Chapter 92

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Chapter #90

Looking over her shoulder when Sareena opened the door to the suite, Rajeev was comforted by the impassive expression on Jack's face. It, at least let him know that the peril to Naomi was not of a physical nature. Rather it seemed, hemmed in by both their mothers whose animated protestations had left her red-faced and teary eyed, his fiancee appeared more in danger of having her feelings hurt.

"Tell me," he asked Sareena, who had been summoned to the room before he had come to discern the reason for their delay.

"The mothers have insisted that she not participate in the Sangeet performances in deference to her pregnancy."

"Are they right?"

"Nay, but my opinion has been disregarded since it is not in line with theirs."

"She made the mistake of complaining how she stiff she felt, and they just ran with it," Jack whispered, as he joined the pair near the door.

"And well she should be," Sareena added. "What was it, just over five hours in one position for her mehendi; any one of us would feel the same."

Rajeev closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Sareena, I trust you, but I need to be sure; are you certain..."

"One or two dances will do no harm; in fact she will probably feel better for it.  Besides, she has already modified her routines as a precaution. Her choreography is gentle at best, and I'm sure whatever you had in mind is of the same vein."

"Thik hai; why don't the two of you go and rejoin the festivities, I'll take it from here. And remember Jack, you're off the clock now; have some fun on us." He saw the pair out and then turned to settle the two well meaning, but irrationally anxious would-be grandmothers.


Alone finally, Rajeev took his handkerchief and gently dabbed Naomi's eyes, careful not to disturb her makeup. He doubted that she would want to chance smudging her henna reapplying it, and it was certainly not in his area of expertise. They would have to call for help should she need a retouch , which would just delay them further. He stood up, and then after some consideration - and seeing no other option - reached for her elbows to help her off the settee. He said nothing when she emitted a low moan, but moved his hands to her waist to support her when she stretched. Afterwards he adjusted the folds of her skirt and then finally moved back to admire her. It was her third change of the day and although constant in their hues, each outfit had progressed from the simplicity of the chiffon saree she had worn for the haldi to the splendid gown she now adorned for the dance and dinner that would bring the day's festivities to a close.

"You're exhausted aren't you, Sweetheart?"

She couldn't lie to him, and only hoped that he wouldn't take up their mothers' stance. "It has been a long day," she conceded, "but I'm sure I'll feel more alert after a little walk around."

"One dance, Sweetheart, and then we will play it by ear after that, thik hai?"  He accepted her nod, and then collected her dupatta. "On or off," he asked.

"I didn't want to chance it rubbing against the henna, but it's dry enough now, and if you think I really should wear it..."

He took a good look at her. Her shoulders were invitingly bare tonight; well almost.  One delicate, oblique strap: embellished with embroidery and metallic beading and more decorative than functional, originated from the smattering of beadwork that accented the soft yellow bandeau bodice of her ankle length top. The sheer panels of yellow net that began immediately under the bodice offered peeps of her midriff, but it too was heavily embroidered in a vertical floral design of baby pink and blue, orange sherbert and lavender until the pattern reversed to form a horizontal border above a solid sherbert colored piped hem. Metallic beading throughout gave it added glamour while the solid yellow silk lehenga with its geometric diamond border embroidered in complimentary pastel shades, grounded the whimsical overlay.  And then there was the connotations of her elaborately hennaed hands..


"You are perfect just as you are, Sweetheart," Rajeev answered succinctly.


Naomi bit her lower lip and then looked away wondering if his compliments: neat and to the point,  would always make her feel as if a thousand butterflies had set flight in her stomach. "I guess we better get going then," she said daring to meet the warmth shining in his eyes.

"Ji; we better," he agreed.

They were half way out the door when she remembered the stop she wanted to make before returning back to the hotel's garden.


They caused quite the stir in the hotel lobby, particularly among the foreign tourists who were enamored with both her henna and their attire, when Naomi had approached the concierge for help in finding the two little girls - Nicola and Chloe- whom she had met when returning back to her parents' suite to clean up after the haldi ceremony. She thought they may be on the same floor, but other than knowing this and their names, really didn't have much to go on.

"Oh you should have seen them Rajeev, they were the cutest things. They thought I had had a major mishap with some finger-paint and expected me to be severely punished for it. They couldn't believe that it was done on purpose."

"Well you were quite the mess when it was all said and done."

"And you were not?"

"You were definitely the bigger target though."

Namoi's smile warmed him. "The fact that everyone got into the spirit of things made it totally worth it Rajeev. It was an excellent ice breaker. Even stuck on my perch getting my mehendi done I could see that everyone was getting along and having a great time."


There was no doubt that they had, Rajeev thought. Their mothers and Naomi had done an excellent job organizing the event. There had been more than enough to keep the guests well occupied: the traditional music and food had been plentiful as had the extras added to the merriment with the henna artists and bangle maker specifically popular with the women. For the men the tucked away bar was a source of measured jollity under the watchful eyes of their significant others. He had done his part entertaining the men present when he was not attending to Naomi's needs as she was mostly sequestered in the brightly decorated dais.  His attentions were noted and aptly commented on by both sides of the family, and the basis of some good natured taunting, which he took in stride.  That the two families were melding quite nicely by the end of the function, and his bride was happy was more than enough for Rajeev. He could only expect that this would continue with the Sangeet. If that was: he could get his bride going.


Thankfully, the hotel staff met with success in locating the family and a few minutes later a smiling group entered the lobby. Naomi excitedly turned to Rajeev who was on his mobile after answering an incoming call. He disconnected when she tapped his arm and faced her. He immediately saw what the fuss was all about and why the little girls had garnered Naomi's special attention when the impossible to tell apart little angels approached each holding one parent's hand.

"Hi girls, do you remember me?"

One of the little ones, the one sucking her thumb, nodded, while the more outspoken one said exactly what she was thinking. "You got a bath, but now your hands are dirty."

"Not really, see it's actually a design that I got for my wedding." Naomi then lifted her hem. "On my feet too," she add.

Her thumb removed the other little girl spoke. "I like your dress; you look like a princess. Is he the prince," she asked referring to Rajeev who stood near.

"He most certainly is, and we are on our way to a fancy party, but I insisted that we find you so I could give you these, because I will be leaving for home soon."

"What is it," they asked in unison, taking the pretty gift bags from Rajeev.

"Just a few things every princess should have, plus a treat to go with them. But you have to check with Mummy before you eat them okay?" She then looked to their parents. "Thank you for letting me meet them; they are just adorable."

"It's no problem at all, the yellow painted lady was all they talked about for the rest of the day," the girls' mother answered. "And please accept our congratulations on your marriage."


Deeming it safe to hook Naomi's arm through his, Rajeev looked down at his love, and returned the smile she flashed him.

"Tell me that wasn't worth the delay," she stated with her free hand resting tellingly near her abdomen.

"It was," he agreed as they meandered down the fairy-light lit path. As they grew closer to their destination they heard a festive track wafting in the quiet of the evening.

"I think they started without us," Naomi joked.

Rajeev answered non-committedly as they maneuvered the last turn in the winding path, aware that she would soon get to know what awaited them. She stopped short and gasped at the boisterous welcome they received as their guests stood waving sparklers in a rousing salute to the intended couple.


"That was not a part of my planning," Naomi pronounced, as she and Rajeev took their seats front and center for the performances their family and friends were anxious to put on for them.

"Aacha; perhaps our mothers or the hotel management..."

"I don't think so Mr. Rajeev Agarwal. I suspect that someone dearer to me would do something like this just to make me smile."

"Aacha...Vihaan then," Rajeev suggested: immediately seeing that she wasn't buying that either. "Or perhaps it was just the groom imparting a little something into the festivities in hopes he wouldn't later be accused of just showing up."

Naomi blushed as she recalled her earlier insistence that he be an active participant in their planning. "I've learnt my lesson on what is most important, and it's not the planning, Rajeev."

He moved to brush a stray curl behind her ear and let his fingers linger and trail slowly down her neck. "Aacha, so it is fine for me to cancel..."


"Hello you two; if we can get your attention to the front."

They jumped apart when Vihaan's voice came over the mic he held.

Up on the stage he grinned and winked at his Bhabhi confirming that he was fully aware the small intimacy she and Bhaiyaa  had just shared. That Stefan stood right beside him meant that he had also been witness to it, and Rajeev could imagine the thoughts running through his brother-in-law's mind other than that he had caught him red-handed pawing his sister. Most likely he would be ending the day the way it began - offering apologies to the man.

"Okay everyone, as the long suffering siblings of our love-birds, Vihaan and I have the honor of being co-MCs of this lovely event, which we would like to inform you has been altered to some degree."

"Exactly," Vihaan continued. "Because so many of you have really gotten into the spirit of things, we are going to divide the performances into two sections. First we will have some fun competition with the bride's family up against the groom's. These pink chits are for Team Bride and the Blue one's Team Groom. We will pick one of each and then the pair may dance as a couple or as adversaries in a dance off."

"And," Stefan interrupted, "to make things a little more fair we will be throwing in some English tunes in there... so  don't be surprised if you have to  moonwalk across the stage to get the one up on your opponent."

"Now if after all of this Bhaiyaa and Bhabhi aren't too intimidated, they will show us how good they are on the dance floor,  and then after that we have a very special performance for you. So what say everyone: are we ready to begin?"


 Whether by design or not, so much time had been taken up with the performances, that it looked as if they would only have time for one dance after all, but as he watched her, Rajeev realized that neither did Naomi comprehend or even care. Her delight in their families' comradery had definitely supplanted her insistence to dance the night away - if that had been her intent. He was still captivated in her beauty when he saw her suddenly jump up and approach the stage. Only then did he realize that the music had stopped and the crowd was cheering rapturously. Rachna's father's dance moves to Bruno Mars' Uptown Funk had brought all of the guests to their feet. Even his opponent, one of Naomi's younger male cousins had conceded defeat and had spent most of the song cheering enthusiastically for his opponent.


"You were brilliant Dayal Uncle,"  Rajeev heard Naomi announce when he joined her.

"I have music in my soul, beta."

"That will be a hard act to follow, Uncle," Rajeev added.

The older man placed his hand on their head to bless the couple. "All the best, betas, he said with a smile.


"Well it seems our couple is ready to take to the floor."

"Indeed, but as MC isn't it our prerogative to change the programme as we deem fit, Vihaan?"

"Absolutely...In fact Bhai; Bhabhi take a seat we think this next batch of performances should come before yours."

Stefan took to the centre of the stage. "So family and friends, as we mentioned before, Vihaan and I are the only siblings of our special couple; and consequently we have had a special insight into this courtship of theirs. As such we feel it only right that we give you the truth of things."

"Exactly Stefan; you see before they take to the dance floor and dazzle you all with Bhabhi's pretty dress and some sappy romantic music; a twirl, a dip, and maybe even a lift or two that have all of you thinking how very perfect they are, we will aim to reveal their truth... in song and dance of course. So without further delay...let's start with their very first meeting."


Everyone laughed when Kabir walked on to the empty dance floor: a hockey stick in hand and a frown on his face. Not long after, Aryia, obviously sent to look for her papa toddled towards him, followed by Rachna who, with an overly dramatic flair searched the stage for little girl. The pair silently improvised the couple's first unfriendly interaction before freezing in place in the center of the stage. Vihaan's voice came over the loudspeaker.


 "Everybody knows that first impressions mean everything don't they; and this scene clearly does not give any indication that a love story is about to begin. Or perhaps when I reveal what was actually going through Bhai's mind at the time, it does."


On cue the DJ blasted  Tune Maari Entryiaan over the speakers and Kabir (as Rajeev) began his performance, an animated appeal to Rachna/ Naomi for her  attentions - The guests, including the affianced couple, erupted in cheers.


"Will you miss your Devar, after I kill him," Rajeev whispered in Naomi's ear.

"Don't be a sour-puss, Rajeev; it's all in good fun," Naomi answered.


" I first got wind of something going on very early, when I was forced to meet Rajeev over a Skype call. Naturally as a responsible older brother, I did the needful, of telling this stranger to stay away from my sister, but the next thing I knew, Naomi had taken up hockey of all things.  Now our family is acutely aware that although she is a star in many areas, anything involving physical activity...well I digress. Anyway I thought some more and realized that a lot must be going through Naomi's mind if she was willing to risk life and limb.Something like this:


Nothing could have ever prepared any of them for Daadi's impish dance to Uff  from Bang Bang; her dance moves emoting the young woman first falling in love:

Uff mere dil mein thodi khaali si jagah thi
Uff Tune aa ke bin kiraaye ye jagah li
Kuchh keh bhi na saki, ye kaisi bebasi
Yoon chupke chupke aaya bin bulaaya mehmaan
Uff mere dil mein thodi khaali si jagah thi


Hum ko na khabar kab kaise aaya wo.. O o, O o..

Dil se khus-phus kya farmaaya wo.. O o, O o..


Hum ko na khabar kab kaise aaya wo.. O o, O o..

Dil se khus-phus kya farmaaya wo.. O o, O o..


It looked that anyone who hadn't performed in the first lot of performances had decided to participate in this musical rendition of their love-story, but the most poignant performance came from the most unexpected source, when Jack and Sareena enthralled everyone there with their beautiful choreography to Tum Hi Ho. It totally encapsulated the deep love the couple had come to feel for one another like nothing else.


But not to outdone, Vihaan and Stefan attempted to steal their thunder when they grooved to Baby Doll as they gave an account of Rajeev's transformation from lovelorn hockey Coach to the supermodel known as GQ Sir. Although neither were spared, it was clear that brother and bother-in-law were purposely ragging the groom far more than Naomi in the retelling of their romance. Either way it was one hell of a conclusion to the performances.


"Which brings us today's celebrations," Vihan concluded breathlessly when they finished. "Now frankly I don't believe that our couple will have anything to add to the story, but I figure we should let them have   a go. What say you Stefan?"

"Definitely," Stefan agreed, "Although I know anything they do will be sub-par after this. Come on Kid; you're up," he called out with a smile to his much loved little sister.



Kehte Hain Khuda Ne Iss Jahan Mein Sabhi Ke Liye
Kisi Na Kisi Ko Hai Banaya Har Kisi Ke Liye
Tera Milna Hai Uss Rab Ka Ishaara Maanu
Mujhko Banaya Tere Jaise Hi Kisi Ke Liye
Kehte Hain Khuda Ne Iss Jahan Mein Sabhi Ke Liye
Kisi Na Kisi Ko Hai Banaya Har Kisi Ke Liye
Tera Milna Hai Uss Rab Ka Ishaara Maanu
Mujhko Banaya Tere Jaise Hi Kisi Ke Liye
Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta
Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta
Kaise Hum Jaane Hume Kya Pata
Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta
Tu Humsafar Hai, Phir Kya Fikar Hai
Jeene Ki Wajah Hi Yahi Marna Issi Ke Liye
Kehte Hain Khuda Ne Iss Jahan Mein Sabhi Ke Liye
Kisi Na Kisi Ko Hai Banaya Har Kisi Ke Liye

Meharbaani Jaate Jaate Mujh Pe Kar Gaya
Guzarta Sa Lamha Ek Daaman Bhar Gaya
Tere Nazara Mila, Roshan Sitaara Mila
Takdeer Ki Kashtiyon Ko, Kinara Mila
Sadiyon Se Tarse Hai Jaisi Zindagi Ke Liye
Teri Sauhbat Mein Duaayein Hain Ussi Ke Liye
Tere Milna Hai Uss Rab Ka Ishaara
Maanu Mujhko Banaya Tere Hi Jaise Kisi Ke Liye
Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta
Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta
Kaise Hum Jaane Hume Kya Pata
Kuch Toh Hai Tujhse Raabta
Tu Humsafar Hai, Phir Kya Fikar Hai

Jeene Ki Wajah Hi Yahi Marna Issi Ke Liye
Kehte Hain Khuda Ne Iss Jahan Mein Sabhi Ke Liye
Kisi Na Kisi Ko Hai Banaya Har Kisi Ke Liye


had been their song choice, for their first, and as it turned out to be, only dance.  So much time had passed with all of the impromptu performances that almost as soon as the music had ended, it had been time for their meal to be served. After that, Rajeev had barely had enough time to lock her bracelet on her wrist, before goodbyes were exchanged and she had been spirited home, to remain there until the wedding ceremony. None of it had mattered, not then when she had still been floating on air from being in Rajeev's arms for the all too brief moment, nor today as she waited. In the end, the mothers had got what they wanted: for her to rest. It had been a great execution; she had to hand it to everyone involved. She couldn't even be angry with any of them: especially not today. Smiling, Naomi leaned over and once again inhaled the scent of the roses that had been delivered this morning. The deep red bridal bouquet; a gift from her husband-to-be was exquisite, and another one of his unexpected touches. She hadn't even bothered with flowers, but he had, knowing that had they married in the UK, that at least for the legal ceremony, she would have carried a bouquet. She closed her eyes and exhaled quietly - it was almost time.  The distant sound that had carried on the air, coming ever nearer, now sounded as if it was right outside her window - finally. She opened her eyes, bright with unshed tears, and met  a smiling Rachna looking at her in the mirror's reflection.  

"The baraat has arrived."


crtkelly2016-05-22 20:46:25

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