Chapter 3

xarmaanx Thumbnail



--Accept part 3

ridz let out a small moan as she slowly opened her eyes. The sun momentarily blinded her vision. Where was she? What happened to her? Scrunching her nose, she tried to recall what had happened before she fainted. A gasp escaped from her lips as her memories rushing to her. Eating with muskaan and angie. A shooting pain in her stomach. Someone catching her before she fell. Her baby. She sat up immediately, panic rising. ridz began to scramble out of the hospital bed when something caught her eye.

Someone was sleeping on the chair beside her.


Her breath hitched. What was he doing here? All her worries began to wash away as she leant in to examine his face. He had grown even cuter, if that was possible. Wait, what? ridz shook away the thoughts. This was the guy who refused to take responsibility of his actions. But the more she stared at armaan 's sleeping form, the more she felt her heart tug.

armaan stirred in his sleep. He slowly blinked, only to find ridzs angelic face only inches away from his. His heart started to beat erratically. He swallowed as she looked away in embarrassment, a faint blush working its way onto her fair cheeks. armaan cleared his throat and flashed her a smile.

"Hey, you're awake"

ridz weakly nodded. Her head snapped up.

"Is my baby okay?" she whispered, almost afraid of the answer.

armaan was taken aback by the worry etched in her eyes. He didn't expect her to care so much about the baby. Something in his heart yearned to be a part of it all.

"Don't worry, he's fine" he croaked hoarsely.

ridz sighed in relief, before staring at armaan in incredulity. He stared back at her, confused.

"It's a boy?"

armaan blinked. She didn't know?

"You didn't know?"

ridz shook her head. A giggle escaped from between her lips.

"I'm having a boy!" she said excitedly, bouncing up and down on the bed.

armaan chuckled at her childishness. ridz grinned back. For that split second, nothing that had happened between them seemed to matter. They were just normal, excited soon-to-be parents. Someone rapped on the door, jolting ridz and armaan out of their giddiness. A kindly doctor walked in, smiling indulgently at the two. ridz turned her attention to the doctor, her dark eyes sparkling.

"Doctor! How's my baby?" she asked eagerly.

armaan could feel a grin tug at the corner of his lips. The doctor smiled and patted ridz's hand.

"Not to worry, dear. Your baby's fine and healthy. I'm sure your boyfriend has already told you you're having a boy!"

ridz snuck a glance at armaan when the doctor mentioned the word 'boyfriend'. He had an unreadable expression on his striking face, like he was deep in thought.

"Um, yeah" 

 ridz muttered, playing with the hem of the blanket.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that you can leave when you're feel better. You were dehydrated before, so make sure to drink plenty of fluids. You need to be taking a lot of rests. Pregnant women shouldn't be doing any heavy work, especially during the first trimester. I'm guessing that's where your boyfriend comes in handy" The doctor winked.

ridz nervously laughed. armaan sat motionless. Then, he did something that shocked both ridz and himself. Clasping his hand around ridz's, armaan beamed sincerely at her.

"Of course I'll be there. From start to end"

His piercing blue eyes made her heartbeat speed up. Was he really accepting her and the baby? ridz  tried to quash the hope that was rising, but failed miserably. She felt her heart skip a beat. The doctor smiled benignly, bidding ridz and armaan goodbye. ridz turned to look at armaan in amazement. He gave her a small smile.

"I mean it, ridz. I've been thinking, not a lot, but enough. It was my fault you got pregnant, so I'll take responsibility. I'll take care of you and the baby. Our baby-"

armaan was cut off as ridz's arms flung around him.

"Thank you" she breathed.

armaan removed her arms from around his neck. She stared at him in confusion. He sighed.

"But I need you to know, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for the baby. No child deserves a broken home. I'm going to take the responsibility of being the father of your child. It was my fault, after all. This has nothing to do with liking you. I'm just here to support the baby. Got it?" he coldly finished.

ridz nodded numbly, her arms falling dejectedly to the sides. At least he's accepting the baby, she thought, a small smile playing on her lips. armaan immediately regretted his words as soon as the crestfallen expression flitted across her face, before steeling himself. He was doing the right thing, anyway. Wasn't this what she wanted, for him to take responsibility?

It wasn't as if he was in love with her or anything.


"So where do we go now?"

ridz looked at armaan expectantly. He scratched his head.

"I have no idea"

ridz blinked, before bursting out in laughter. armaan glared at her. She grinned.

"Well, how about you take me home now, seeing that college's over?" ridz suggested.

armaan nodded, leading ridz to his car. Sliding into his BMW, she wondered how she was going to explain this to muskaan and angie. They would be waiting for her at muskaans house, ready to bombard her with questions.

"So, where do you live?" he asked.

"Um, 24 King Street"

armaanlooked at her quizzically.

"Isn't that muskaans place?"

"Um, yeah. How do you know?"

"She throws pretty cool parties for a nerd"

"Hey! She's my friend, okay! You don't see me insulting atul or rahul

"Okay, okay. Don't get upset, it's not good for the baby"

"What would you know? You're not pregnant"

"Why you- hey, why are you staying at muskaan's place? I would've thought a girl like you wouldn't even leave your own house"

ridz glared at armaan fiercely, before sighing resignedly. She turned away from him and faced the window. armaan blinked. Was it something he said? ridz closed her eyes, tears burning the back of her throat.

"My parents kicked me out" she whispered.

armaan was shocked. The tears in ridz's eyes told him that she wasn't joking.

"Why?" he asked stupidly.

She turned to glare at him.

"What do you think?"

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry" he murmured.

ridz closed her eyes, stifling the urge to scream at him. She had already been through enough pain because of him. ridz really didn't need reminding of what it did to her family.

"Just take me to muskaan's place"

armaan bit his lip. He didn't know he had caused such strife between ridz and her family. Guilt washed over him. It was all his fault. Okay armaan, you have nine months to make it up to her, he thought. Starting now.

"Do you want to go have something to eat first? You were out for a long time. The baby must be hungry" he flashed her a charming smile.

ridz raised an eyebrow. armaan, offering to buy her dinner?

"It's not a date! I just thought we bought needed to eat" armaan quickly added.

ridz smiled.

"And the baby?"

"And the baby"

ridz bit her lip. armaan found himself anticipating her answer. Finally she turned to him and said the words that, for some unknown reason, made his heart skip a beat.

"Okay then"


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Comments (58)

it seems to be quiet intresting.. read all the parts till now in one go.. its so good.. plz continue fast and yes do PM me for ur updates...

waiting for the next one....

15 years ago

hey hey ur tdy also gone nd still no update plz update
sooooooooon nd its k abt pm i'll catch it dnt wrry cont sooooooon
eagrly waitng
luv yachna

15 years ago

its k sonia abt the pm service! i ill try 2 catch up wid it! i cnt w8 till u update it!

15 years ago

its ok dear, but just update soon plzzz,
am 2 eager 2 know whats gonna happen

15 years ago

sonia are u updating today ?? cuz me waiting eagerly
plzz update fast .. today na ??

15 years ago

[QUOTE=xarmaanx]hey guys thanks alot for the comments and review i will try to updat the part 4 today.
and i am soooo sorry i dont think i can pm everyone cos there so many ppl who the want pm wen i update the next part i will try to pm everyone if i cant i am sooo sorry plz forgive me.

luv sonia[/QUOTE]sonia its cool but just try and update soon!

15 years ago

hey guys thanks alot for the comments and review i will try to updat the part 4 today.
and i am soooo sorry i dont think i can pm everyone cos there so many ppl who the want pm wen i update the next part i will try to pm everyone if i cant i am sooo sorry plz forgive me.

luv soniaxarmaanx2008-11-18 04:51:56

15 years ago

hey its really interesting...pleeeeeez update soon and can u pm me too??

15 years ago

hey i luved tha FF! itz fab! i have sum pregnant grlz at ma skool! itz awful n sad! do cont soon n plz fel free 2 PM me!


15 years ago

gr8 part yaar plzzz cont... and pm me

15 years ago