Letter 1

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Waqt Zaya


Dear Rishabh Bajaj

I woke up early in the morning in anticipation of only catching a slight glimpse of you but Higher Power was kind and showered me with quite a big scene of you. Your Intro promos had me hooked not because you are being played by my most favorite actor but because you lulled me towards you.Your hair might be Salt and Pepper but the adrenaline junkie that you are made you jump from the rooftop only to reveal your logo. The next moment anyone might think you to be someone who is high on life someone who loves dangerous sports and anything but business; a businessman who is damn good? Nope! But a businessman who is the best of it. If that wasn’t enough you just let the viewers know your world view.. one who doesn’t fear, the world falls on their feet. Who had seen such a superhero intro promo ever on ITV? But you had. You made me intrigued the with the very intro. Today was the day that gave me a chance to know more about you.

You were the one whose employees call him Khadoos and Strange yet definitely rattle like a window pane in a storm, in the fear of yours. Though they don’t know you, haven’t worked with you, but they are already irritated with you for making them overwork. They go on to say that you don’t have a family.  But your presence shudder them with extreme level of fright that your presence commands.  You leave your office to meet your attorney.Your attorney seems to be scared of you too but he is way beyond starstruck;which he pretty much is. He knows the commotion outside the office you are suppose to have a meeting with, will irk you to hell and he seems quite disturbed about it. You come in your shining car, the shining armor substitute in this ghor kalyug. You see the commotion, workers yelling and shouting protesting against you. But panic isn’t your virtue because as calm control confidence is. You calmly take out one of your favorite cigars; darling they are bad for your health dear! And then proceed to step out of the car of yours, as your bouncer himself opens the massive umbrella for you. The Union Leader greets you with harsh words, threatens you that they won’t work and you should probably buy a lock instead but when he sees you without a care lighting your cigar instead,he too shudders with the sudden fear that runs down his spine. Oh did I tell you how much I love your BG score? Gives me an adrenaline rush that me requires. The cigar gives a tiny glimpse of your brooding self and ofc the charming self of yours lulls everyone like a moth to the fire.

Your attorney even before he starts you put him in his place with just one gesture, the rise of your index finger! And finally in this commotion he viewers get the much awaited glimpse of you, you smoking your cigar, without a worry a care in this world, and you puff it out on the face of everyone, fearlessly without a damn care. You take puffs of your cigar and observe the commotion all around you. You let the market place chaos take its own pace but then before it could even turn into any angle, you ask for the man who was the leader of this chaotic mob. You ask Iss bemaksad ki bhedd ko jamakarne wala abhi issi bheed mein maujood hai, right? What are you dear? It takes you a less than a minute to understand the crowd dynamics and you can easily pinpoint who would be present and who not. You don’t regard the Union leader by his name instead reduce him to an insignificant being. That man looked as if he had all his position and importance vanished into thin air and he is visibly scared of you. He is shocked but approaches you, but you take puffs of your cigar instead making him know his place. You again ask him, this time a rhetorical question,Insaan aur janwaar ke beech mein farak jante ho? A human being walks on two limbs and works with his hands but hunger reduces everyone on four limbs. The statement shocks all of them as well as us, you know what this particular company’s weakness, and you hit it where it hurts; you didn’t have your salary for three month?! The Union leader says badi badi baatein but it has no effect on you. But when he says, you lack a heart, your instantly correct that you do,its just that you listen to it lesser and you listen to your mind more. At first we feel why are you answering this man who isn’t even considered relevant, but your prompt denial of someone accusing you for not having a heart, does show how much hurt you had been in life that lead you to this state where all that you care about is business which is a war to you and all is fair in love and war for you. You don’t waste your time and state your deal. The Union leader thinks it’s a joke because he genuinely thinks you were bluffing but but but , you remind him who you are and how serious you are by just one general statement that also marks a trait of your, Main ek baar bolta hoon, ekbari mein sunne ki adat daal lo. To don’t have time to waste, once said its done. You even think of words to spend, because time means business and that cant be wasted.

But when did anything come for free, especially when it is you who is having a deal?! You now put the belittled Union Leader in his high position and ask him to do everything he could to to bring the stocks and shares of the company down. Impress me, only then you will get what I promised.With that you stand infront of the tall gate, which now looks insignificant to your stylish, swag-filled enigmatic persona. With a sexy smirk of already knowing the outcome of the meeting, you go on to take on the world. This is a child’s play for you. You know you have made all the right moves and now there’s only victory for you. With your impervious composure the way you handled the chaotic mob shows the immense power you hold in this world of business. The class that you are, the charm that you hold, the ruthlessness that you posses,and the intensity that you have, everyone gets a true picture about it. Even Rain looks insignificant infront of your majestic aura. 

Before you can show yourself, your attorney comes and speaks of your arrival, like a typical page who announces the arrival of the monarch that you truly are. Your attorney dictates to the owner of The Textile Kings,that if he didn’t stand up in your respect, he will be indirectly punished. Aren’t you an absolute royalty? And rightfully so, you deserved all the respects,because the mention of your name demands for it, you are that big a tycoon! You make an appearance and spell it out that you are not interested in cordial greetings and jump right to the point. Though the textile owners try to grab your attention by their nice presentation, you are more engrossed in your phone. When the CEO informs you about their company, you correct the facts with as minimal words required and give them an ultimatum by asking them to see the truth that was all over the news. As the owner now outrageously shouts at you saying that the company was a like a child to him, you put him in his place by saying You call it your child and yet you put a price tag on it?! You know everything favors you now, especially making the owner vulnerable you state your deal. Either 100crs or sell it even less. Your personality now hit a bigger landmark when you say you really understand the situation of the owner but everything has an expiry date and you don’t have a date, its time and its just 30seconds.

You look at the owner this time with a faraway look and this puts me into question, if you were so brutally attacked every in your life that you now find pleasure in hitting not only where it hurts the most but also making people vulnerable and yet hurting them to no point of recovery? It almost seems you felt sorry for the man, but sorry has no place in business.Time runs out and the CO of the company reveals in that very short span of 30seconds that it was all done by you. You relish that reaction too much and now announce that it was your time to leave. The CEO panics so does the Owner and as you start counting the seconds, the owner accepts the deal. You knew this deal was yours, but what was fun, what was entertaining to you was that Dusroke haar ka twahaar you could relish. You absolutely love destroying people and it serves as and entertainment to you. With that you leave, but earn some earful.You had been expecting it and it pleasures you to know that whatever you anticipated came back at you without even waiting. And you make it very evident, that not everyone is you as you are the ABSOLUTE and bless us with your walk of beauty like Shruti says.

So many question you left me with Rishabh Bajaj. The enigma that  you are still has a lots of shades left for us to know. Waiting in Anticipation which makes me wake up at 6am in the morning, even my mom's flying chappals couldnt do. 

Love Ankie. 

2019-06-17 17:18:32

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Comments (2)

What! So so exciting! Now I wanna watch his entry again 😍😍

3 years ago