...πŸ€—
I soo love this update...!!☺️
Hahaa..Arnav Singh Raizada freaking out...Thats a rare sight to see...πŸ˜›πŸ˜‰
yaaa..Manik should be oout...I mean He could no long survive either...Alonnee n with Mukti as a rival..I guess no !!
So the backup plan...Must say..Swayam has turned intelligent...!!😊
Hehe that was true...If He had nominated Taani n Mukti..both of them would kill him for sure.. poor my Arinee..πŸ˜›
So ..The plan is to evict Manik...As putting up Nandini n Mukti as pawn..!!
That was brilliant..Among them Mukti is the only one who could save herself..!!
Getting MUkti out...😲
I was shocked...Did I just read that!!??
That too from Swayam..!! Whoa...Boy!!

Hiya...Yep this is for real ...πŸ˜† ...a lot like a drama many ups and i think the houseguest deserve a break from the MVP or they will all go mad...yes they didn't take the news very well...hehe thanks to you all Swayam was safe this time...the boys got a shock from Abhi...but im sure they will work their way around it...yes bye bye roshni...hehe sorry forgot about the messages as time was short...but we all love her...YAY your arnav became HOH but had to make quick decision on the sot poor guy...but Swayam is playing smart...they want to get Mukti out...let's see how that work! πŸ˜² 
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: ramya4barun

I know..swayam is wrong on his part..!!🀒
Going behind ABhi..πŸ˜•
But what he did is all for Abhi's own good..!!
TO save his friend n his alliance..Its a game..n u need to play safe..!!
But...Mukti is Abhi's weakness..!!
He can never go against her..Thats for sure...n she even blackmailed him..!!
That was wrong..!!
But its her game..!! That is also fair..!!😳
Nothing against her...Infact She is my next fav  After..My Arniee n Swayam!!
I completely dont blame Swayam in this..I know..He may be ..Wrong..But I support him...!!
N See..Mukti Won the Veto...That was what We all Want..!!πŸ‘β­οΈπŸ˜‰
Finally she is safe...!! Uff!! was tensed...while reading this..πŸ˜†
Hehe..The Lover went n told the plan to his girl...Such a sweetheart He is...πŸ˜†πŸ˜³
So manik n Nandini are up...!!
But whhat was that..!!😲
How can Nadini blame Mukti..!??😑
I  am completely angry on Nandini for this..!!πŸ₯±
But I guess the fear of getting her or Manik eliminated...Made her say such things..!!
n The girls Alliance broke !!!????
Are u for real..I mean How..many twists yaar..!!??πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ‘
OMG!! I cant belive this..!!

In the corner Swayam and Arnav was having their own conversation.


"Our plan didn't work..." Arnav whispered.


"Don't worry Party Abhi Bhaki Hai..." Swayam said...


I smell..TROUBLE..!!

What are they upto!!?/Hey Devimayya!!!

I am surly going to get an Heart attack for sure..!!πŸ˜†

Update soonn!!😊

My Vote for Eviction goes to Manik ...Sorry Manik!!No other option..!!

Swayam is playing rough...lets see what happens when Abhi finds out...😲 it's so confusing...I don't even know how this one is going to turn out...Mukti saved herself...and both her and Abhi celebrated together...but poor Nandini...I don't think she should've blamed Mukti though...let's see how the girls work out their there are loadss of twist in our stories...always were and forever will be...πŸ˜ƒhehe you guys are lucky we don't leave you with cliffhangers like our other ffs...πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ ...oh no...don't have a heart attack!! πŸ˜² ...and thanks for voting!! 
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: taarey_ria

What a super crazy update! My god! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Swayam is safe! πŸ˜ƒ
And roshni is evicted, well, not happy, not sad too πŸ˜†
Thank god abhi understood 
Finally he told the truth! πŸ˜Š
Seriously, trying to be a hero πŸ˜†
Arnav is the HOH πŸ˜Š
Nandini and Mukti are the nominees 
And I liked swayam's plan, but I didnt like it.. πŸ˜†
I know i am so confused myself!
But now that swayam's plan hasnt worked, I dont know whats going to happen. 
And the end? Nandini got it all wrong I guess! 
And between Nandini and Manik, both are favourites, who do I choose? πŸ˜•πŸ˜•
Do I have an option of not nominating anyone, then I would do that πŸ˜›

But seriously I dont know who to nominate...
Maybe I ll edit this post when I know... 
Sorry about that 

Waiting for the second part! 
Do update soon! 

Hey thank you sooo much for was super duper Crazy lol...confusion confusion...your happy and sad...Abhi gave the boys a shock...and Arnav is HOH...he had to make quick worries that you couldn't vote...I understand it must be chill alls well... πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: monikasaxena05

Amazing update
Seriously was full if drama
M glad mukti saved herself...
Nd she nominated manik
Well then plz evict manik
Continue soon

Hey thank you...glad to know you enjoyed the full drama based episode...Mukti is saved leaving Manik and Nandini...thanks for voting!
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Peda


That was a super double twist.
First ASR and Swayams plan.
Then Nandini breaking the girl alliance.
This was a very tough choice to make but I think I'm going to go with Manick.

Hey thanks so much...yes it really was a drama filled episode...lets see how thngs work out...thanks for voting! 
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: advianya

My Vote for Eviction goes to Nandini ...Sorry Nandini!!

Thanks so much for voting!!!
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
taarey_ria thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Please can you update the second evictions now? Pleasee!.eagerly waiting! 😊
arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: taarey_ria

Please can you update the second evictions now? Pleasee!.eagerly waiting! 😊

Hey i am also waiting for my sister to fix up... i have finished writing it... just waiting on her... hopefully it will be up very soon!! πŸ˜ƒ

arsafar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Part 10 - Double Elimination Part 2


The audience cheered as Armaan came onto the stage, his brightening appearance made the stage even more magnificent...


"Welcome back for Part 2 of our Special Double Elimination Episode... Bringing you up to speed here is a recap of what happened before the break..."Armaan started.


"Roshni was the first houseguest to leave the house... following Roshni's exit was the HOH competition which Arnav won... he then put up Mukti and Nandini for evictions following a backdoor plan to evict Manik... at a very breath taking POV competition Manik and Mukti battled it out to see who would win the veto... Mukti has come out on top... she then used the veto to save herself... and Arnav finished their backdoor plan to evict Manik... leaving Manik and Nandini currently sitting on the block... awaiting evictions..." Armaan finished...


The audience cheered...


"Okay let's have a look at what happened during the break..." Armaan said...



After POV Ceremony...


Swayam and Arnav went off to the boy's room...


Nandini had stormed off with Manik behind her...


Taani had walked off to get something to drink leaving Mukti and Abhi in the living room...

Mukti was super upset of the accusations Nandini had thrown at her... she had always stood up for her and now Nandini had thrown it back into her face... although Mukti had been in on the plan to backdoor Manik she never wanted anything to happen to Nandini...


Abhi watched Mukti... he knew she was doing some serious thinking and did not want to disturb her...


Mukti finally looked at him... "I am sooo done with Nandini... she wants to make me her target... fine... she can bring it on... because I will crush her as I did Manik... at least one of them will be leaving..." she finished.


"Forget about them Mukti... just focus on yourself... she will get what is coming to her..." Abhi said.



Boys Room


"Swayam... what are we going to do?" Arnav asked.


"I have no idea... but something will come up I know it..." Swayam said.


"You are right... Abhi is totally wrapped around her finger... if not he would have been here with us right now..." Arnav agreed flopping on the bed.


 "I know..." Swayam said... He had to think of something...



Chill out Room


Nandini was really upset and she was crying; Manik hugged her...


"I can't believe Mukti would do this!!" Nandini said; "...she went this far to separate us..." Nandini continued.


"I don't know Nandini... I think this time it was not Mukti's idea..." Manik said to her; Nandini looked at Manik...


"What are you talking about...? Mukti hated seeing me with you... she is the only one who could have put us up together..." Nandini argued.


"Yeah true... but why would Mukti put herself up... or ask Arnav to put her up... no one could have seen this double eliminations coming up... I think this was someone else's plan..." Manik said thoughtfully.


"Yeah that's true..." Nandini said sitting down.


"Look Nandini if I go today... and I know I will... you need to have people on your side... don't push your friends away... Mukti is strong... you need her on your side..." Manik reasoned with her.


"I don't think I can go back Manik after everything I said..." Nandini told him.


"You have to do something Nandini..." Manik said to her.



Mukti walked into the garden... she saw Taani sitting by herself...


"Hey..." Mukti said sitting next to Taani... she realised that Taani was crying...


"What's wrong Taani...?" Mukti asked.


"I don't know... everything is sooo messed up... first Roshni leaving... then Nandini and your fight... then the girls' alliance being over... I don't know where I am anymore..." Taani said wiping away her tears... Mukti hugged Taani.


"Hey stupid... what do you mean by that huh... who said the girls alliance is over... because I am still here and so are you... we don't need anyone else... just the two of us...we are going to be there for each other...till the end..." Mukti said comforting Taani.


"Really?" Taani asked smiling.


"Why fear when Mukti is here..." Mukti said smiling back.


They hugged again...


"Okay I have something to do so you just chill and no more crying okay... I'll be right back..." Mukti said standing and walking back to the house.


Taani watched her go and smiled...


Mukti walked in the direction of the boys' room... she knew they would be there... and she was right; she saw the group of three boys hanging out together...


"Hey guys..." she said sitting down on the bed...


Arnav and Swayam sat up sharing a brief look with each other...


Abhi got up and sat next to Mukti with that same smile on his face...


"Actually I wanted to thank you guys... Abhi told me the plan about backdooring Manik... and it was amazing... no one saw it coming..." Mukti said appreciating what the guys did for her.


"Well Manik was the target of the house..." Swayam said slowly.


"Yeah but still... I mean thanks for having my back..." Mukti said.


"Come on Mukti... you don't have to thank us..." Abhi said smiling at her.


"And another thing... I want to apologise... for nominating Abhi and putting him in the position where he had to choose between you guys..." Mukti said she knew she had apologised to Abhi but she felt that if they were bringing her in their plan then she should be honest with them.


"Seriously?" Swayam asked.


"Yeah seriously... it was wrong... at the time I did not know you guys... and I was doing what I thought was right but... I felt totally bad afterwards... I had to apologise to Abhi... straight away..." Mukti said.


"It's cool Mukti... we are safe..." Arnav said; he could see that Mukti was really being genuine...


He looked over to Swayam... who was deep in thought... Swayam was looking at Mukti with mixed emotions...



Back On Stage


"Okay coming back... it is now time for the results to be told to the houseguests... let's go into the house to meet them..." Armaan said.


Inside the house everyone was quiet awaiting Armaan...


"Hello Houseguests..." Armaan said... the houseguests replied enthusiastically breaking the silence...


"What a day it's been... but it is now the final moments of this Double Elimination Episode..." Armaan said.


"Yay!" Swayam said and everyone laughed.


"Nandini and Manik are nominated for evictions let's see who the audience has evicted from the house..." Armaan said.


Armaan opened the envelope that was in his hands...


"The name I am about to call... has been evicted from the house..." Armaan said.


The houseguests waited...the tension was so thick it could have been cut with a was pin drop silence until Armaan spoke up once again...


"Manik...!" he said slowly; " have been evicted from the Big Brother House..."


Manik smiled; he got up and hugged Nandini the longest before making his way around to the other houseguests...


"I am sorry if I have hurt any of your feelings... and may the best player win..." Manik said before leaving the house...


Nandini who had tears in her eyes lead the way to the screen where everyone's picture was and they all waited until Manik's picture turned grey...



On Stage...


Manik came onto the stage and he met Armaan... who then gestured to him to have a seat...


"What happened?" Armaan asked as Manik settled down...


"I have no idea... I mean I guess I knew this would have happened... after last week... but like this I never thought..." Manik replied...


"How would you describe your journey...? I mean we saw you alone lots of the time in the house..." Armaan said.


"Yeah... I mean everyone was busy making alliances... and I somehow ended up all alone... and being alone in this house is worst... than if you have a huge alliance... because the paranoia creeps up on you... especially after Abhi nominated me... I felt like I was being targeted... then I became HOH and Samrath asked to be in an alliance... and I thought to myself... where was he last week when I needed an alliance... he was too busy with Mukti... you know... as soon as I got power... then alliances started showing up... I felt like I was going mad..." Manik said.


"What about You and Nandini..?" Armaan asked.


"Nandini was definitely my best and somehow my only friend in the house... she stood up for me... we hung out... even after what I did to her... she is the best..." Manik said with a smile.


"Aww okay well thank you soo much for being on the show... Everyone let's have a huge round of applause for Manik..." Armaan said leading the applause...


Manik met Armaan and then exited the stage...


"Well we have come to the end of our Double Elimination episode... I do hope you guys enjoyed it... and I will see you next time on Big Brother India... Goodnight..." Armaan said before exiting the Stage...


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the part... It was a short part because I kind of wanted to round it off...Please like and comment to share your views Thanks x

Edited by arsafar - 9 years ago