Chapter 4

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              Part – 2

At the Handa residence…

On that night before they were about to shift to their new home, they were at their rented apartment…

The whole family was glued together watching the TV and talking about their fond memories in this house and how they would be missing this place forever…

Even Darji who had only visited this place a couple of times was fond of that place..

That was where his son became a successful businessman… it was really their lucky dwelling…

Now they are going to their own house…

Geet went to sleep after a while as she had got to go to school next day, she had no idea when her parents went to sleep….

She was woken up in the wee hours of the night by Darji who took her with him and ran out in a hurry.. Darji left her with the neighbors and went back to their house in a hurry, he was very agitated and scared, even though Geet was half asleep she could see the fear in her Darji’s face clearly, that was something unusual…

Geet had never seen him fearful…. What would scare Darji?

Geet was worried for it must be huge… yes, it was indeed, something dreadful happened which snatched away her happiness within minutes….

Geet was shocked and she kept asking for her parents..

But she never got to meet them again…

Kiran came and took her to KM…

There was a short circuit at Maninder’s room and it caught fire, the two of them succumbed to the fire…

Later Darji after sending off his son and daughter with a heavy heart, had a cardiac arrest…

He was admitted to the hospital and stayed there for a week until he gave up eventually to his grief…

Meanwhile, Geet’s Mamaji, Shukwinder came with his younger brother Balwinder to be on the bedside of Darji in his final time…

The two brothers always had been Skeptical about Maninder’s Delhi shifting and partnering with Madan Khurana… they tried to stop their sister, Ranno, to convince her to stay back at Hoshiarpur itself…

But as it was their sister who was more interested in going to Delhi, they could not do anything about it…

They thought that the Khuranas, specially Madan Khurana was behind their sister’s Delhi shifting..

That only resulted in building a hatred for the Khuranas in the brothers mind…

Now the borthers were of the opinion that this mishap was not an accident and they conspired foul play by the Khuranas to oust Madan from their successful business…

Shukwinder had no children and he wanted to adopt Geet and take her to Amritsar, where her Nani lived with her two sons….

But Kiran was not ready to send Geet back to the small town, she wanted Geet to stay with her and presume her studies and fulfill her brother’s dreams about his daughter…

Geet was at KM for that whole week…

She didn’t go to school… she kept weeping profoundly…

No one could console her, she went further deep into her shell…

She even stopped interacting with Annie…

Dadi and Sheetal were always with her while Kiran attended her father and fought with the two brothers for Geet’s custody….

The two brothers were dead against leaving Geet behind for they argued that Geet’s life too was in danger…

Kiran’s husband, Joginder was short tempered and he couldn’t take these nonsense against his elder brother and his family…

He threatened Kiran to put an end to this trauma that her family was undergoing because of her family…

Maan couldn’t see Geet in pain, but he was also helpless… he didn’t know how to make her feel better for this was a tough blow for him too…

He was always fond of Mr. Handa and Maan has actually lost his mentor…

Maan knew how difficult it was for Geet to lose every beloved member of her lovely close knit family overnight…

All of a sudden Geet has become an orphan…

Kiran was worried about Geet and her future… she was adamant to keep Geet with herself….

The brothers even came to KM one day and made a big drama at the gate…

They were not willing to enter KM… they wanted to get Geet at any cost….

Madan asked the security to get rid of them…

They went only to return with the police men….

KM looked like Gurukshetra that time ..

Along with Kiran’s mamas Kiran had to fight with her husband too to keep Geet with her…

The ladies backed Kiran as much as they could, specially Sheetal…

Sheetal had lost a true friend in Ranno, Geet was like her daughter too ..

At any point of time someone was arguing with someone for Geet’s sake… .

Dadi tried to convince Madan to advise his brother so that poor Geet could stay with them…

Madan wanted to keep away from this for he has had a bitter experience already supporting the Handas against his brother’s wish….

Sheetal too tried talking to Jagdish but she did have a limit in this respect which she couldn’t cross even if it was for Geet…

Geet was kept away from the happenings but Maan was there as a silent spectator when the adults were literally fighting, Kiran almost lost her marriage trying to save Geet…

Luckily Dadi was there as her pillar of support….

Maan just kept praying that Geet stayed in Delhi itself with the Khuranas..

It’s not that he had already become her deewana…

But Maan knew Geet very well, he knew about her weakness, he knew that she would suffer a lot adapting to a new place, specially adjusting with the new people who are actually like strangers to her…

Geet had become acquainted with the Khurana khandan in these few years on the other hand….

Though Geet didn’t really had a great bonding with them, she did like her aunt Kiran, and moreover there was always her one and only friend Annie to take care of her…

But babaji had other plans for Geet…

The situation became worst from bad at KM, Jagdish stayed out of home and threatened to return only when the problem was over ..

Dadi advised Kiran to let Geet go with her mamas, the khuranas could seek legal actions against the mad mamas and bring Geet back with all the rights soon…

Kiran had to give up in the end…

Kiran had a long talk with Geet… she assured Geet that her buaji is always there for Geet no matter what and she can always reach her whenever she needed any help…

Kiran also made Geet understand that those morons were not any strangers but Ranno’s brothers and they had every right over Geet like Kiran…

She told Geet that her mamas loved Geet and she would be happy at their house…

Kiran didn’t want to send Geet with any negative thoughts as she was already broken….

At last, Geet was sent to Amritsar with her mamas…

Maan can’t forget the sight of her leaving KM with a lot of fear and pain…

Later Kiran filed a suit against them to claim her niece’s custody….

It became very ugly after they filed a murder case against the Khurana brothers for the death of their sister and brother in law…

The case went on for years and in that time no one in the Khurana household dared to talk about Geet, expect Dadi, Maan and Annie…

They always talked amongst themselves about how would Geet be surviving with those people…

But they couldn’t do much about it…

Maan was in boarding and so he had little time at Delhi itself…

Further Dadi always stopped him from troubling his father more by talking about Geet when the case was going on and how their business too suffered a lot because of that…

It was hard for the Khurana brothers to cope up with the damages done to their firm and their reputation going down the gutters…

After a four year long battle, the Khuranas were finally acquitted from the murder charges….

Years pass by... and finally Kiran won her battle….

Geet did return to her aunt after so much struggle and our Maneet did meet again….

Did their reunion make them rejoice each other’s company?

Surely, it did for MSK… lekhin Geet ka toh kuch patha nahi…

Geet hamesha ki tarah abhi bhi ek confused soul hi hai…

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