Chapter 53

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               Part – 51

Later that night….

Maan starts to think about the past and analyses what went wrong that made Geet hate him so much, it’s ok if there was no love, but Geet didn’t even think for a second that Maan would never do such a thing? and how foolish he was to misunderstand Geet!!!…

Maan wishes that if only Geet knew how much he loves her, if only she knew the depth of his love, if only she knew how pure his love is..

Maan filled her forehead with Sindhoor not just as an act of extreme protectiveness, he actually loved her and it was what all he wanted ever, he was doing something what he was waiting to do, to make Geet a part of his life…

But owing to the circumstances and Geet’s silence, Maan thought that it was not easy for Geet to recognize it as a marital bond.

She had not even revealed her interests in him as her love interest, she was also going through so much in her personal life that she had no time to think about her future as such…

Maan was giving her the time and space for her to realize the truth, and come back to him for he had full faith in his love and somewhere he thought that Geet too loved him the same way…

If she loved him, she wouldn’t imagine such things about him?

She shouldn’t have believed even if someone else blamed him like that, but instead she herself blamed him…

How did Maan believe that she loved him?

It’s ok if she doesn’t love him.. that Maan can somehow accept…

But out of the blues, she has broken his heart so bad that there is no chance left for any recovery…

He feels like he has lost his heart forever, the one that has only been beating for her.. and there is no way he could do anything to change that, it will still keep beating for her as always, till the end…

Only thing is that, it has stopped being a part of him, so he could never regain its ownership….

Maan is completely broken… he can’t believe that his Mishty never trusted him, after all that he has done for her, she still has no faith in him, in his love.. he has totally failed as a lover…. Maan did everything for her happiness, he just wanted her to be happy… he wanted her to enjoy her life, just like any other girl, he knew that Geet had lost the most beautiful years of her adolescent life in her mamas place, she deserved to enjoy her college life peacefully without any unnecessary burden….

Maan was ready to wait a few more years before he could start a life with her….

Geet needed time to take control of her own life and start living for herself, she needed time to start believing in a happy trouble free life again, she needed time to start believing in dreaming again, she needed time to reinvent herself….

But she misunderstood him completely….

Maan has lost it, that’s enough, let her think whatever she wants, Maan is not going to waste his time on her anymore…. He is done with her…

He knows that he has no business with her whatsoever….

Maan starts questioning himself about the past…

So, nothing happened that night like Maan thought, Geet was part of it on her own will and wish? So, Geet loves Dev?

Maan thought that Geet used to talk fondly about Dev just to irritate Maan, but that was what the reality and Maan didn’t realize it?

Actually Geet was very vulnerable at that time, she had endured a lot of unfair mental stress at her Mama’s house, she was very weak and yearning for love and care which she missed due to the loss of her family…

Dev was really good and caring, he had this charming and witty nature that would work like magic on anyone unlike Maan who showed his love only through his actions…

Maan maintained a safe distance from Geet then, for Maan didn’t want Geet to love him out of gratitude for whatever he did to get her out of that hell, Geet already showed signs of gratitude and was ready to offer anything(herself) in return, that’s not what Maan wanted, he wanted her to love him for what he was, he wanted her to love that annoyingly crazy stalker from her childhood and not the savior who helped her escape from her misfortunes…

Maan kept annoying her like he always did, but Geet didn’t get irritated as he expected, instead she hid her true feelings out of gratitude and quietly started to accept him without revolting like she used to do in the past?…

Maan didn’t like that Geet, he wanted her to be herself and love him without any compulsions…

As Maan was hesitant due to his confusion, Dev took Geet away from him?

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