Chapter 88

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Chapter # 86

Of course Naomi had expected a reaction when she had gone to the hockey final, and made sure that Rajeev saw her in the crowd of spectators. In fact she was counting on one. She just hadn't anticipated that he would be this upset.  It hadn't helped that when Rajeev had come home and dashed up the steps to meet her that Jack had chosen that precise moment to come close to her spouting some nonsense about her hair being her crowning glory or something. And then he had winked at her seconds before Rajeev's anger spilled over and he grabbed the bodyguard.


And then he fired Jack on the spot.


Oh God, I am an idiot, Naomi thought.  It had been a warning. She and Jack had just left her bedroom when he suddenly stopped and turned to talk.  As they had stood outside her door, even with his back to the hall, and seemingly engrossed in their conversation, Jack had been aware. Somehow he had realized that Rajeev had finally come to her. She, on the other hand, had no clue of his presence, how long he had been there, nor how much of hers and the bodyguard's conversation he had heard. But Jack, being cognizant of the need for secrecy had created the ultimate distraction. His banter had caused an instant reaction.


In turn, it had led to her current situation of being severely chastised by the love of her life. She lifted her head slightly and stole a look at the irate man pacing her bedroom, and had to bite her lip to keep from breaking out in a smile. She loved him so much. He was making another rotation and had turned to face her, so she tucked her head down as not to betray her true feelings. Rajeev wouldn't understand at all. She guessed she would have to let his rant run its course and then hash things out, but in all honesty she hadn't felt this good in days. In her happiness a bubble of laughter threatened to escape her lips, which she tried unsuccessfully to cover by clearing her throat.


The strangled noise stopped him in his tracks.


Dammit, I've made her cry, Rajeev thought, as he came to where Naomi sat on the bed, looking so forlorn. He crouched down in front of her and took her hands in his and began speaking to her gently.

"Sweetheart, you shouldn't have come; it not safe for you here with Abhi roaming free. How could you even think to come here unprotected?"

She finally raised her head. Her eyes were bright, but thankfully dry. "I was protected, Rajeev. Jack hasn't left my side the entire time that I've been here."


He  dropped her hands and glared at her. It was the wrong thing to say and definitely not what he wanted to hear at all. His mind flashed back to the unprincipled so-called body guard who dared to come close to her.  It had been bad enough to come here and find them deep in conversation outside her bedroom, but then that bas***d had the audacity to reach out to let down her hair from the clip that controlled her gorgeous unruly curls - as if he had every right to. Rajeev had moved then, gripping the man's wrist, so very tempted to crush it.

"Rajeev you had no right firing my bodyguard." Naomi said patiently.

"No, he...that man had no right acting as if had any right over you! Do you think I will allow any man to come close to you?"

"Why does that even matter when it seems that you don't want me here anyway?" Naomi retorted evenly.  Her happy mood had definitely been tempered now.

Rajeev stopped short. "What, I never said that. I do want you here, but it's just not safe for you right now. It won't be until Abhi is apprehended and prosecuted."

"And if he's not Rajeev, then what? Will his freedom succeed where his attack failed; will he ultimately keep us apart? Tell me now, so I know exactly what my place in your life is to be."

"I just need to know that you are safe, Sweetheart."

"And I'm not with you?"

"I wasn't able to protect you before," was his choked response.


Naomi looked up at Rajeev. Her tears were real this time as she responded to his pain. The fact that she wasn't the only one needing to come to terms with what had happened to her became perfectly clear. So it seemed, did he.

"How dare you say that? Don't you dare belittle what you have done, and the price you had to bear for it!"

Rajeev shook his head. "It wasn't enough, he should never have been able to get to you in the first place," he said remorsefully as he walked across the room, ostensibly unable to come to grips with his perceived failure.

Naomi followed him and stood before him.

"I have never been as scared as I was that night," she said. "It's no wonder that my mind suppressed everything. "

He wouldn't even look at her, so he did not see when she placed her hand over the spot, where he had been wounded. "Even if the very worst had happened to me, it would not have compared to my losing you that night, Rajeev." She watched as he covered his eyes, and took one of her hands and uncovered them, forcing him to acknowledge her. She gazed at his troubled face.  She could tell that the fact he never knew the true extent of her ordeal had eaten him alive. And perhaps he didn't want to know even now, but, just as she had to face her fears; so did he have to come to terms with what had happened that night.

"He touched me in a way that no man, but my husband should, and yes, he forced my drug addled body to respond to him. His intent was to do even worse than that, and I would have allowed him every liberty to save our child after he threatened it. I would have submitted and I would have suffered for it, but I would have survived, and hopefully, eventually gotten over it; as long as our child was saved.  And I would have prayed that you would have forgiven me for that choice.  However, I cannot say the same had something happened to you that night Rajeev. Your getting hurt was the most terrifying aspect of that night for me."

Rajeev swallowed, but still said nothing.

"You told me that it wouldn't matter, but it clearly does."

He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but she covered his mouth. He needed to hear her out.

"You went into protection mode that night, and haven't come out of it yet, Rajeev. You still see me as a victim and not your life-partner who should have some say in how we should handle this matter." She shook her head. "I can forgive this happening at the time, but not now.  You want me to leave, then fine:  I'll leave just like you want and perhaps one day when you are ready to treat me as your equal and be a father to our chil..."

"Marry me Naomi."

If he wanted to shut her up, he had found an excellent way.

"Today... right now...marry me. We will work everything out afterwards, I promise."

Naomi looked at his attire; how dashing he looked in the black Indo Western suit he wore and then looked down at the SVC tracksuit she had worn to today's tournament final.

 She shook her head. "I don't have anything here worthy of getting married in."

He passed her the large bag he had carried. Naomi looked in it and extracted the garment bag that contained the  green and silver lehenga she had worn to the Banaras Beauty reception. There was a slim jewelry case in the bottom of the bag. Nervous with anticipation, she took it out. Her eyes widened when she lift the lid - it was a wedding chain. There was no way he would have had time from the end of the match to now to have purchased the beautiful mangalstura, so this had to be one that had been bought for her for their wedding. He was completely serious.  She swung back to face Rajeev and found that she no longer had to look up at him, as he was now on one knee, and representing her engagement ring.

"Sweetheart I'm waiting for your answer."

"Only after you answer my question; is this why you have dressed up for the occasion, in hopes that we would elope today?"

His silence let her know that there was more to this than his spur of the moment proposal.

"Not exactly, Sweetheart; once we leave the temple, we have an event to attend with my parents afterwards. We will break the news to them, then. I can promise you they will be happy for us."

She had  him on pins and needles as she just stared at him. And  kept staring.


" Okay, just let me freshen up and get dressed."


With a smile and a cup of coffee in hand, Abhi's personal assistant followed him into his cabin. She had been right to arrive before hours this morning.

"Welcome back, Sir how was London?"

"My newspaper; why isn't my newspaper on my desk," Abhi spat out.

The young woman swallowed, and placed the coffee down; so much for thinking that her boss's mood would have mellowed after his trip.  He must have at least had a great time, since he ended up extending his trip by a few days.

"I will go and locate one for you Sir," she stammered, hurrying to escape her superior's wrath.

"Close the door behind you," Abhi shouted at her as she left.


He circled his desk and sat behind it and powered up his computer. Inside he was seething over the chain of events that had taken Naomi away from him. He had given her a head start after she had thrown down the challenge to him; hell, he had even remained in London for additional days as not to raise his wife's suspicion.  That useless woman, he thought. He looked across his desk, at the picture he was obliged to keep there of his pathetic wife. He sneered at it before slamming it face down on the table. The vapid, useless woman was nothing in comparison to the spitfire his true love was. Unlike the accepting simpleton who had no clue that she meant nothing to him, Naomi was the one who heated his blood; even when she called him out for his actions. But under the influence of that man, she had gone too far with her obstinacy.  He hadn't even cared that she had duped him into believing she had traveled elsewhere when she left London; he had even laughed at her ingenuity, when by chance he heard her voice over the earpiece that by rote he had placed in his ear.  Discovering last night that she was back in Banaras was enough for him, as it placed her, once again in arm's reach.  He had smiled at first, as he listened to Rajeev express his ire at her, but soon his mood changed as the conversation continued.


"Marry me Naomi."

"Today... right now...marry me. We will work everything out afterwards, I promise."


Abhi had shaken his head, disbelieving that the upstanding coach would suggest something so scandalous and risk sullying his and his family's reputation. At once blood began whooshing loudly through his ears, which partially obstructed the conversation. With an unsteady hand he had adjusted the volume in hopes of hearing her answer. Naomi had yet to respond, but as the pause grew, Abhi knew she was contemplating agreeing. He would kill them both if she chose the wrong path.


"Okay , just let me freshen up and get dressed."


The door had closed leaving Naomi alone in the room.  

There was silence, for what seemed an eternity. And then finally, there was some rustling accompanied by infinite joyful humming until Naomi sighed and spoke aloud and inexplicably directly to him:


"Well Abhi this is a doozy of a cliffhanger isn't it: the handsome Hero has returned to his love with an offer that surely she cannot refuse, not after their troubles? I'm sure you are waiting with baited breath to know what happens next, but I guess you will just have to figure it out the old fashioned way...your access to my life ends right now!"


And then the listening device crackled and went dead.


Abhi  leaned back in his  office chair with his eyes closed, clasped his hands and tapped his index fingers under his nose as he contemplated if she had actually gone through with it. If she knew what was good for her, she dare not have. He didn't open his eyes when he heard the door open and moments later the paper was placed on his desk and the picture frame set upright.

"Don't let anyone disturb me until I tell you otherwise," he grumbled to his assistant.

 When there was no answer he opened his eyes to reprimand his employee, to find that she wasn't even there.Instead someone far more unwelcome was.

 His visitor's lopsided smile made his blood pressure rise immediately.

"Namaste Abhi, I thought it was high time that I visited you."



Rajeev knew as soon as Naomi began walking down the stairs, that there would be no wedding today; not with the choice of outfit she had changed into. In no way was the blue sheath dress she had worn on their first date appropriate for temple.  He excused himself from the family who had met him when he had returned from her bedroom, and rushed to Naomi.


Naomi answered him with a shake of her head. "No, we can't; not this way. Our parents..."

"Will be glad that the uncertainty is over, and that we are together as we should be."

A look of panic entered her eyes. "Rajeev, it's not right, I will not start our married life in such a clandestine fashion...please."

Rajeev's eyes softened as he sought to allay her concerns. "Aacha Sweetheart, we will wait until after we speak to our parents. Mine this evening, and then we will telephone your family later, thik hai." He reached up and played with a single loose tendril.  "I've missed these beautiful curls; he may be an ass, but Jack did have a point, these should never be held captive."

Naomi reached up to the bun she had fashioned. "You want me to redo my hair?"

"Nay, let's get going so we can meet my parents before the gala starts," he offered with a gentle smile.


Fifteen minutes later, holding her hand as they walked through the hotel Rajeev had mixed feelings: happier than ever, that Naomi was with him, yet disturbed that she had refused her ring. He knew she loved him, and he couldn't help but wonder if she felt an aversion to it due to the circumstances behind him removing it.  Maybe he should look for another and make a fresh start.

"This hotel is as lovely as Rachna mentioned," Naomi noted as they walked towards the banquet halls of the luxurious establishment. They came to the first room and Naomi paused at the entrance.

"Is this it Rajeev?"

Because there were people lingering in front of the framed event sign, it was difficult to tell, so Rajeev led Naomi into the room to ascertain if this was the right hall. This definitely wasn't it, he determined right away.

"Oh my God it's beautiful, don't you think Rajeev?"

He looked down at his love, and at the starry expression in her eyes, and then back again at the wedding function of some sort that they had inadvertently entered.  He saw how her cheeks were flushed, and understood that he had been wrong. As much as he needed her as his wife, he could not take her dream wedding away from her: she deserved as many bells and whistles that she wanted, not a secret ceremony to satisfy his desire to make her his.

 He gave her another minute to admire the space, before whispering to her that they had to leave. She nodded, resigned, and turned to follow Rajeev, when she suddenly heard her name called.


Rajeev checked his watch. They were still early, but he had hoped to have a bit more time with his parents before his father's event started. They were sure to be shocked when he arrived with Naomi and he knew that Maa in particular would need time to compose herself. Probably Naomi as well, he reckoned, but as every minute passed it didn't look like this would happen;  not when Naomi was busy helping a friend in need.

"Five minutes, just five minutes Rajeev. It's her first solo job and she's frantic...please?"

"Five minutes," he had responded with mock sternness, and watched her cheeks warm; she knew exactly the reward he would be seeking for this favor. He stood to the side observing as she aided a fellow technician who had worked at Rachna's launch with her, who was currently having major issues with an overhead photo presentation that had been created for the couple whose engagement function was scheduled to begin shortly. The bride-to-be wanted perfection and would freak out if anything was to go wrong. Rajeev prayed for the groom's sake that everything worked out; he would hate to be in his place, if not. She still looked to be at it, so Rajeev took the opportunity to take in the room preparations.  Perhaps this hotel could be an option for them, he thought; he would run it by Maa tonight.


Instinctively, Rajeev turned and was caught up in Vihaan's bear hug. His brother held him tight and slapped him on the back.

"I thought that was you bhai...damn it's good to see you." Vihaan let him go suddenly. "Uff...I wasn't thinking, I didn't aggravate your injury did I?"

Rajeev shook his head, surprised by his brother's out of the blue appearance. ""

"Ha bhaiya, Papa called initially, and then Maa started in on me on how this event was so important to Papa's legacy..."

He stopped when Rajeev held up his hand.

"I understand, trust me, but you've come all the way from London?"

"Well I already had the time off from work, and...well, actually I thought that you may need me here, particularly with the cancellation of the wedding, and everything that has happened."

Rajeev stared at his younger brother, and then pulled the younger Agarwal into a hug.

"Thank you, Vihaan.  Although I have hopes that your efforts will be in vain; I really appreciate them."

"I don't get you, bhai."

"I'll explain in a while, thik hai? First though..." He looked over to where Naomi had been and stopped cold. She was no longer there.  Frantically he looked around; she was nowhere to be seen. He began walking to where the technician was now seated at her equipment. Surely she would know where Naomi had gone. He was prevented by Vihaan.

"Settle down Bhaiya; you're getting worked up for nothing. You're going to get all hot and sweaty and ruin your look..."

"Go to hell Vihaan, don't you understand...Naomi is ..."

"My princess is just fine, son. Listen to your brother."


He had to blink several times to make sure he wasn't imagining things, as the group approached him  en-masse: his hopefully soon to be in-laws and his parents.

"How are you, son?"

About to bend to Naomi's father, he was prevented when then man held his arms and hugged him.  It was brief, as his wife ushered him aside and took his place, kissing him affectionately on both cheeks.

"Naomi wasn't lying when she said you look like a prince tonight."

"Uncle...Aunty? I don't understand; you're here as well?"   

"We travelled with Naomi, but I'm afraid we have been very busy... fixing a marriage on such short notice does take up ones time. And then there was the sorting out visas and flights for the guests that had already arrived in the UK. Between your mother and I, and Daadi of course, we have been run off our feet."

Rajeev turned to his parents. "Maa?"

Savitra Agarwal looked at her son with eyes filled with tears. She was about to speak when background music began playing. "We will talk later, beta," and then she moved the group to a pre-designated spot.


Rajeev was shell-shocked; there was no other way to explain it.


 "Bhaiya, I've never seen you this slow off the mark; you do realize what's happening don't you?"


"Obviously you have a woman who is determined to make you her husband."


Vihaan shook his head and approached Rajeev.  Grabbing him by the shoulders, he turned his brother to face him, and began setting his jacket just right. "Looking good bro...not bad at all." He reached in his pocket. "This will be the perfect finish," he told his brother. "But before I attach it have a look." He opened the hidden locket, and turned it, revealing the picture of his brother's lady-love. He allowed his brother to view it for a second, before taking it back and pinning the double pin brooch on Rajeev's jacket.

"Naturally, Bhahbi wants her photo right near your heart, so let's make sure I'm doing this right." He nodded to his brother "Now you're done." He paused for a second, glancing behind Rajeev before he smiled at his brother.

"Welcome to your ring ceremony, Bhai - now turn around."


Her curls had been set free, though swept artfully to one side. The wild curly mass was offset by the old-world formal look created by the cream simple crop top and matching dupatta and dark heavy embroidered lehenga. The emerald kundan necklace set that his parents' had gifted her, hung beautifully around her neck. She was a dream; absolutely stunning...and soon would be his. Rajeev looked past her shoulder to see the bodyguard - Jack - hovering near her: alert and all business. His eyes met Rajeev's and he nodded and then urged Naomi in her husband-to-be's direction. Once there, he moved away to a discreet distance, allowing the couple their privacy.


"I'm back."

"That was a bit longer than five minutes, Sweetheart."

Naomi nodded. "I know, but I was hoping that once I got back you might not have minded the wait after all.".

She looked away, suddenly scared that hers and their parents' actions may have been too presumptuous.

Rajeev placed his finger under her chin to raise her head and stared at her with all of the love he felt shining in his eyes. "So are you saying that you are ready to give me an answer to my question, Sweetheart?"

"I'm ready to let the whole world know my answer, Rajeev," Naomi answered tearfully.

 She turned to face the stage, where they would exchange rings in front of their families and friends; that was more beautiful than she had even imagined it would be. The lighting; the floral arrangements - everything was perfect.

"Do you like everything, Rajeev," she asked, indicating the oversized metallic portrait frames set up on the stage which along with the draping, tall candelabras and modern floral arrangements gave a minimalist look to the area where they would exchange rings. "I went for a photograph theme, because I thought it was us. And I'm sorry I didn't wear the lehenga you brought over; I actually did get Ra to bring it with her, but I thought that this outfit complimented yours more.  Do you like it...I mean if you really want me to wear the other one, I can change... Oh and I invited your hockey team as well, I felt so bad when I realized the ceremony would be held the same day as the final..." She pointed towards the dining tables in the beautifully uplighted space. "Their table is just over..."

She suddenly gasped when the very sensible man she loved  grabbed her hand and pulled her into the shadow of a nearby alcove, and kissed her senseless.




 Abhi smirked at his visitor. "Well it's safe to say that the elopement didn't quite pan out, eh Rajeev?"

"And you've reached the conclusion..."

"Well that's obvious: you're here. Had I married that fine specimen of a woman last night I would still be screwing her: she would be begging for mercy before I would be done with her."

The rise he had hoped to get from the coach failed, when Rajeev didn't react to his vulgarity. Instead the coach studied the new ring on his finger, supposing that his fiancee would take exception to him christening it with Abhi's blood. He turned his obsidian stare to the man across from him.

"It's done: your obsession with her is over - today. This is the only warning you are going to get, so heed it."

Abhi leaned back and laughed out loud. "Is that it: all you can manage, a warning, Rajeev? Your problem is that you are too principled, too weak. You cannot stop me nor can you prove a damn thing, and you know it."

Unruffled the coach stood up. "Aacha, keep thinking that." He held up his hand when the man moved to speak again. "Be careful what you say Abhi; you've been gone for a while and you have no idea when or where someone could be listening in on your conversations." He smirked when the man's mouth shut and his eyes began darting around his office.

Rajeev laughed.

"At any rate, I have a lot to accomplish before the big day and a much needed vacation. By the way there's a really great article on page 9 in the paper. You need to check it out. Actually it's pretty amazing working with the reporters when they are rooting for you. Once an unscrupulous editor is removed, it's amazing how forthcoming the news-staff can become. My father did well to decide to invest in the daily, I think."

He walked to the door and turned one last time to the man who remained silent at his desk.

"Don't let my demeanor fool you, Abhi; I've actually discovered that I really have no scruples at all when it comes to Naomi's well-being. Right now she just wants to get on with her life, and I am willing for now to do just that, but I will take you out without laying a single hand on you, if I have to. Money and power do have its advantages it appears." He grabbed the door handle and faced  his adversary one last time.

"I'm sure you will understand Abhi, if I do not pass on your best wishes to my wife-to-be."

Before he could exit, the door swung out and a stern man barreled into the room. He stared at Rajeev as if trying to place him. He nodded and pointed at the younger man.

"Aacha: Coach Agarwal - your father is Shailesh ."

"Namaste Sir...and yes you are correct."

The man nodded approvingly. "A great man, your father is, and it seems so is his son. I've just finished reading good things about you. Congratulations on both your teams' victory as well as your engagement. I wish you a very happy married life."

"Thank you Sir; if you can excuse me now."

"Of course... of course; please extend my regards to your father," the older man added to the departing man with a smile.

He closed the door behind him, and turned to his son.

"Note well Abhi, that young man is making his own way in the world, even though I'm certain his father would happily have him join the business. That is the example of a son that a father can be proud of," he exclaimed not even bothering to conceal his distaste for his own offspring.


crtkelly2016-05-22 03:45:57

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