Chapter 4

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Kripa just looks up with her mouth open and shocked. She stared at AMIT SAREEN.. and says .. Karan.. tum.. OMG .. she gets up and gives him the biggest hug. Then he looks at Harshini and says.. omg.. Harshini.. She also gets up and gives him a hug. Kripa and Harshini introduce Karan to the whole gang. They have some laughs and then Karan takes Kripa aside. They both are nonchalantly talking. Angad keeps on looking there way but doesn't think much.

Karan and Kripa are talking about some things that happened in Nainital. Then Karan asks Kripa.. so what are u doing in Bombay and this is when Kripa tells him the real reason why she is Bombay. Karan hearing her story says .. I can help you with your dil. If you let me! Kripa agrees and they decide to meet the next day. 

The Kripa goes back to the table where everyone is sitting. They all are sitting talking and drinking there coffee. Everyone seemed to be having really good time. Then Mishty says.. why don't we all meet up at Club 8 tonight and have some fun. They all agree including Kripa and Harshini. They all get up to leave.

Harshini and Kripa decide to go shopping so that they can find some cute outfits for tonight. Harshini picks out simple pair of slacks and a cute tank top. Kripa looks around and finds a cute conservative black dress.

Then they go to the park and just have some sisterly bonding time. Then go home and get ready for the party. As they were about to leave Kripa gets a phone call from Karan. He called to tell her that he set up an appointment for her at 11. Then as they were talking Kripa mentioned that they were all going out and that if he weren't busy it would be nice if he could join them. He agreed.


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