Chapter 6

Yuvraz-Krishna Thumbnail



Kuch Khona Hai Kuch Pana Hai
Part Elven
Recap- Bhoomi was shocked to know that Kt knew about her pregnancy. Tanya is happy to see her son getting settle down.

Kt- Papa, did you call me?
Karan- Yes beta I was wondering if you would like to join the office because Anurag have told me about our interest in business.
Kt- Papa, I'll let you know if Manthan doesn't mind about me working.
Karan- Of course KrishnaTulsi
Kt leaves Karan's room than goes outside and looks at the bright sun with dead flowers like her life. Lakshya comes from behind and holds Kt by her shoulder. Kt turns around and looks at Lakshya for a second she forgot that she is Manthan's wife. Lakshya leans forward to kiss Kt on her lips when she backed away by saying what are you doing
Lakshya- Isn't this the place where he kissed you last night?
Kt- Shut up Lakshya!
I never knew you would think like that when I still...
Lakshya- What you still?
Kt- I don't have time for your questions.
Everyone was sitting and having breakfast when they saw Kt running inside up the stairs into her room.  Tulsi said she will go and check on KrishnaTulsi. Kt looked the door and took out a small picture frame of someone, but it wasn't Lakshya.
Tulsi- Kt, please open the door?
Kt goes and open the door and hugs Tulsi tight by saying Baa, I'm sorry
Tulsi- Sorry for what
Kt- For lying to you
Tulsi- About what
Kt- Baa,
Tulsi- What?
Kt- Baa, He's back?
Tulsi- Who?
Kt- Baa, woh Ssss
Tulsi- Kt, who is back?
Kt yells out- Sameer
Tulsi- Kt, Sameer is dead
CryKt- No Baa, he is alive and I saw him on my wedding day yesterday.
Tulsi was shock even to say a word because she knew if her family found out about Sameer than everything will go wrong. Bhoomi comes in saying Kt get ready by 3pm because we are going shopping.
Kt just nods her head than tells Baa she is going to tell Manthan about Sameer because she can't start a relationship based on lie.  Pari comes and call Tulsi Nani cause she had a call.

Tanya, Damini, Kt, and Mohini were in the kitchen making dinner when Kt looked at the time she told Tanya Mama that she had to go with Bhoomi di some where.
Tanya- Of course and don't worry if Manthan comes back I'll tell him
Kt- Thanks Mama
After Kt was changed she went with Bhoomi to meet Abir and on the way their car almost crashed into someones, but they were safe. After they reach the garden. Bhoomi went to the place she have met Abir many times and no one have scened her.
Abir- What are you doing here?
Kt- I know our past history isn't good, but today I need to talk to you about you.
Abir- What do you mean?
Kt- I mean to say do you have a twin brother name Yudi?
Abir- What?
Bhoomi- Why are you asking Abir this?
Kt- Well when I went with Anurag Papa to his office. I bumped into a person just like you and when said your name he replied by saying Yudi.
Abir- Thanks Kt for giving me a hope of finding my real family.
Kt- Also soon you two need to get married for the sake of your guy's baby.
Bhoomi hugged Kt with tears for understanding her than left because it was getting late. Before they leave Kt promise Abir that she will take care of Bhoomi while she is in her Maayka, but after she is his responsibility.

Part Twelve
Recap- Tulsi was shock to know that Sameer is alive. Abir was happy to know that he still have a hope of finding his family.

Kt severed everyone at dinner while thinking about early where Papa offered her to work in Virani Industry.
Kt- Papa, you know what you said early in the morning I was thinking about it?
Karan- So what you decide?
Kt- Papa, instead of me joining the office why doesn't Manthan?
Karan- If Manthan wants too, but what about you
Kt- Only if Manthan works
Manthan- Hey I'm not ready for work yet
Tanya- Manthan, you should think about it
Manthan to himself- Thanks dears wife for taking away my freedom
Bhoomi taps Manthan on his shoulder saying Kt is right you should work instead of getting in a mess
Manthan- What mess?
Bhoomi- never mind
Dinner was done Manthan sat in his room thinking about how to get Kt back for taking away his freedom. Kt was in the kitchen clean up while making milk for Bhoomi because she needs a lot of care in this stage.
Kt goes up the stairs into Bhoomi di's room saying here is her milk and no complaining because it's not for her but her baby.
Bhoomi- Thanks Kt!
Also warning you Manthan might be mad about working topic.
Kt- Don't worry I know how to handle him
Bhoomi- Bye
Kt- Bye
Kt goes into her room and find Manthan not in the room so decided to take a small shower. When she was about to open the door some one grabs her from behind. Kt was about to scream but says Manthan I know its you so leave me.
Manthan still holding on to her waist- Kt, how did you gust it was me?
Kt- Because in this house your hand are only cold one
Manthan- What?
Kt- It's not a joke
and know let go I need to freshen up
Manthan- Nope
Kt- Why?
Manthan- Not until you tell me why you told Dad about me working.
Kt- So no one talks behind your back
Manthan- What do you mean?
Kt- First let go of me
Manthan- Fine
Kt- well when I came back with Bhoomi di we heard Mohini talking with Trupti about you. They were saying that you are being so proud of your dad's money that you can't earn your money.
Manthan- What's wrong about it?
Kt- Manthan, you aren't getting the point, you should stop those people from saying Manthan isn't able to earn money without his dad's name.
Manthan think about it?


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Comments (5)

I jus cought up with your fanfic! Its rellliii good! continue plz!

17 years ago

i just caught up been busy but fantastic job
awww that was so sad 4 broken whats up with sameer past lover? (crazy ex lol) anyways great job i totally love your fanfic cant wait to read the next update!

17 years ago

thats an awsome part yaar..u r making me see it insted of me just reading..i love this much..i just can't wait for the next part.. see how impatient i m n manthan holding kt's hand seems so romanticso pleze continue soon

17 years ago

Of course she is worried about her hubby, but will Manthan join the office for Kt's sake.Thank you

17 years ago

lol...Kt is worried abt wht ppl say abt her hubby... awesum work..plz update soon.

17 years ago