Chapter 24

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PART23!....Glad you guyz liked the part! Wink LOL ...

Recap-Sujal picks up Kashish and puts her into his car..and zooms off!......Where they going!..find out...........

Now!! Tongue Big smile

K-Sujall WERE YOU TAKING ME?.....(She sed looking wet,uncomfortable,surprised, in pain(becuz of her foot)and mostly confused!..Sitting next to him,in the passenger seat

S-Just shut-up !..and sit quietly

K-But mama and papa!..Will....Sujal interupted!

S-I Dont think they wood mind since,they did decide to get us married!...

K-Yah,But what if I MIND!...

S-Then that cood be a problem!

K-What?..She sed getting up as in before she was slouching!..What are you going to do to me?..

S-With you!..Nothing!...(Giving her a look..that hez not interested!)

K-Whatever!...(She sed crossing her arms,and rolling her eyes at him,and fianlly getting bak into her seat!!)
Besides what cood a guy like you even do!..

Sujal stopped the car!...With a screaaatch! Pinch

Kashish looked confused!..

S-Were here!

Kashish looks outside there is a big mansion!..

K-Wher are we!..(By now Sujal was already on the other side opening the door for Kashish)..

Kashish looks confused and manages to get up...Sujal slams the door shut..

S-Come!..He starts walking and Kashish is slumping behind him(becuz of her foot)..Sujal gets annoyed becuz hez in a hurry!...So he picks her up in his arms and continues on walking!


Kashish starts looking at Sujal!..Becuz there both wet..Ikky!..And ontop of that her foot..and even more ontop of that its still raining heavily!..and to top that off poor kashish! wearing a sari! Confused

Kashish is kinda feeling comfaratable and the same time!...They reach inside the house...

Sujal gives Kashish a key and tells her to open the door!..She opens it and Sujal starts going upstairs

K-Sujal..Were are we going!

S-Too The Bedroom!

At this Kashish felt sooo scared inside!..

They reach the bedroom!...and Sujal puts Kashish on the bed!...

S-Kashish go take a shower..and Ill Have some cloths redy!...hurry up because we need to get bak to the party!..

Kashish feels bad for what she was thinking....

In a soft voice-K-Ok!...

She goes and takes a shower..and is in a towel!


S-Ya....Here they are!..

K-Thanx!..put them outside..the door...and leave so I Can get them!

S-Yah..Yah Sure!..

She gets her cloths!...Its the same sari..but washed!..and dryed!...She puts it on!..and goes into the room trying to zip up the bak!..

But then she starts Brushing her hair..and drying them!..

K-Wow!..Its cold in here!..She says shivering badly(the house is Sujals Farm house...and the heat isnt usually on since!..nobody is there!..

When all of a sudden Sujal comes and Starts zipping up the bak of her sari!..Kashish feels his warm hands on her bak!..And closes her eyes tight!...

She turns around!

Lowering her eyes..and putting her hair bak!..


S-No Problem!..He says while picking up his coat!..From the bed!.....Mijhe tumari per(foot)..pey pati baadni hai..yahaan aker bahet jao!

Kashish to herself-Atleast look at me!..when you


She sits down..and then Kashish starts tieing the cast or whatever..Kashish is just staring at Sujal!....

K-Ahhnn(It Hurts her a little)


K-Its Fine!....

After she can atleast walk now..she gets up and finishes brushing her hair!....And she starts shivvering again!

Sujal notices this...

Sujal gets his coat..and puts it around Kashish!...

Kashish looks up at Sujal


S-No Problem!

(By now the rain had stopped!..and they decided to quickly get bak into the car..before they got soaked again!

Ok Thats it for today!....Hope you like it!...And take care! Big smile

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Comments (2)

fab part....kashish bhi kya sochti hai sujal ke baare mein....our sujal is sucha gentleman

17 years ago

No words Lovely Gr8, i can't wait to Sujal and Kashish marry.

17 years ago