Chapter 6

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herez dat next part

armaan iz takin to da principalz office

Mr sharma knocks on da door

principal: come in

Mr sharma: armaan u stay outside

armaan waites outside da principalz office for a few minutes while worrying abt his sentence
then MR sharma comez bk and tellz armaan to come into da office

armaan luks at the bak of the princiaplz chair and knowz dat hez going to get into a lot of trouble

the principal turns himself around to face armaan(hez sitten on da chair)

mr sharma: sir im going to go bak to my class

principal: yes, mr sharma pllz do

mr sharma walks out of da principalz office

the principal stares at armaan very sternly
armaan gets scared he knowz dat hez going to get into da most trouble ever

principal: armaan wut do u have to say

armaan: dad its not my fault, its dat dat JASSIZ

(yes, its true da principal iz none other than MR SURI AKA PURU)

puru gets up from hiz seat and walks upto armaan

puru: armaan how many timez did i tell u never blame someone else for ur mistakes, why do u alwayz do dat?

armaan: dad this time it really waz not my fault

puru: Mr sharma told me everything, he told me dat he put da class in pairz and told them to do a report and hand in a reprot per indivual not in pairz so if ur partner handed her report in then y didnt u

armaan: da . . . . .
he cudnt say anything he knew dat hiz dad waz rite and only fighting abt it waz gonna get him into more trouble

puru: armaan me and ur mother want u to do well in college, get a gud job and get married to a gurl such as mallika . . . . . . .


puru: armaan shes a nice gurl, but anywayz u have ur college education ahead of u and ur job and marriage will come after, maybe u'll find a gurl better than mallika

armaan mumblez: any gurl iz better than mallika

puru: wut waz dat armaan??

armaan: oh nuthing

puru: kk armaan i want u to go bk to MR sharma and apologize and ask him for another chance to finish da report

armaan: but da . .

puru cut him off and said: armaan im serious

armaan: fine dad (in a low sorrowful voice)

bk at da classroom

Mr sharma: class is dismassed and we will continue da topic on shakespere tomorrow

da class leavez as armaan enterz
he walkz past jassi(shez collecting her books) who givez him a sly grin and in return he givez her a wicked frown

armaan walks up to mr sharma and sayz: Mr sharma im very sorry for not handing in my project, may i pplz have another chance to complete it

mr sharma luks at armaan for a long time and finally sayz: armaan, i will give u another chance to do ur report, but u will have to do it with ur partner!

armaan: partner???
then da thought crossed him, jassi

armaan: sir ppllz no, ill do it on my own (literally begging)

mr sharma: no armaan, u will have to do it with jassi, because im not going to be marking it, jassi will

jassi waz listening to da teacher and like armaan she 2 waz confused

mr sharma: well if u didnt do da report da first time, it meanz u didnt help jassi, ur partner at all, so now as punishment she will work with u and after mark u

jassi comez up to mr sharma and sayz: sir its alrite, i wont be able to do this, sir im not qualified to mark someone elses work

mr sharma: yes u r jassi, i luked at ur report and i have to say ur report waz da best i had ever seen on mangal pandey

jassi smiled shyly, while armaan gave her a dirty luk

mr sharma: i kno u can do this and if u do jassi, i will give u extra marks in da class

jassi: sir its alrite, i wont do it for extra marks, ill do it because of the confidence u have in me

Mr sharma: gud (he smiled at jassi)

armaan waz in utter disbelief, jassi waz going to help him do da project and she waz going to mark it!!!!!!!!!
how much worse cud it get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Comments (5)

Thanx Tina I didn't u were such a good writer

18 years ago

jk_5 im doing da next part it will be done in a few minutes

18 years ago

OMG Tina this is so damn good Please can u post ur next part now I know ur online

18 years ago

you made my day... you were so good.... I Love It... Plzzz Continue.... LoVe ZaRa

18 years ago

excellent!!-keep it up tina!

18 years ago