Chapter 22

Bolly*_Crazed Thumbnail



PART21!...Glad...You guyz!..liked it...BUT cood u guyz try not to Keep Writting Continue Soon..Since I Noe Im Going to kontinue...So A Nice comment about the encourage me!..Like Most of you already do Wink ..Hope I Dont sound rude...but when Every post includes Continue Soon..I Think I Get the point!..

N E Wayz....Heres the next part

RECAP-Kashish Findz out that she is marrying Sujal Dead ..Oh NO!..

Kashish is looking at Prithvi

When all of a sudden

P-Ok..Umm..Kashish I Think I Shood go..and u shood go to the stage becuz your dad is calling u up there!


Kashish slowly makes her way upto the stage and everyone is clapping..and she is passing a weak smile at them

She finally reaches the stage where Tulsi and Anjali already have made there way too(They were in the plan as well..)..lolz...

Mihir takes her hand and makes her stand rite next to Sujal...And Kashish Sujal and gives him a I Will kill you...and I Hate you... look..

After Mihir...Starts talking about some other stuff..and Kashish asks SUjal

K-Why do you want to marry me?

S-That you will find out after the marrige takes place

K-Your sick!

S-I Guess then we will make a prefect pair..

K-Kashish roles her eyes at that and looks straight ahead!..

M-So..Noe..Kashish and Sujal..Will exchange there Engaement Rings!

K-To Herslef-What???....Omg What The Fric*** H*** Is Happening??

First Sujal Puts Kashishz Ring on her!...And when Sujal Holds onto her hand!..Kashish feels like Pulling her hand out of his but cant for the sake of her dad!

And then It is Kashishz Turn and she quickly slips the Ring onto Sujalz Finger!


After a while Kashish iz standing by herself!...when Prithvi comes beside her


Kashish lookz away!

P-You dont need to feel sorry!...Its ok!..I Herd you new nothing About this..and besides..Sujal will make a great life partner..and we can alwayz be frends!...

Kashish looks at Sujal coming towards them!...

K-Yah....... So Friends?

P-Friends!...Prithvi puts his hand forward..but Kashish ignores it and hugs Prithvi!

Sujal seez this..and feels like slapping Kashish!...Becuz He is kinda embarrasing him..becuz she is about to become his wife..and she is hugging another guy!...(Wow talk about egoistic) LOL ....

S-Kashish Want to dance!

Kashish breaks away from the hug..and totally ignores..Sujal!

K-Prithvi lets go dance!..He takes him onto the dance floor....And puts her hand on his shoulders and makes him put his hands around her waist!..and she rests her head on his shoulder!

Sujal gets totally pissed...and goes upto Kashish and grabs her hand to take her out of there...and when all of a sudden When Prithvi Grabs her hand from the other side!!!!!!!!!!

Shocked ...........lolz...WIAT AND WATCH WHAT HAPPENS NEXT TIME...PYC OUT!....AND TAKE CARE! Big smile

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Comments (5)

Patients wood be nice..its only been one day since I Havent continued..And Now Ive Already have posted that part 2...Keep In Mind that Iam A Student..and sometimes have 2 much homework that it is hard to continue!

17 years ago

wen r u posting the next part??????????????

17 years ago

HEADS UP! It me that some people dont noe the reason for Sujal marrying Kashish..Well..The reason is mainly clear!...After what Kashish did to Sujal(Cassatte/Audio)......He wood do anything to make her life hell..Even if he has to marry her(I think it will be easier for him to do that,while living with her,Dont ya think? )......SoOoOoOoO.....Thats the reason for Sujal marrying Kashish..If you still arent sure than ask me!

17 years ago

hey gr8 gng..... but sujal is marrying kashish 4 wat?????? nywys.... will b waiting for next update...

17 years ago

great part. Sujal kashish se shaadi kyon kar raha hai samajh nahin aa raha. Will b waiting foe the next part post it soon

17 years ago