Chapter 6

-Rose- Thumbnail



 Chapter Six

Karan came out of shower wrapped in towel, humming to him, expecting the clothes to be out from him. ~{!.~}Kripa~{!/~} he yelled. No response. Then it came to him, kripa was away from him. He sighed.


Only he knew how badly he missed kripa, the love of his life. How he has spent the days with out her, each and every second reminds him of her. He closed his eyes, and smiled.


Kripa dressed in beautifully looks at Karan and smiled mischievously, she tiptoed to him, hugged him from behind. Karan smiled. He put his hand on top of her, faced her.


~{!.~}How do you always recognize me?~{!/~}  Kripa asked cutely


He laughed at her expression, pulled her more closely, kissed her temple. ~{!.~}Its love, No matter how far you are away from me you is always around me~{!/~}


~{!.~}That~{!/~}s so sweet of you, Karan, she pulled his cheeks and kissed him.~{!/~}, ~{!.~}I wonder that~{!/~}s why how I fell in love you!~{!/~}


Karan suddenly embraced her tightly, pulling her closer. Kripa hugged him back.


~{!.~}Karan?~{!/~} kripa called still hugging.


~{!.~}Just be quiet, only two minutes~{!/~} he whispered.


Kripa relaxed her body to his, allowing him to take over her. They were close, so close that they can listen to each other heart beats, talk to each other.


~{!.~}I don~{!/~}t what would I do with out you, Please never leave me otherwise I~{!/~}ll die....~{!/~}


~{!.~}Don~{!/~}t you even dare say that~{!/~} kripa hugged him more tightly.


~{!.~}Then promise me that you~{!/~}ll never leave me, not even for once second. You~{!/~}ll stay by me, stand by me where ever I~{!/~}ll go~{!/~}


~{!.~}You don~{!/~}t have to say that, I am always with you!~{!/~}


~{!.~}Karan~{!/~} kripa called to him.


Karan looked at her and smiled at her. He cupped her face in his hands, rained the kisses all over her face. His lips finally stayed in her forehead.


Kripa looked away shyly turned away to go, Karan pulled her back. ~{!.~}Karan, I~{!-~} I~{!/~}


~{!.~}Where will you go now? It~{!/~}s Sunday you don~{!/~}t have any work~{!/~} he teased


~{!.~}I I~{!/~} before she can sing, the door bell rang. Kripa smiled mischievously at him, making at face at him.


~{!.~}Oh great!~{!/~} he muttered. Kripa ran away. He sighed,


~{!.~}Karan~{!/~} kripa called.




Kripa came up to him and looked him closely. ~{!.~}What~{!/~}s that on your eye?~{!/~}


~{!.~}What~{!/~} he said rubbing his eyes?


~{!.~}Here I~{!/~}ll do it~{!/~} with that kripa came to him as he closed his eyes. She smiled. She brushed her lips against him, kissed him slowly, allowing him to take over.


~{!.~}I knew this was coming~{!/~} Karan said between his breaths. He pushed her to the wall, leaned his body against him. And they kissed, passionately, slowly, not letting each second go,


The door bell rang.


~{!.~}Karan~{!/~} kripa said


~{!.~}To hell with the world~{!/~} Karan muttered. Kripa laughed at him. She ruffled his hair, as he began to kiss her down on her neck~{!-~}


He opened his eyes and smiled. ~{!.~}I love you~{!/~}.




Kripa groaned as the phone continued to ring. It was 1.a.m. Who could it be at that time? She just wanted a sleep!






~{!.~}Angad! I knew it, it could be only you who wouldn~{!/~}t let me sleep I peace~{!/~}


~{!.~}I am glad!~{!/~} Angad grinned on the other end of line.


Kripa groaned. ~{!.~}What do you want Angad, go to sleep!~{!/~}


~{!.~}That~{!/~}s the problem, I can~{!/~}t sleep!~{!/~}


~{!.~}So what I can do~{!/~} kripa said, now fully wake.


~{!.~}I don~{!/~}t know, just entertain me, I am bored.


~{!.~}Do I look like an entertain package to you? For god~{!/~}s sake, watch T.V~{!/~}


~{!.~}Kripa, I am not dumb as you, there~{!/~}s nothing special on! I got it, I am coming to you!~{!/~}


~{!.~}What!~{!/~} Kripa yelled on phone. ~{!.~}No you are not!~{!/~}


~{!.~}Bye kripa, Thank you~{!/~}


~{!.~}Oh joy!~{!/~} Then the idea struck to her. She smiled to herself.


The phone bell rang. Kripa rolled her eyes and let it rang. She was fully wake now, if she lie down, she know she won~{!/~}t be able to get more sleep, that~{!/~}s all him fault! Finally she grabbed the phone;


~{!.~}Yes Angad?~{!/~} kripa sighed


~{!.~}It~{!/~}s karan~{!/~}


~{!.~}Karan!~{!/~} kripa beamed. ~{!.~}Is everything all right?~{!/~} kripa asked worriedly.


He laughed. ~{!.~}Everything is fine. Doesn~{!/~}t a Husband have the right to speak to his wife at any time?~{!/~}


~{!.~}No, I didn~{!/~}t mean that, you know what time it is here? 1:00 am. You wouldn~{!/~}t ring me at this time because you are clever~{!/~}


~{!.~}Yes I know it is, I was just missing you. Are you O.K, It~{!/~}s just so wired of you calling me CLEVER for the first time~{!/~}


Kripa laughed at his comment whilst karan smiled to him, her laughter was like music to him. He just wanted to be lost in her for ever.


~{!.~}Karan, are you there?~{!/~}


~{!.~}Yeah, I am.~{!/~}


Kripa sighed and closed her eyes for a minutes~{!/~} miss you a lot karan, I wish you were here with me~{!/~} Kripa said.


~{!.~}I miss you more!~{!/~}


~{!.~}Aww that~{!/~}s sweet of you but you deserved it!~{!/~} Kripa smiled a victory smile.


~{!.~}Hey, what~{!/~}s that?~{!/~}


~{!.~}That~{!/~}s all a payback when you used to trouble me? No don~{!/~}t tell me to remind you?~{!/~}


Karan smiled naughtily what she was going about. He pretended to sound innocent. ~{!.~}Seriously, I don~{!/~}t remember it but what, when did I trouble you!~{!/~}


~{!.~}Karan you devil! Everyone should learn from you on how to be a perfect liar!!


~{!.~}Oh is my wife complimenting or taunting me?~{!/~}


~{!.~}Which ever way you take it, Karan when are you coming?~{!/~}


~{!.~}When do you want me to come?~{!/~}


Kripa smiled. ~{!.~}Right now!~{!/~}


~{!.~}O.K, Then close your eyes and picture the one whom you love the most!~{!/~}


Kripa sighed and relaxed as she leaned her head towards the bed stand and closes her eyes. Holding a phone in one hand, ~{!.~}Karan, I want to hug!~{!/~} kripa cried in childish manner


~{!.~}Aww that~{!/~}s sweet baby, now I don~{!/~}t know honey really  but I~{!/~}ll be here soon as I finish my work.~{!/~}


They both continued talking like this and ended the call. Kripa sighed to herself. She can~{!/~}t sleep now. She got out the book from her bedside drawer; she drowned herself in her favourite book, The Message in the Bottle by Nicholas Sparks.


Kripa was so drowned in the book that she didn~{!/~}t heard Angad knocking.

Now as Angad stood outside kripa~{!/~}s door for fifteen minutes, he didn~{!/~}t get any response from her. She was there when he rang her and no one. He rang her.


Startled, kripa picked up the phone.




~{!.~}thank god, you finally answered!~{!/~}


~{!.~}Angad, what do you want?~{!/~}


~{!.~}What do I want?~{!/~} Angad shrieked, ~{!.~}For god~{!/~}s sake, I have been knocking on your door last fifteen minutes and you madam are relaxing. Open your door!~{!/~}


Kripa pressed her lips together to stop her from laughing. It was not the first time that happened, she remembered the last time she got busied in the book and how Karan reacted. She laughed to herself!


~{!.~}What are you laughing about?

~{!.~}Nothing and I am not opening the door. Go to sleep Angad!~{!/~}


~{!.~}You Madam are very lucky! Angad khanna doesn~{!/~}t have to wait for anyone and I have waited for you for fifteen minutes! I am bored!


~{!.~}I am not opening the door and that~{!/~}s final. You can look stupid by standing by my door!~{!/~}


~{!.~}I am not going anywhere!~{!/~} he said being stubborn.


~{!.~}Do what ever you want. Bye!~{!/~}


Kripa took a deep breath. Not willing to, she put her feet to the ground and pulls over her transparent gown. She opened the door to find Angad playing with his phone. She smiled.


Now as Angad looked at her, he was awed by her beauty. She looked beautiful yet so simple. Angad smiled at her, Kripa rolled her eyes and let him in.


She prepared two cup of coffees and handed to Angad. As she sat by him on the sofa, Angad switched the T.V off. And he looked at her.


Kripa rested her head on the sofa, closing her eyes. He was more drawn to her; there is something about her that compels him towards her. Kripa opened her eyes as she felt him stare on her. Their eyes locked for few seconds when Kripa looked away. Angad looked away in embarrassment. There was uncomfortable silence.



~{!.~}Ready for tomorrow?~{!/~} Angad said finally, breaking the silence and he sipped the coffee.


Kripa nodded.


~{!.~}Nice coffee, Did you made it?~{!/~}


~{!.~}No, I ordered it Costa!~{!/~} she said rolling her eyes at him. ~{!.~}No, I made it!~{!/~}


~{!.~}Wow, you know how to cook? Angad asked surprised!


Kripa looked at him. ~{!.~}Don~{!/~}t tell me you thought I can~{!/~}t cook or make something.~{!/~}


~{!.~}No, I mean, rock star have busy life, they hardly get any time to cook or make things.~{!/~}


~{!.~}True, I can~{!/~}t believe how my life has changed as I started my career as a singer. Gosh! Can you believe it I had to go to so many meetings and they would call me at midnight to remind me about the next day schedule? They are so annoying!~{!/~}


Angad grinned at her. ~{!.~}You bet! I can~{!/~}t even remember what and when I have my meetings. He chuckled.


~{!.~}No wonder, why were you asking me earlier~{!/~}


~{!.~}Sometimes I wonder what if I wasn~{!/~}t a rock star, what I could be. I mean life wouldn~{!/~}t be that annoying with half of the world following me where ever I go. They don~{!/~}t have anything to do then interfere in my personal life!~{!/~}


~{!.~}Tell me about it, they are so annoying. If I hugged my friend they would make a big deal by having big bold headings ~{!.~}Kripa kapoor cheated on her husband!~{!/~}


~{!.~}I couldn~{!/~}t deny this!~{!/~} he teased.


~{!.~}Angad~{!/~} she wined, hitting him playfully on his back.


~{!.~}What! it~{!/~}s true, sometimes you are Kripa, Tanya or Sanya!~{!/~}


~{!.~}It~{!/~}s not my fault. I was just surprised that you don~{!/~}t even know that I exist!~{!/~}

He suddenly looked at her with apologetic look. ~{!.~}I am sorry, did it hurt you?~{!/~} Angad asked softly.


Kripa was surprised to see this side of Angad. She smiled. ~{!.~}No I am not but it has been fun!~{!/~} she smiled like a brat.


~{!.~}Hey, that was not funny!~{!/~}


~{!.~}It certainly was! Angad khanna fooled by Kripa kapoor! Now that~{!/~}s funny~{!/~} she laughed


Angad pretended to be angry with her. Kripa looked at him, ~{!.~}Now if you want to sit there like this, do so because I am not going to say sorry. I am going to sleep~{!/~}


Angad didn~{!/~}t move from his place watched Kripa lie down on the bed. He cursed himself for behaving that way. Being stubborn he is, it was not his fault.


Kripa closed her eyes to pretend as if she~{!/~}s really sleeping. Laying down there for fifteen, she was finally about doze off, when suddenly she realized she was wet!


~{!.~}What the hell?~{!/~} she muttered her breath. She looked to see Angad laughing at her non-stop.


~{!.~}Youuu~{!/~} she looked at him angrily. ~{!.~}Wait and watch what Kripa will do. I won~{!/~}t feel sorry for anymore!~{!/~}


~{!.~}****************************************************** ****************


Coming up: KANK Story starts!


I have updated Barsaat yesterday, do read that.


For once and all, DO COMMENT! LONG~{!-~}


~{!.~}My thoughts,


This FF will start a new twist on from next part. For your information once again, This FF is totally different from KANK, don~{!/~}t expect the ending same or opposite, its UN expected!


Do you still want me to continue Soldier and Him mo tum se pyaar hai?







PS: I hope you~{!/~}ll enjoy the part. PM me some ideas that you want in this FF.




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Comments (24)


OMG so, 2moro meanin 2day rite? lol YAY cant w8!!
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Yup I'll post the promo.

17 years ago


Today right cont sooon!!! I really love it omg you are so nice
Thanks. I have started writing the part but then I went out! I am sorry I won't be able to update today or tommo but I am going to post a promo to show you a hint.

17 years ago

OMG so, 2moro meanin 2day rite? lol YAY cant w8!!
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

17 years ago

Today right cont sooon!!! I really love it omg you are so nice

17 years ago

Hey Guys, The new part will be posted tomaaror and It's so exciting and I am sure you'll LOVE it! love Sanya

17 years ago

Is it ok if I vote twice on Kabhi Alvida..... It's the same like picking 2
Don't worry, that was all up to you!
Final decision is posted

17 years ago


WHYY!!! You know humans make mistakes and if someone makes a big mistake by not voting then it's not my fault. Don't be so harsh
LOL Am I being too harsh? You have to choose 2 FF!
Is it ok if I vote twice on Kabhi Alvida..... It's the same like picking 2

17 years ago

i must say u r a great writer.i loved u r story barsat and now this one its great.cant wait continue soon.

17 years ago

Hey Saz,
I am glad u liked the story and yeah the KANK was boring! I was practically sleeping while the movie was on!

17 years ago


WHYY!!! You know humans make mistakes and if someone makes a big mistake by not voting then it's not my fault. Don't be so harsh
LOL Am I being too harsh? You have to choose 2 FF!

17 years ago