Chapter 10

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After finishing their dinner, Angad looked at his dadi and said, so how is our patient. Dadi said she was a very naughty girl. She didn't listen to a word I said. Kripa was sitting right here and had kind of a guilty look on her face. She looked up and with a naughty smile said "im sorry." They all laughed. Dadi had a smile on her face but at the same time she was very concerned for Kripa. At this point Angad looked up and said, chalo dadi we shal go home. Dadi looked at Angad and said no, Kripa is not going anywhere. She still has a very high fever and I want her to rest completely with someone near her at all time in case she needs anything. Angad looked at Kripa and then at Dadi and said ok. Fine then ill stay too, we will have a slumber party. Dadi just smiles at her bacha and gives him a kiss on the forehead.

The three of them get up and get ready for bed. Then Dadi goes into Kripas room to find Kripa standing near the window. Kripa was staring at the stars and thinking. She was thinking of the surgery and how she really didn't want to go through with it. How she felt so alone. She knew there were people around her, but she just felt like she couldn't share her biggest problem with anyone. She thought of talking to Harshini about it, but just felt that she didn't want to burden anyone with this issue. Then you have Kripa going into a flash back.

These are the days when she is in Nainital. You have her sitting with her family in the mandir ghar doing pooja. You see her and her brother fighting and Kripa running after her younger brother with a look to kill. You see her father hugging her and kissing her on the forehead. Then you see her mom making her hair and telling her stories. You see flashes of happy memories and then you see a car hit a tree. You see her father hit the steering wheel and her mother fly out of the car. Then you see her brother lying next to the car. The three of them were coming back from a relatives house when the brakes failed and the car hit a tree. Unfortunately, family died in that car accident. Kripa was devastated and so alone.

When she decided to come to Bombay for health reasons, she decided that she wasn't going to mention anything unless anyone really asked. No one did and she never divulged the information. This also gave her the idea that the Khannas didn't really care about her family.

Kripa has tears in her eyes when Dadi approaches her from behind. As Kripa feels Dadis touch, she just turns around and cries. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Dadi asked whats wrong and Kripa just said she felt alone. Dadi took Kripa to the bed and said beta you will always have me. Never say you are alone. Kripa got a hold of herself and said, I know dadi. I know. I am sorry. Then Dadi whipped her tears and said, okay now like a good little girl I want you too smile. Kripa smiled. As they were having there emotional saga, Angad was watching from the door. As Kripa smiled, Angad knocked on the door and said, what the hell is going on. Dadi are you my dadi or hers. Obviously he was joking and came up sat right behind Dadi. He was facing Kripa. He looked at Kripa and said, you are never alone, both Dadi and I are always there for you. Kripa looked up at him and just smiled. 

Then Dadi felt Kripa and said, okay bas. Now it is time for you to go to bed before your fever gets any worse. She opened the covers and tucked Kripa in. Angad and Dadi left the room. They both went into the other room and chilled. Then they went to bed.


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Comments (10)

That was a very cute story, Eshika
And I happen to think tigers are cute and cuddly
i know i know ajeeb hoon na mai
anways keep up the good work Eshika
lots of love

19 years ago

Wow, great story. Please continue. Thanks

19 years ago

when will their luv story would start

19 years ago

omg ive just read the story and its brilliant ! plz contiue !

19 years ago

awww! so nice and caring story esp Angad and Dadi!!
plzz continuee can't wait 4 next part. u rgoing gr8 job and putting a smile on my face unlike EKTA!!

19 years ago

so good story...plz contiune....

19 years ago


od continue

19 years ago

GREAT goin Shikha plz continue

19 years ago

hey it'gr8plz continue........

19 years ago

nice story. please write more.

19 years ago