Chapter 76

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Chapter 74


The patient file in hand, Dr. Misra welcomed the young mother and her husband into her office. "Rachna, Mr. Tripathi, please come in and have a seat." She opened the folder as she moved behind her desk to sit. "I wasn't expecting to see you until next week; is there a problem you feel we needed to attend to, some complication?"


Rachna glanced at Kabir before answering.

"Ji, there has been a complication of sorts that we actually hope this visit will address."  She peered once more at her husband.

"Tell me..." the physician encouraged.

"Actually it concerns our friend Naomi.  She was due to leave the country two days ago, but changed her plans unexpectedly. It occurred to me that she may have decided to come to see you before she departed. We desperately need to know if she made an appointment with you and if..."

"I'm sorry I cannot disclose any knowledge relative to any of my patients..."

Frantic for information Rachna interrupted her. "I understand, but please, if you could consider making an exception in this case. You see, she was in such a terrible state when she left home and we have not been to get in touch..."

The doctor glanced from wife to husband, before shaking her head, "If your friend has decided to distance herself... then perhaps she had just cause to."

Kabir was certain that the doctor's focus had turned more to him when she had answered. Not necessarily in indictment, but there was definitely something in her demeanor that hinted that she could know more of the situation than her words suggested.

Yes, you would be right, " Rachna replied deciding that being totally up front could be the only way that she could conceivably get the physician to consider divulging the information that would aid them. "We...I in particular allowed her to leave under such a terrible misconception..." Rachna paused, as the gravity of the situation hit her once again. She raised one hand to her mouth to contain a building sob. "I have made the worst mistake..."

Dr. Misra opened her mouth to speak, but paused when she saw how overwrought her patient was becoming. "Rachna, I am very sorry, but I cannot ethically provide the information you are looking for. I appreciate that it is a very troubling situation, but there is nothing I can do. However, from a professional standpoint, I must advise you, that you must calm down...stress is quite unhealthy for you in your condition."

"Please... anything you can tell us will hep. We just need to know. We are so very worried."

Kabir reached and held his wife's hand. In her duress, Rachna was clearly missing the big picture. The doctor hadn't outright denied treating their friend, which would have brought their queries to an immediate halt; therefore, in all likelihood the physician had attended Naomi. However, in terms of specifics, it was obvious they would not be forthcoming.  Kabir turned to his wife.

"Rachna, she is right; you must settle down for the baby's sake...please. You've done your best."

 He handed her his handkerchief so that she could mop her tears. Then he folded his hands and thanked the doctor for her time before suddenly pointing behind her shoulder.

"Dr. Misra, I see that you have a copy of today's newspaper on the credenza behind you. Have you had the opportunity to read it?"

She narrowed her eyes  in question, before addressing her patient's husband. "I have, but I fail to see what this has to do with..."

"Then you couldn't help but notice the headlining articles, I gather?"

"Ha, but again I..."

Kabir reached over and grasped his wife's hand. "Since it's clear that we can trust you to maintain whatever we discuss in strict confidence, we would like to give the truth behind Naomi's condition."

He reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out a card. "We will understand completely if you cannot respond to us, but perhaps, if there is anything you know that will help..."

She reached across the desk, and then examined the business card for Shailesh Agarwal, turning it over to see the handwritten contact information for a senior police inspector.  Her eyebrows raised and then the doctor and the man across from her shared a look of understanding. She nodded. "Tell me."



It was far too early for lunch, but Kabir was hesitant to leave Rachna's side. Not when she was in such a delicate state predicated by the entire situation and today's events in particular; and definitely not with her still entertaining this ridiculous notion that they should be apart. He was not going to let her leave his sight without getting to the bottom of her intentions.  Once she had taken her place in the passenger seat of their car he closed the door and went around to the other side. He made a brief phone call before opening the door and then sat behind the steering wheel. As a final step he re-checked his wife's seat belt, sending a small smile in her direction.

"As a matter of full disclosure, I am warning you that you have been officially kidnapped Mrs. Tripathi, with I might add, the consensus your entire family. We need to talk"

Rachna nodded and dabbed her eyes with her husband's handkerchief. "But don't you think we should first go to the hospital..." she began, before reading Kabir's determined expression. "Tik hai" she agreed.


After driving a few minutes, she looked to the side. As if he read her mind, Kabir answered her unspoken question.

"I'm absolutely certain that Dr. Misra will be able to assist now that she has a full understanding of the situation. She will either be in contact with the Inspector or Rajeev directly. Perhaps even both," he mused. "Therefore, Mrs. Tripathi, it is time for your attention to be directed elsewhere, specifically to the explanation I believe that I more than deserve."

Rachna nodded, ill at ease as to how much longer she could realistically expect to be able to withhold  the truth from her spouse.


Purposively playing on his wife's sensibilities, Kabir guided her through the park towards their bench, the one where he had proposed marriage, which thankfully was vacant.  They sat and he encouraged her to lean on his shoulder.  He held one of her hands and raised it to his lips, brushing it lightly before sighing.

"Rachna Tripathi, it's about time that we get on the same page.  And just so we have all the facts, I will start." he continued before she could protest the topic.

Rachna nodded in silent agreement.


"I recognized the possibility of something being wrong from the time you mentioned that you had found that YouTube clip with Naomi's final walk and the fact that absolutely no other clips were online. There haven't been, I've been checking. Then the article on the New York launch was printed and I realized at least one of the photographs were independently shot, although why hers and Rajeev's photo shoot would have garnered such attention I had no clue. Next came the sports articles, which again were over and above the norm, and focusing far too personally on Rajeev. It seemed that each subsequent write-up was a buildup from the last each leading to something, and that ultimately she was the target of some intrigue. Someone definitely has Naomi in their sights, Rachna." He hesitated before continuing.  "If not for the attack on her, I would think that the information that the packet you received would have been the culmination of the plan, to show her is the worst possible light."

Rachna shook her head.

"Nay Kabir I don't think so."

"How can you say that Rachna, everything points to it, the stranger watching her in the park, followed by the attack, it's undeniable that she has been targeted."

"A stranger: what stranger Kabir?"


He explained to her what Rajeev had disclosed to the police, of how in the park the day before Naomi's attack that Sanjay had spotted someone; a man who he had identified as her friend who misses her a lot, the same person who had hurriedly runoff after the child had called out to him. Kabir watched as his wife's eyes widened. He hadn't wanted to alarm his Rachna any more than she already was, but she had to understand the reality they were facing.

"It's not the first time."

"Not the first time for what," Kabir wondered aloud.

"Sanjay...he said a similar thing to Vihaan. He brought up that Pari's friend, who misses her so much and the fact the he has her picture on his phone. We dismissed it at the time, but now, it's perfectly clear."

"What are you saying Rachna?"

"What I'm saying is that it's clear that Sonal has an accomplice in her scheme, but in no way was Naomi ever intended to be the endgame."

Kabir sat up straighter and stared at his spouse.  He shook his head in incredulity.

"You believe Sonal to be behind this?" He looked at her, seeing at once the truth in her eyes. "My God, you actually do...and this is the reason behind your action, isn't it?"

"Ha KT, I'm just giving her what she hoped to accomplish, just until we locate..." She failed to complete her sentence; she couldn't, not when things were so unsettled already. Until she was certain that some headway had been made to discover the secret behind Sanjay's parentage, she couldn't destroy her husband's belief of the child being his son. For both his and the Sanjay's sakes she would have to suppress this information. Besides, she had no alternative but to put this aside until they located Naomi. Beyond that, nothing mattered.


Kabir gathered his wife in his arms, squeezing her in reassurance.  His brave beautiful wife; she of all people understood Sonal's capabilities, but she was mistaken this time. There was nothing to be gained in this improbable attempt to separate him from his love; none that he could see at least.  But obviously Rachana's intuition was directing her to take the action she had, and if nothing else, Kabir had complete faith in his wife. He sighed heavily before unhappily  assenting to her wishes.

"I trust you Rachna, so I won't ask any more of you. Will you at least promise me that you will come home once we locate and are assured of Naomi's safety?"

He smiled into her hair when she whispered her thanks.

"Aacha, and I fully expect to be reminded how much you love me when we speak on the phone tonight...10:00 PM sharp, Rachna."

Rachna tearfully laughed, and held him tighter. "As if I could go so long ...I love you Kabir...I love you so much."


"It's my entire fault; I should never have insisted that she keep the truth from you. At least then she would be safe."

"Don't worry Ma, she's fine. We will locate her and then we will explain everything to her. She will understand Ma, I promise you."

"You can't possibly know that she is okay. How can you even suggest it?  She has walked away from everything. She didn't even want her belongings, Rajeev. How can you even remotely believe..."

"I know because my heart tells me so. Please trust me."

Rajeev smiled sadly at his mother as he reclined in the hospital bed.  "And my knowing wouldn't have changed a thing. If anything I would have been more adamant that she left.  I don't care about anything, but her and the baby's safety. " Rajeev looked at the nearby clock. "Didn't Papa say he was coming soon?"

His mother nodded.

As if his question had conjured him up, Shalish Agarwal entered the hospital room.

"Beta, how are you feeling?"

Despite comforting his mother minutes ago, in truth Rajeev had little patience for the niceties of conversation when his father's earlier phone call had given the impression that some new information had come to light.

"Much better, but you indicated that..."

His words were interrupted by the sharp rap on the door and the entrance of a middle-aged woman, wearing the standard white lab coat identifying her as belonging to the medical profession.

"Namaste, you must be the Agarwals," she addressed the couple. She then turned to the patient. "And you must be Rajeev; how are you feeling today?"

"Better, thank you Dr.?"

The woman smiled, and held out her hand to the young man, "I am sorry, I thought that the inspector may have told you to expect me. I am Dr. Misra, and up until two days ago I was Naomi's obstetrician. I believe I have some information you have been seeking."



He had had to close his eyes, when relief: absolute and profound swept through him. It had been one thing, his private belief that she was safe and convincing his family of the same, but to have tangible evidence of the fact had been overwhelming.

"Rajeev Beta..."

Emotion choked him and it took a couple attempts for him to respond to his mother's concerned plea. Finally he opened his burning eyes, to find Dr. Misra watching him.

Hoarsely he spoke, "I apologize, please continue."

The physician nodded.

"First time mothers in particular tend to be overly anxious, and Naomi is no different. I suppose due to her earlier complications, she was even more anxious over the flight's effect..."

"Complications, she is having problems with the pregnancy?"

She rushed to assure the clearly emotional father-to-be. "Actually it was a very common issue; nothing to be overly concerned about. As I was saying, I had the availability so I agreed to see her. It was easy to see that she wasn't herself, and I felt compelled to query after her well-being.  Now that I am aware of the facts, I'm certain she had no recollection of the true events that had led to her condition, and was in complete denial over what had been supplanted in its stead. I advised her to submit to an assault examination, but her only concern was the child and what was best for it. Naomi had the opportunity to hear her children's heart beats for the first time that morning. Both of them were very strong, but that then opened a new spate of problems that arise from being pregnant with multiples."


She paused in her oration, to allow this piece of news sink in to her audience. She heard the exclamations of the would be grandparents as she focused on Rajeev who was shaking his head in rejection of this information.

"Twins...Nay, she can't be carrying twins; she's far too tiny, too delicate."

The doctor smiled for the first time.

"The human body is quite miraculous, Rajeev; rest assured she is more than capable. With God's blessings and sufficient care she will safely carry and be delivered of two healthy babies. But, there are challenges associated.  I did recommend that she stay to recuperate for a few days before she travelled, but she was determined to leave, so I made arrangements for her to be seen by a former colleague of mine in London. Dr. Khan is the head of Obstetrics at the hospital she works at, so I can assure you that she is receiving the very best of care.  On arrival Naomi was admitted into the maternity ward as she was severely dehydrated, which we suspect is the result of the air travel combined with the residual effects of the drug.  This in fact could be quite dangerous for both mother and child, so it was important that she be treated immediately. She is however doing much better."

She turned to the older couple and passed them a document. "I understand that you have another son in London. Here is Dr. Khan's contact information. I imagine that if you contact your son now, he should be able to visit both Dr. Khan and still manage to see Naomi today should he wish."

They thanked her effusively and excused their selves from the room so that they could get in contact with the London based physician.


Left alone with the bedridden man, Dr. Misra approached him.

"I'm glad that we have the opportunity to speak privately. I would rather not have brought this matter up in front of your parents."

Immediately tense, Rajeev nodded. "Tell me."

"In speaking to Dr. Khan today I did come to learn that one of the junior doctors had reported that she has had a particularly bad nightmare concerning a threat to the babies. I cannot say for certain if she is remembering, but I wanted you to be aware of the possibility. From a medical position I can say with fair certainty that there was no trauma that would lead me to belief that she suffered the worst of assaults, but in the course of my examination I did come discover a very tiny incision in her immediate pelvic area. The incision was made by something extremely sharp and was an exact wound.  A more severe laceration with whatever this instrument was would have assuredly terminated her pregnancy. I've mentioned this as you need to be aware the extent of her victimization. In the worst case scenario, such a threat could have been used to ensure her complicity; only she can tell us this. Regardless if we learn everything, the truth of the matter is that whoever her assailant was, he knows far more about her than a random opportunist. You may have a serious issue on your hands."


Her shift finally over, Reena rode the lift up to the maternity ward on the third floor. As her only connection to her nephew, she didn't want to leave the hospital without verifying how Naomi was doing.  Thankfully she was coming up to her allotted days off, so she would have additional time to meet her. Utilizing the hand sanitizer at the entrance of the ward, she rubbed her hands together, before pushing the swinging door with her shoulder.


"Aacha, if you must know bhaiyaa she looks like a princess ready to be awoken with a sweet kiss, truth be told."

"Don't even think about it Vihaan. Stay away from my wife."

Vihaan laughed at Rajeev's response on the other end of the call happy to be in a position to jest with his older brother after the past days of worry. "Chill bro, I know my limits." He sobered.  "How am I to know that bhai, I'm not a doctor. All I can say is that she looks well for being asleep. You're joking, right? You do realize that's creepy, right? Tik hai, one picture, I'll send it to you in two minutes."


He kept moving from one spot to another trying to get the right angle to take the picture of his Bhabhi  to send to bhaiyaa. He couldn't decide on the perfect position: bhaiyaa would probably freak if he captured the IV, but Naomi's head was at a weird angle from the other side. He held the phone up... and then lowered it. Maybe if he tilted her head just so...


"Excuse me what do you think you are doing?"

"Just taking a photo, I'm sure she won't mind...Hey!"

He turned in astonishment when his smartphone was snatched from his hand.

"You! What are you doing here Vihaan, and why are you taking pictures of her? Who is this patient to you?"


"Vihaan beta, is there some problem?"

The man turned towards the door where Daadi stood. "Nay Daadi, I was just explaining to my friend Sareena..."

"We are not friends," the agitated doctor responded.

Vihaan moved to correct himself. "Daadi, Sareena...excuse me Dr. Arora, is actually one of my firm's clients, who coincidently works here..." He studied her for a second. "But, I thought you were in posted in the Acute Care..."

"I am... I've just come to visit..."

"Naomi? You've come to visit her?" He smiled charmingly at the woman. "You know her. Wow it's a small world isn't it? I can't believe that you of all people know Bha..."


The soft voice still filled with sleep came from the bed. "Kismet...Vihaan, at least that's what Rajeev would call it."


Vihaan's attention swung to the bed and he rushed to Naomi's side, "Bhabhi...finally... hey come on don't cry Bhabhi. You know bhaii will find some reason to blame me," he teased.

She shook her head, "Don't call me that...I'm not and never will be your Bhabhi; your brother made that perfectly clear to me before I left."


crtkelly2016-05-27 04:21:27

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