Chapter 25

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Everyone was shocked to see her! They weren't sure what she had heard but by looking at her they knew that she heard everything. Kripa was so dumb founded. She was almost in shock. She didn't know what to say or how to react. She figured that the best thing would be to just turn around and leave.

Angad was torn to see her. As if she didn't have enough problems in her life that she was being taken away from one thing that kept her really happy. Prithvi too was pretty upset to see her this way. He was really falling hard for her and it was painful for him to see Kripa with tears in her eyes. Naina and Mishty through the whole argument were pretty neutral, they understood Naina's concerns but at the same time they didn't think that Kripa being linked with Angad would be a bad thing. They actually thought it was better because now they would have more people that would like the two. Those that might not have liked Angad would surely love Kripa. They were trying to be more diplomatic about the whole situation. They too felt pretty bad for Kripa as she had heard everything.

Kripa turned around to walk away when Naina screams out, one minute Kripa. Kripa turns around Naina aunty walks over to her. She looks at Kripa very sternly and says, I am actually really glad that you heard everything. Now you will know exactly what everyone thinks of you. Personally I don't have anything against you. I just don't like you performing with Angad. I am looking at this completely from a business point of view. I can't have you screwing up Angad's career. Tonight you got good reviews but what if later you aren't liked. Or what if you the audience want you more then Angad. I will not stand for any of this. With a sigh, she turns her back to Kripa and says, that is why I have decided that I would like you not go on the promotional tour with Angad.

Kripa was totally shattered. She wasn't that attached to the shows but she did feel an attachment to Angad. Earlier she would have agreed with these terms as she was to be operated on. But then when the German doctor decided not to perform the surgery she had really no reason to run away from the tour. This would also give her more time with her best friend. She didn't really know what to do, she just nodded and turned to leave.

Now its Angad's turn to make an announcement. He says wait one minute Kripa. Then he walks closer to his mom and says, if you think that with Kripa not being in the promotional tour with me, we will save my career then I think you are absolutely wrong. Don't forget the reason that Mr. Ahuja has agreed to do the promotional tour is partly because of Kripa. He was very happy to see her that day in our house and was very impressed with her performance last night. Before Naina could say anything, Angad continued saying that if Kripa wasn't a part of the promotional tour then we could potentially lose Mr. Ahuja and we can't risk that. Naina was a bit struck. On one hand she knew that Angad was absolutely correct. She knew that Mr. Ahuja had a soft corner for Kripa and that he would be upset with the idea of Kripa not being in the show.

Then slowly Damini and everyone else became a part of the conversation. They were all debating what to do. Kripa seeing everyone getting into such a disagreement over her was quite hurt. She couldn't take the bickering anymore. She was fed up. She looked at everyone and walked over to them. She yelled, BAS! Enough is enough!


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Comments (4)

it was so good story...i hate nainaplz continue

19 years ago

amazing shikha. can't wait for the next part

19 years ago

thanks again
for the awesome story

19 years ago

i m going 2 kill naina aaaaaaaawwww anyways gr8 story shikha

19 years ago