Chapter 67

Bolly*_Crazed Thumbnail



PART63 I hope you guys read my Message


Her eyes fell apon the paper as she stepped towards it.And opened up to read


What? why was there a pregnancy report lying in the middle of their bedroom, she had kept all the
reports she had gotten from the doctor in a seperate file. In a seperate Cupboard. Infact a seperate
room. Then what was this

As she read on.Her eyes turned pitch red and slowly became full with tears.

Just as the wind clutched the curtains and slowly brought them to a draw again.Ligtening clutched
lowdly.loud enough for god himself to hear.

"He lied"she slowly brought herself to say"He didnt believe me, he believed in the..these papers"

Sujal heard the lightning screach, and thought it would be better of if he went inside for now.But at the
same time he was scared that he wasn't strong enough to see what might happen inside if he were
to confront kashish, or himself.

Kashish read on...

The child that Mrs.Kashish Garewal has been carrying for 84 days.According to the DNA test's
matches the DNA test's with Mr.Garewal.Therefor the father of the child is Mr.Garewal himself.
                                                                                                                                             Dr.K ar y Smith

(Sorry If this stuff doesnt make sense Im not really aware of it all.)

"SUJAAAAAALLLL"she cried, Sujal as soon as he heard ran towards the bedroom upstairs

When he entered he saw kashish sitting on the bed with a peice of paper in her hand

"What happened kashish?"

Kashish showed him the paper..

"Vo Kashish.." Before he could say anything. Kashish;s hand wiped across his face leaving him shocked

Kashish broke down.

"This is how much you trust me?, thats it! Is this what you believe not me? know I understand"

Before Sujal could reply Kashish had her arms around him, surprised he brought his arms around her

"Im tired" Kashish exclaimed while still hugging Sujal "Im tired of arguing I want to live a normal life again,with you,our to be born child" Sujal held her
tighter this time."Kashish Im sorry," she cried more

"Kashish..sshh, remember your pregnant and we dont want to hurt the baby" Before Kashish could say anything
Sujal brought his lips upto where her tears had stopped, and drank them.

"Sujaal" Kashish cried getting weak at her knee's"

"Dont stop me know Kashish I think we've waited long enough"

Kashish blushes and turned around.Sujal brought his hand up and moved the few strands of hair from Kashishz
shoulders and Kissed her neck and then higher and he slowly came down.

"I love you" he mumbled his lips brushing ontop of her skin.Kashish turned around and hugged him

"I love you too" she cried this time.

"Sujal went and locked the door, as Kashish watched him, he came back and took her into his arms andpicked her up and took her across to their bed were she layed herdown. He kissed her forhead her cheeks her across her neck. Kashish grabbed onto his shirt and clutched it. Sujal slowly went to the zipper on her suit at that back and slowly unzipped it, supplying every part of her skin that was being revealed with tenderkisses. Kashish helped Sujal take his shirt unbuttoning each button herself, finally when he was shirtless along with her, she kissed him, on his chest upto his neck, and finally on his lips, making it tender, afterabout 5 minutes Sujal broke the kiss leaving Kashish breathless.


                                                                                     * * * * * *

Now Sujal was laying ontop of Kashish, and showering her with kisses

"I cant believe it took you so long, just to say those words"

"Only if you stop fighting with me, and having those awful mood swings" he said while kissing her with
no place to spare.

"Im sorry Its called being Pregnant"

Sujal took her hands into his, and within a second made her his forever

"I love Sujal"she has tears in her eyes now, due to the amount of love he had showered on her..


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Comments (14)

thanks for letting us of luck for ur exams and u too have a fab. vacation bhumi

17 years ago

hey....omg was absolutely awesome...gud job.....n plz write another sk fan fic.....n of luck wid ur examzz....

17 years ago

MESSAGE Since I just wrote A SK fan-fic Im going to try for some change and write a AK fan-fic that aaall you guys HAVE to read lolz, Well not if you hate AK. BUT I was thinking to write a short SK fanfic aswell. If any of you guys have a story In mind I can use for the SK fanfic e-mail me cuz, Right now I have exams. AAAND Im starting the AK fan-fic...So plzzz PM Me if you have a sk story in your mind but make sure its short!I thought about writting BOTH since. I love you guys!! And how much you supported me, and besides I have 2 month Summer vacation!..After my examss! ..But Im still happy!! P.S-You guyss Im about to reach my goal, Im almost at 100 pages! lolz. And u guyz helped me!! IVE POSTED MY NEW FAN-FIC SO FAR... GO AND CHECK IT OUT..ITS CALLED "PRINCE CHARMING" IM GOING TO POST THE LAST PART TO THIS FANFIC TOMORROW!! SO YOU GUYS GET TO KNOW ABOUT THEIR LIVES IN THE FUTURE!!!Bolly*_Crazed39244.7937384259

17 years ago

Awesome part yaar...........but AK ff..........yeah maybe their fans would luv it........but plzz write an SK ff na.........plzzz

17 years ago

Gr8 part ...nice 2 see them together..i would rather prefer SK ff to AK...

17 years ago

gr8 part dear.. ..gud both patched up... cont soon...

17 years ago

awesome part...plz continue soon...cant wait for more

17 years ago

that was sooo cute good she didn't make a fuss abt the report amazing part an AK ff will be gr8 but r gonna start any SK one

17 years ago

hey it was so romantic .it was amazing as always . good job . continue soon. and yeah i will love to read angad kripa fan-fic too . so do write it.

17 years ago

hey great part i wud definately luv to read an AK story

17 years ago