Chapter 2

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Part 2

The minute Arushi and Vinit heard Ms. Adams door slam shut, they jumped for joy!

Arushi just went to Vinit and give him a huge hug!

Arushi: oh my god Vinit! I love you!! Thank-you so much. Because of you, I still have a job! Thank-you…I'll never forget this! You have done such a huge thing for me! I'll pay you back, I promise! I'll give you anything you want!

Vinit: how about one date?

Arushi heard those words and looked up astounded by the words coming out of Vinit's mouth.

Arushi had known for quite a while that Vinit liked her, (wait, correct that, all of her colleagues had told a while ago) that Vinit had feeling for her, but she had never thought in her wildest dreams that he would ever ask her out! What should she say? The good side of her heart dominated over the bad side and she took a decision.

Arushi: Vinit, I…I would love to go out with you!

Arushi closed her eyes for a second digesting every word that came out of her mouth. While Vinit, what do we say about him? He was literally jumping of the walls!

Vinit: (overly hyper) I'll call you later Arushi with details ok?

Arushi forced a fake smile on her face and nodded.

Vinit got into an elevator, and went down to clean up his old office.

Arushi: (her thought) oh no, what have I done? I don't even like Vinit that way! And now if the date doesn't work out, how will she ever face him at work, let alone work closely on the layout with him? Oh no, I'm dead! Now what do I do? I need to call Maya!

While Arushi is going down to the cafeteria, she whips out her pink flip phone, complete with a charm that is a small heart with a little diamond "A" in it. She hits her speed dial "5" and it dials her best friend Maya's number. Maya was a weird person to put it lightly. She was sensible, yes, but she was too quick in making important decisions, although that is what made her and Arushi such great friends, Arushi the girl who thought everything out to the "T", Maya made her decisions with a snap of her fingers, maybe that's why she was owning a chain of successful restaurants with her brother, instead of going into the news and entertainment field like she originally planned. When Maya finally picked up, Arushi could tell that people surrounded her, so she yelled into the phone!

Arushi: HEY Maya!!! It's Arushi!

Maya yelled back into the phone, "Wait a minute!"

This was usual for Arushi; Maya was always putting people on hold. Finally about two minutes later when she came back, it was pin-drop silence.

Arushi: hey, where are you? Why was there so much noise?

Maya: Hey, don't even ask, right now I'm in New York with my brother, trying to convince him to move back to Toronto with me!

Arushi: how is he? I haven't seen him in like…more than 10 years right?

Maya: ya because, he moved to New York with dad, and I stayed here with mom. Anyway why did u call? Anything important?

Arushi: Yes, why I can just call for the heck of it?

Arushi narrated her whole morning to Maya, and while Maya laughed, Arushi got frustrated.

Arushi: If you're not going to help, at least don't make fun of me!

Maya: calm down! Who said I'm not going to help? Ok so in saved your job yes?

Arushi: yes….

Maya: Well then own up to your promise and go out with him!

Arushi: but Maya…

Maya: let me finish first! I'm coming to Toronto in three days, so on Friday, and that's when your date is right?

Arushi: ya but…

Maya: Tell him, that you want to go to Antonio's in downtown…

Arushi: Antonio's your restaurant though…

Maya: Aru, shut up for like 5 minutes ok? Anyway come to Antonio's and that way I'll be there, so I can help you if you need it ok?

Arushi thought about it and, "You will help me right?"

Maya: of course, now go and tell Vinit that you want to go to Antonio's ok? Oooo and now that you are the food and home editor; you can do a review for this Antonio's, since it's a new one okay?

Arushi: the food better be good! Otherwise the review will be horrible!

Maya: Excuse me? The food will definitely be good because my brother is the …

And the line went dead! Arushi looked at her phone and laughed, thinking back to what Maya said.

Arushi hears a car honk and snaps out of her thoughts. She quickly looked in her hall mirror and checked her reflection and put on her black boots and opened the door. She walked up to Vinit's blue Honda Accord and opened the car door. Vinit looked at her with adoring eyes, while she avoided making contact with his.

Vinit: you look beautiful

Arushi: umm thank-you Vinit

She finally looks up and turns to him and takes in his clothes.

Vinit is wearing navy blue pants with a crisp white shirt and a blue blazer on top. Arushi then looks up at his face and notices that he is completely clean-shaven.

Seeing that she thinks, "Oh god, I hope he's not expecting a kiss!!! Because that would just be ewwwww ugggh!!!!" Then Arushi looks up at his eyes and notices that "OMG he waxed his eyebrows!!! There are finally two!!! Aww he did it just for me! How sweet? What am I thinking?? This is Vinit!! I can't think like this!!!"

Arushi: Vinit, you look great too! Can I ask you a question?

Vinit starts the car and starts driving, "sure"

Arushi: what kind of cologne are you wearing?

Vinit: I'm wearing Axe, why do you like it?

Arushi: (in her head) HATE IT!! (To him) Ya, I love it!

Vinit: so you want to go to Antonio's right?

Arushi: ya

Vinit: any particular reason?

Arushi: (thinks) like I'm going to tell you that it's my safety plan to get away from you!! (To him) no reason

Vinit: Arushi, umm I wanted to actually thank-you for this, it's a really nice gesture on your part!

Arushi immediately feels guilty, she doesn't want to hurt his feelings but what else could she do? The rest of the drive there was spent in silence. When they got to the restaurant, Vinit parked the car and went to open the door for Arushi.

Arushi: thank-you Vinit, but there was really no need for you to open my door.

They walk up to the main door, and Arushi tightened the gray beaded shawl around her shoulder. Arushi discretely looks around the restaurant, because Maya had told her that she would be working the hostess shift and that she would welcome them in. Finally she spots Maya wearing black pants with an emerald green shirt and a black bartender vest on top. Her hair is mostly straightened with the exception of a few bouncy curls at the bottom.

Seeing Arushi, Maya smiles slightly and then turns her eyes to Vinit, and Arushi notices that the minute Maya laid eyes on him, he smile falls from her face. After a minute more of staring Maya comes over to them, and takes them to their table.

Maya: Welcome to Antonio's! Is this your first time or have you been to our chain of restaurants before?

Arushi: I have been here before, but I don't know about Vinit.

Vinit confesses: I've never been….

Maya: well then let me tell you our chef's specials and the daily specials,

Maya rattles off the names of certain dishes, but Arushi notices that as she is naming the dishes, she is also writing something on her order pad. She slyly slips the piece of paper into Arushi's menu and walks away. Arushi waits until Vinit is engrossed in his menu, to read the note.

"ARU!!!! R U CRAZE??? WHO IS THAT??? UGGGH!!! Ok never mind, now I'm feeling bad…. umm come meet me in the w/r in 10 min!!"

Arushi giggles slightly at the fact that Maya still signs her notes with Me.

Vinit: anything wrong?

Arushi quickly slips the note on her lap and,

Arushi: no nothing's wrong!

Vinit: what will you have?

Arushi: I'll have the…. (Quickly glances at the menu) ummm… the Cheese Tortellini with a garden salad.

Vinit: and to drink?

Arushi: umm a Shirley Temple.

Vinit: no alcohol?

Arushi: (thinks) With you as my date? Ya right!!! (To him) no thanks

Vinit: ok uh…do you mind if I? (His hand gestures towards the drinks menu)

Arushi: oh no go ahead.

When their waitress comes and takes their order, Arushi excuses herself from the table.

Maya grabs Arushi in a hug the min she enters the w/r.

Maya: HEY!! OMG I've missed you so much!

Arushi: same here!! So why are you working at your own restaurant?

Maya: sssh…. Adi and I decided to work at the restaurant so we see how well our employees are working!

Arushi: ok well, I better gets back to my "date"

Maya laughs, "Why did you come here with him?"

Arushi sneers in mock anger, "You told me to."

Maya: that was because I didn't know what he looked like!

Arushi: Oooo Maya that's mean!

Maya: well it's me!

Arushi: k well I actually better get back now… Oooo and by the way the interior decorations are amazing!!

Maya: Thanks Aru, I did it myself!

Arushi laughs: k Bye

Maya: Bye

Arushi leaves the washroom, and goes back to the table that is now covered with food.

Vinit: the food's ready!

Arushi: I see that Vinit.

Vinit starts eating his spaghetti, and Arushi pokes her fork in one of the tortellini's and brings it to her mouth, but then she inhales the aroma coming from it and,

Arushi: OMG!!!! This is beef!!

Vinit looks at Arushi with his mouth full

Vinit: (mumbled) what?

Arushi calls the waitress to their table

Arushi: I want to meet the head chef!!!

Waitress: What?

Arushi: I said I want to meet the head chef right now!!!

Waitress: ok, right this way

The waitress leads Arushi to this long corridor and then she pushes open a door.

Waitress: Hey yo Mr. Head Chef! Someone's here to meet you!

Arushi's eyes glare at the man whose back faces her, he turns around and Arushi is completely blown away. He seems about 25 and he must be 6'0" He has a 5-o-clock stubble on his chin, but what Arushi can't seem to take her eyes off is, his eyes, they are a chocolaty brown color with green flecks. He's wearing a "kiss the chef" apron, which automatically makes Arushi look up at his lips, which are curled up into an alluring smile. Finally Arushi pulls her eyes away from him.

Arushi: Excuse me Mr. Chef!! You gave me the wrong meal!!!

Arushi notices that his smile falls off his face.

Arushi: (thinks) He was probably thinking that I came to praise his disgusting food!

Arushi yells at the poor chef right, left and center.

Thats the second part! I really hope you guys all like it! Embarrassed Embarrassed

Luv ya loads,

Meera Embarrassed Embarrassed

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Comments (7)

[QUOTE=atohani99]LOL Meera that was too funny
I'm glad you thought so!
Loved the note bit
lol.....personal reasons for me for writing that!
So does Arushi like this chef???? hm....maybe![/QUOTE]

16 years ago

Thanks a bunch Krupa! I'm glad you found that funny!

16 years ago

[QUOTE=stargirl345]awesum part di!
awww thanks Ruchi!and yes, i rly do mean it...awww...poor vinit..
yup....poor big vinit!he's getting bashed...i sense a luv triangle here
You can sense one all you want...there isnt one! Atleast not yet!

16 years ago

LOL Meera that was too funny Loved the note bit So does Arushi like this chef????

16 years ago

wow that was great..arushi's thoughts are funny.. but poor vinit...well things well better up probably..

16 years ago

Amazing..I loved Rani's thoughts about him!..its was funny!

16 years ago

awesum part di! and yes, i rly do mean it...awww...poor vinit.. he's getting bashed...i sense a luv triangle here -Ruchika

16 years ago