Chapter 60

Bolly*_Crazed Thumbnail



Here's the part if I wasnt able to pm you..I'll continue with the other parts..soon..

S-Weren't we suppose to pick something up
for Kavya and Anjali..Duhh for a fact its their
engagment party!

K-OMG..Sujal couldn't you remind me

S-Well I think I woodve If I remembered!
Your the one who shouldve remembered

K-I Cant do that and be pregnant at the
same time..

Wow...Sujal gave Kashish the wierdest look
ever... I guess she;z the beauty with no brains
he thought to himself!

haha lolz...Sujal is hilarious..oh guyzz Kashish
isn;t really dumb its just that she;z spoiled or
was..remember in the starting of the fanfic, and
its taking time for her to actually take up some

-Right then Kashish;z phone rang!

K-Its mom

S-Then pick it up!

K- Mom, (Kashish was about to cry now)

Sujal looked up at Kashish, Damn was she
cute, he had played with so many other girls
hearts half of them he didn;t even noe their
names, but this girl out of all of em, The one
that actually hated him not like the other
girls who acted like sick puppies around him
with no dignity whatsoever but that was what
Sujal liked, it always made him feel superior
to others more so often other girls, but "she"
was different

Sujal snapped out of his thoughts when Kashish
shrugged him!


S-Huh, Ya What did mom say!

K-She said she has a present ready with her
from our behalf

S-Hell No! I cant do that

K-Sujal you idiot she said she'll make you
pay for it obviously!

Sujal looked at Kashish reassuringly and
continued on driving!


They finally reached to the Grand party!, It
was decorated as if it was the ball or something
it looked so nice from outside with all the lights
and all,Sujal handed over the car to the valley
parkers(I Dont now what their called) and helped
out Kashish!..

Both of them walked, towards the entrance!

K-Sujal I cant walk in these!

S-What am I suppose to do?

K- I Dont know,ouch!, That hurts!

S-Kashish!, Be carefull, Im sorry to say but
I'll have to care for you if I want my child
safe, So dont wear things that you cant
support and might be dangerous!

Those words peirced Kashishz hearts into
peices"Now he cares about his child but
not her?"

Kashish and Sujal went to the grand entrance
where some security gaurds were standing!

Security Gaurds-SG

SG-Can I see your invatation sir

Kashish was looking down, still taking in what
Sujal had just said to her, and immediately
looked up..and with no hesitance slapped the
guy, standing infront of her

K-Your asking ME for an invation, do you have any
fu**** clue who Iam

Sujal immediately looked up from his phone and
grabbed Kashish!

S-Kashish, what the fu** are you doing

just then A servant came in from the bak!

SERVANT-Oh Kashish ma;am, let them in

The poor security gaurd, let them in, with
exactly no hesitance!

watch what the next part!

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Comments (10)

hey where r u?????????? plz continue soon yaar

17 years ago

sorry 4 commenting late shantelle awesome part loved them contnue soooon

17 years ago

owsome story u have done really a gr8 job u made me laugh , cry and even somewhere angry too but i enjoyed the whole concept specially sujal and kashish parts keep posting

17 years ago

i'm missing ur fanfic!! continue soon i wanna know wat happens!!

17 years ago

continue soonnnnnnnnn plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............ i wanna know wht happened next!!!!!!!!

17 years ago

hey where r u ??? v have been missing ur fic

17 years ago

Thanks everyone..I wood continue this long weekend but I have a wedding and Baisakhi..I noe it just seems like excuses..But Im seriously busy and at the same time have a paper due...So Spare..Me...But enjoy Baisakhi..Im sure you guyz are prolly busy yourself

17 years ago

nice part......continue soon.......

17 years ago

awsome part... ...n thnx 4 postng it here cont soon...

17 years ago

hey! it was a nice and sweet part yaar. you write very well. continue soon plz! can't wait for next part

17 years ago