Marriage or Martial rape Matured

1 months ago

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Marriage or Martial rape

She was waiting for her husband in the room that had been hers from the moment she stepped through the door.

Ayesha took a glance around her new room.

The entire space was embellished with jasmine, marigolds, peace lilies, and 

The four corners were exquisitely adorned with English ivy plants that resembled newlywed jewellery. 

The king-sized bed, big enough to fit five people, was covered in red rose petals.

The room was accommodated with expensive furniture, the thick curtain reached the floor, 

Ayesha could see the fireworks lights penetrate the window. A narrow stream of lights projected inside in between the gap of the curtain on either side and fell on the floor. 

She saw a large photo frame on the wall.

The man who was in the photo was in a black coronation uniform with the same colour hat on his head , he was holding a white rolled paper bound by a red ribbon. The man had a cleaved smile where his eyes were twinkling with happiness.  

The person was her husband, Gautam Kaur. 

Ayesha was so lost in the charm of the man in the photo frame she couldn't realise she wasn't alone in that room.

The door was locked after yelling out a thudded sound. 

Ayesha returns to her own self. She grew consciousness when she saw Gautam standing close to the locked door. 

Ayesha’s eyes went wide open as she noticed her husband eyeing her too. , he had a calm smile on his cheeks. Gautam was four inches taller than her. But he loved to work out, which he had told her during their marriage conversation. 

They shared an awkward smile. 

Aeysha tried to keep herself normal, so she took deep breaths. 

She felt Gautam's sights all over her skin. Her cheek flashed. She knew she wasn't in love with him but her breathing grew heavy due to nervousness. 

He was wearing a gorgeous expensive royal blue sherwani and also a golden cream turban on his head.

He removed the garlands over his head and put them over a couch. 

As he was taking slow steps towards her Ayesha's toes curled inward. She clutched her knees with both hands. 

Gautam came and took a seat exactly opposite her .

“ Are you feeling alright?" His voice was soft

Ayesha nodded her head, keeping her bow down . She was sweating because of the heavy jewellery and thick saree. She would be relieved if she could change into some normal casual outfit.

Even though she was hungry since the afternoon, she didn't eat anything after the morning when she had only food. 

He lifted her chin in his right index and gazed at her straight.

Ayesha's heartbeat grew faster as he came into her proximity, his warm breathing crushing against her face and neck. 

He brought his face near and kissed softly on her lips.

Ayesha assumes they will discuss families, hobbies, and life in general. since they were not all that close. Even though she was speaking with him, he seemed to be genuinely interested in her and had the ability to read her innermost thoughts. Gautam did not reject her when she asked if she could keep studying until his final exams. Instead, he expresses his appreciation for her enthusiasm. 

His mouth moved slowly, following the contour of her jaw. proceeded to her throat. 

Ayesha used to read a romance book that a friend had given her when she was a college student. 

She could not feel anything tonight, not even the shivers down her spine, which she had read books, watch in movies when  the male lead makes love to his lady love. Butterfly didn't dance in her stomach. Her heart didn't flutter; rather she felt disgusted. His fluffy lips made her sick in the pit of her stomach. 

He did not consider whether she was ready to be intimate with him on their first day of marriage. Does he not find any significance in her consent ? 

The way Gautam pressed his tongue inside her mouth made her feel choked and like she should throw up.

She disliked the way he touched her skin.  His saliva made her to vomit out. 

Before she could think of anything, he threw her saree. She had almost no energy left in her body to protest after what had happened.

Gautam started giving agressive kisses, which turned into bites. 

He began by biting her lips and worked his way down to her thighs. 

When he bit her neck, she screamed out loud. Imprints were left there by his teeth biting. Her olive complexion turned red. 

His hands reached before her chest and commenced moulding her breasts harder .Ayesha's head was whirling from agony. She assumed he would devour her flesh, much like a ravenous dog.

Ayesha winced in agony and closed her eyes. 

 His teeth gripped her nipples so firmly that it felt as though they were going to rip them from their natural source.  

With pain in her voice, tears streamed down her cheeks. These bites were not tender. His teeth appeared to be biting right through her flesh. 

Aeysha shrieked out in pain. She asked him to stop. But she realised her pleading hadn't reached his ear.

He tore apart the last piece of clothes from her body, and she got completely naked. 

Gautam pinned her down over her chest and then turned her in the doggy position.

 A painful moan escaped her when he entered her. 

She gasps for breath as he thrusts inside her without thinking about hurting her. 

 Tears prick her eyes.

 His hand clutching her hair tightening, pulling them back., as he kept thrusting her forcefully,  

Ayesha thought soon all her hair would come out from their roots.

She howled in pain, pleading with him to stop. She tried to free herself from his grip but before his stronghold, her energy fell short. 

As she began she pleaded with him to stop, he slapped her back harder with every pleading of her. 

Once he was done, he pushed her on the bed as if she wasn’t his wife but a piece of filth he had picked up

from the street, used and abused, and now that he was done, had to dispose of her. 

“You are my wife and it's very normal between married couples, sweetheart. And , I'll want you to moan instead of pleading with me like a crybaby. Next time try to satisfy me. Good wives listen to their husbands. For tonight Goodnight sweetheart  “

 He kissed her lips forcefully.

Ayesha tastes the salty blood in her mouth. But she forgot to wipe them.

Gautam fell asleep peacefully.A serene smile lights up his face. 

Ayesha lay on the bed with her back to her. Her thighs and legs ached, and she could still feel pins pricking sensation in her heart that were tearing apart but were still pumping. 

Her head was spinning. As she cried so long her breath became raspy. 

Water kept trickling down her cheeks. The pain didn’t let her get up. Sleep was a far away from her eyes that night. 

She questioned herself “How could she fall in love with this man? Is it love in the eyes of the world? Is this couple do behind the wall, hiding the gaze off of public? Only because of it are people running after their love? Is it the real definition of marriage? “ 

Gautam's words were echoing in her head. Provoking those corners that she always tries to forget tonight Gautam's beast side dug out those memories over the surface which she is frightened to share with her own self too. 

It was fifteen years ago then Ayesha was only seven years old. 

Her grandmother never let her sleep with her parents after the birth of her youngest sister. 

She always had urges to sleep with her mother and father holding them tightly. Cradling into their arms. Hear stories one after one till the sun peeks on the veranda of their house. 

If she got the opportunity to sleep with her mother's lap by the grace of God but only for a few days in a month. 

Ayesha used to play with the only toy that her Maternal uncle gifted her when he last visited to meet her mother.

It was a cute doll.

She remembered what her maternal uncle said to her..

“ A beautiful doll for my beautiful princess" 

Nobody addresses her as a princess in her life, apart from her mother and uncle. 

She had read about princess and prince stories for the first time with her maternal uncle. He was a great storyteller in her eyes. 

Little Aeysha roamed around the entire line carrying the doll in his waist as if that was her newborn baby. 

At night she told her doll those few lines of stories that she heard from her uncle.

Made her sleep on her lap. 

That same night when she was busy making her affectionate doll sleep, her little sister who was only 5 years old was busy playing with a small teddy bear over the huge tummy of her grandfather who laughed every time the teddy touched his huge belly wobble. He was a tall, stout man , with a grey broad moustache.

Although her grandfather never raised their voice against her or her sister, if he caught them having fun with elders he scolded them but his voice wasn't that strong, unlike her grandmother. .

Ayesha used to wonder why his grandfather had such a huge tummy unlike her who has a small belly. She wondered how much air would be accommodated there.

Her mother once said to her that the balloon floats in the sky as it has inflated with air only.

So would her grandfather float in the air like a balloon if his tummy was occupied with air? 

Her grandmother scolded the children by saying it was night and if they didn't sleep now a ghost would come late at night and carry them onto their shoulders and abduct them in that large mango tree on their veranda.

Hearing that all the kids go to sleep in haste.

Ayesha kept her doll over her chest,  held her little sister on one side and she held her grandfather in one hand. so in that process, both her sister, her doll, and she would be saved under the protection of her grandfather. So the ghost will not dare to come in front of the large physique of her grandfather. 

Later that night, Ayesha wakes up. She looked at her surroundings, everything was bathing under semi-darkness. Moonlight came inside from the window and fell over the face of his grandmother who was sleeping on the other cot which was occupied exactly opposite to the bed she was sleeping in.

Ayesha heard both her grandparents sleeping with open mouths, making different noises. They were both snoring.

She stretched her hands in the darkness and tried to wake her grandfather up.

But it seemed her words didn't reach him.

Yet there was no response from his side. Aeysha jerks him in response and turns his back to the opposite side of her.

She picked up her doll in her tiny arms and climbed down from the bed. 

She took small steps peeking here and there to check whether any ghost had arrived to abduct them or not.

Feeling hopeless, she woke up her grandmother, who opened her eyes after the long efforts of Little Ayesha.

Her grandmother told her cousin's sister Ayesha.

She was a patient with rheumatic arthritis. Being aged she felt difficulty walking, especially in the early morning and at night.

Ayesha was completely unaware of the disease her grandmother has but she was told not to bother her grandparents much. 

Ayesha's cousin's sister who was twelve years old, was sleeping peacefully near her grandmother.

When opened her eyes, Aeysha told her she wanted to go to the bathroom.

Having no option she climbed down the bed. While yawning hard.. she let Aeysha to the bathroom.

She switched on the lights in the small living room.

Ayesha gave her doll to her cousin's sister who was sleeping while standing. 

Ayesha smiled at her sister. When she returned she didn't find her sister. She was gone. 

Little Ayesha shivered. She looked here and there but couldn't find her cousin's sister.

She thought perhaps the ghost had kidnapped her cousin's sister and also her role. 

She ran till she reached the upstairs without looking back as if she turned her head back ghost would Chase her too.

She needed to inform everyone about it before they reached her other sisters, her grandparents, and also her mother and father.

Her both uncle and Aunty would be upset and cry after learning the news. They needed to be alert too. 

As her small feet gained speed she motioned towards her parent's room.

She held her eyes squeezed tighter. 

Before she opened her eyes, something rusting, a hush sound came out from somewhere. Ayesha couldn't demonstrate the exact location. 

Suddenly her head was hit by something. She winced in pain.

It was the door which wasn't closed she realised that when it moved inside on her slight push over it. 

Ayesha opened her eyes, one looked inside she thought somebody had grabbed her throat, she shrunken standing still in the doorway.  Her heart was pumping so fast in her chest that it could soon come out of her throat . 

On the big bed was her mother and on top of her was her father, naked, beating her while thrusting his pelvis up and down violently. 

Her father was slapping her mother who begged him to stop. But he was slobbering on her mouth, slapping her cheeks, and continuing those seemingly demonic hip movements. 

Her ear began to throb. Her entire body became frozen.

His father had growled at her, saying, "Go back to sleep, you shameless girl."

“ you stupid woman..” his father reprimanded her mother with some abusive language in their mother tongue “ Don’t you know to lock the door? Both mother and daughter will not let me live peacefully, not even at night. I don't know what I did to deserve this. Why am I suffering from your sinful karma results? You’re banjh (infertile) after eight years of marriage couldn't give me my son. When will you show the face of my child after die .”

Ayesha saw her father gripping her mother's throat, she was struggling to free herself from his grip. She wanted to help her mother but it seemed her body got frozen. Her mind went blank. Only eyes wide open 

After a long fight, her mother kicked him on his leg, his grip loosened around her neck.

He flopped down on the bed next to her.

Her mother slowly got up and adjusted her clothes and also covered her inebriated husband.

She walked to her and hugged Ayesha who looked at her mother frightened,


She noticed her tousled hair, smudged vermilion, and a streak of blood dripping from her lower lips and travelling down over her chin.  

It was clear to her that whatever she had just seen, even if she tried to rationalise it at this point, was permanently ingrained in her daughter's mind as she looked deeply into her eyes. All she did was press her daughter up against her chest. Soon, mother and daughter began conversing in the language of pain, which was expressed through tears.




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Comments (2)

Ayesha saw her mother getting abused. Now she is a victim of abuse. Hopefully she will find some support and leave this guy.

1 months ago