Chapter 63

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Chapter 62


"Remind me again, what exactly am I paying you for?" Abhi complained over the telephone as he paged through the newspaper in disbelief. "I have provided enough details as to plaster the front page for days..."

"Ha, you are right, Abhi...however I decided to improvise a bit, especially after a particular sports article was handed in. Take a look at page 10 my friend.  It is sure to peak even more interest in Banaras newest heartthrob.  Remember, it's all about momentum.  We can afford to build him up just a little more: pique the public's interest in her and then dash their dreams in such a way that neither of them will be able to recoup. The reporter I have working on this is extremely talented, and more importantly extremely in debt, so not only he will manipulate the material you have provided, but will also go as low as necessary, and act as unscrupulous as we need him to be, as long as there is a benefit for him.  Remember Abhi, not everyone had a cushy management job waiting at Papa's company for them; hard work earned me my editorial post, so you need to trust me do what I do best, my friend. We are just gearing up so relax.


It is time once again for the Annual Collegiate Ladies Field Hockey Tournament with the first match of the competition seeing the ladies from SVC travelling to meet the defending champions from Banaras College. On arrival at the venue, this reporter could be forgiven for his belief that a major resurgence of interest in the sport had occurred, judging by the number of supporters in attendance. However it didn't take long to comprehend that the throng of mostly female fans from a variety of higher learning institutions were not there only to cheer on last year's victors, if at all, but had in fact had shown up to suss out Banara's newest commodity in the form SVC Coach Rajeev Agarwal, whose undercover modelling career was revealed by this newspaper two days ago. The coach who has been given a new moniker of GQ Sir' by his many fan-girls cut a dashing figure as he went through the motions of getting his team ready to go against the tournament's defending champions.

Lest one be confused, GQ Sir, while decidedly easy on the eyes is definitely not just another pretty face. Coach Agarwal led his team with stern discipline, demanding aggressive, yet fair play resulting in the SVC victory over...


Naomi momentarily tuned out  Daadi's recitation of the article and quickly sent Rajeev a message.


Nothing they've written is untrue. So I have company as it comes to my admiration; as long as you know you have none when it comes to my love - 34 days <3


"Arrey!" Naomi raised her head at Daadi's exclamation.


 ... As a side note this reporter did observe that among the masses of female hopefuls, there was one fortunate young lady who was the recipient of the enigmatic GQ Sir's attentions. In spite of her chaperone, the pair shared an intimate moment reviewing something looking suspiciously like a shaadi card. This was then followed by a tender PDA that had those witnessing either swooning with delight or pea green with envy. Could this tete-a-tete indicate that the dashing coach is being taken off the market just as he has been set in the display window?  It indeed appears to be, so let me be the first to offer this reporter's congratulations to GQ Sir and wish him and his very flustered, but extremely pretty mystery girl all the best. One can state with a high degree of certainty that this is a love-match between the pair, and while this news may break hearts of females of a certain age, conceivably their attention will return back where it should be: the tournament. That being said perhaps now would be the appropriate time for this reporter to follow his own advice and relay all the details of this year's competition. Full coverage will be given to the tournament, and we encourage all readers if unable to attend the matches to follow this sports column for all the results. For all the details on the tournament, please see the side bar where we have listed the schedule of all games. One can be assured of another fierce competition as we look to crown the best Ladies College team, and for those not totally enthralled by the sport, this year's tournament looks to have a little bit of something for everyone.

Good Luck to all of the teams regardless if their coaches are of GQ Material or not.


Rajeev sighed on reading the follow up message he had received from her:

I retract anything good inferred about this article. I will find that reporter and maim him! How dare he intrude on our privacy!


She picked up on the first ring. "I'm contacting that newspaper and making an official complaint!"

"You're being excitable again Sweetheart. Settle Down. Ideally I would prefer not have our life on display, but no real harm has been done.  Ignore it and soon they will move on to newer things."

"It's not right Rajeev, I won't stand for it. Is this a sports or a gossip column?"

He sighed again stirring his cup of coffee. "Good Morning Sweetheart; I love you."

"That is not going to work this morning Mr. Agarwal, so don't even attempt to pacify me. Your sweet words..."

"Are all I have in my arsenal right now, but I would warn you to do try to get most of this angst out of your system in the next few weeks  before you come home. You needn't be excitable all the time, Naomi," he preached patiently

"Aacha Rajeev Agarwal? Well I will have you know... Daadi?"

"Good Morning Rajeev beta."

On the other end of the line, the coach lowered the coffee cup from his lips and sat to attention on hearing his elder on the other end. "Namaste Daadi, how are you?"


Naomi turned away disbelieving that Daadi had begun lecturing her fiance on the subject of propriety and upholding the honor of both families, as if he was a wayward adolescent. She noticed that KT was now avidly studying the article. She surmised he had reached the cheap section of the story, when his eyes narrowed before he raised his head to look at her.  She walked out of the room and upstairs to her bedroom to escape. She was definitely not in the mood for a possible lecture from her surrogate older brother.


She looked tired, as if she hadn't slept well, and considering all that she had to deliberate, Naomi could not fault Rachna's appearance as she caught a glimpse of her friend heading for the nursery. Her own problems, truly minuscule by comparison to what Rachna was dealing with, allowed Naomi put aside her irritation and go after the young mother. After slipping into the nursery and closing the door behind her, she noted Aryia vying for her distracted mother's attention. She walked over and placed her hand on Rachna's arm smiling gently. "Take a seat Ra, I'll tend to her."


Rachna observed Naomi's surefooted manner of caring for Aryia. Despite the other woman's misgivings on the subject, Rachna was certain that she would make a wonderful mother to her own children. She smiled at the thought. It was something she would look forward to, the opportunity for their children to grow up together, especially since it appeared that Gunjan was in no hurry to join her in the state of motherhood.  Naturally the thought of children brought her back once again to the situation at hand, and what she would do about her husband's wish.


Contrary to Naomi's supposition the test results had not yet arrived. But they would in the next few days; the doctor had been certain of it. The fact that they hadn't been completed had not dissuaded Rachna from her belief that Kabir would be excluded as Sanjay's parent through this second DNA test. She didn't know if it was the unknown Aunty Reena that had spurred her belief that Sanjay was someone else's child, or just a deep rooted wish on her part that had her seeking a cut and dry resolution to this situation. There was to be no such thing though, since, as Naomi suggested, although this would eliminate the immediate paternity issue from their lives, where would it leave Sanjay? If not KT's child, then who's could he be? What if, as Naomi suggested,  Aunty Reena was in fact a blood relative of Sanjay's? She would certainly share the same fond memories that he had of her, and perhaps right now was missing the precocious youngster. Sonal's repeated attempts to avoid anything to do with the UK could very well point to the possibility of such.  Naomi had the right of it; it would be wrong to do right by her husband without considering the ramifications to such an innocent child. She sighed. And then there was always the unfathomable... that KT could be proven the father after all.


'Here you go mummy. One princess all cleaned up for you." Giving the baby one final kiss, Naomi handed Aryia to her mother. She stood for a second admiring the special interaction between mother and child, until Rachna looked up and nodded for her to take a seat beside her.

"Thank you Naomi."

"Trust me Ra, it was no problem. In comparison to my morning thus far, a dirty nappy has been the highlight of my day."

"Oh dear, that doesn't exactly sound encouraging." Her eyes went to the door went it opened. "Namaste Daadi."

 Daadi entered and walked over to where the three sat. "Namaste beta. Hello little one," she greeted her bahu and granddaughter before handing Naomi her mobile.

They had disconnected the call, so Naomi began redialing Rajeev's phone number.

"Aacha beta, I would like to talk to you before you place your call."


 "Couldn't she have waited until Naomi had been dropped off, and the driver returned, Nanhe, " Daadi asked  as she watched their Pari leave in the company of Sonal. "Better yet, couldn't have Sonal's doctor come her to attend her?"

"Daadi you are overreacting. There is no possible way that any harm will come to Naomi just being in Sonal's company for all of the fifteen minutes it will take for the driver to reach her in-laws'," Kabir answered.

"What I still don't understand is the reason that Naomi has to go with the driver in the first place," Rachna said. "I can't believe it that everyone's is making such a big deal over an article that is solely the mischief of a meddlesome reporter."

"Beta, it is not as clear cut as it appears.  Whether for good or bad, Rajeev has been thrown into the public spotlight and unfortunately this means by default that Naomi has as well. Today it is just a mention in a sports article, but you know that the press thrives on scandal, real or perceived.  We are just taking the steps to prevent any unnecessary trouble for either of them. Still.." the older woman began...

"Daadi you can't have it both ways. This is the only alternative right now."  


Personally Rachna had thought the entire fuss ridiculous, and earlier, had been about to speak up against the restrictions already set in place, when to add insult to injury it had been decided that Naomi would have to ride along with Sonal. Rachna would have none of it, and began to protest. That was until Naomi had covertly clasped her hand. Silently Naomi had shaken her head slightly, denying further complaint. Rachna had noticed then Sonal's entry into the room, and the other woman's attention to the defeated facade that Naomi had suddenly affected.  She realized then, that Naomi too shared her view, but looked ready to use the situation to their advantage.  As she prepared for round two of the custody discussion with her husband, Rachna sincerely hoped that some good would come from her friend's actions.


"Obviously I'm not doing well enough of a job, my love," Kabir said gently. "Would it help if I scheduled time with the lawyer to discuss the process, Rachna?"

"Ji KT, I think that would be the best thing. Though I cannot say that I will be swayed in favor of your choice, I would like to get a better understanding. I just don't comprehend how you would expect Sonal to willingly give up her parental rights."

"Perhaps she will realize that it is for the best and..."

"Nay Kabir, what you are thinking is not rational. She is his mother, and I cannot imagine that any mother would willingly renounce her child."

"I only want to give Sanjay his rightful place in our family, Rachna.  He deserves to bear the Tripathi name, and at the end of the day, she will always be his mother. Please try to understand, Rachna."



"There is no legal impediment that would prevent Sanjay's father from naming him as the beneficiary to his estate right now; nothing at all, Sonal."

"But the chances will increase if in fact Kabir legally adopts him, isn't that right?"

"Ha but as I've explained Sonal, only under extreme circumstances will this occur. Paramount will be his wife's acceptance of this action, without this it does not matter if you abandon your child outright. Another factor and a very important one, is their unborn child. You indicate that she is almost three months pregnant. This leaves you only six months for a resolution. The act clearly states that the adoption will be permissible only if there isn't a child of the same gender within the household."

Sonal startled. "Surely that shouldn't matter?"

"It matters a great deal. A six month window is all you are dealing with. If Mrs. Tripathi bears a son before the adoption is finalized, then you efforts will have been in vain. And if I may speak frankly, Sonal, I cannot see any reason for her to agree to this. She may not care for you, but you have presented yourself as a loving mother, so it would make no sense for you to want to relinquish custody of your son." He laughed. "Now if perhaps you were behaving in a manner that deems you an unfit parent, then I can say with confidence that your chances will increase. No mother would be able to stomach the neglect or abuse of a young child. But for a mother to consider something like this in its self is farfetched.."

Unless, the inheritance is of a value that she could not walk away from without trying, Sonal thought as she contemplated what her next steps should be.



"How dense could we have been," Naomi muttered as she settled in backseat of the Agarwal Town-car.  KT's driver was still tied up with Sonal who had detoured after her doctor's appointment to complete some tasks, leaving Naomi stranded momentarily.  She was about to turn down Rajeev's mother when she offered their driver, but in recalling their conversation, understood that the best route was to compromise. Now, as she rested alone in the rear seat, Naomi was glad for the fact that she was by herself. Without any external interference, she could further examine the fact that had been staring them in the face all this time.

It all came down to family honor.


She must have displayed the right amount of indignation that prompted Sonal to start talking to her as they rode together earlier.

"Did you not consider the differences in family values when you agreed to marry; that now your actions not only have bearing on you but also your in-laws as well? The reception that may be waiting for you may not exactly what you hope, dear; I hope they are not too angry with you."

"And why would you think that there would be such a disparity between my family's principles and that of my future in-laws? You don't know what you are talking about, Sonal." She started to fiddle with her curls nervously.

Sonal had smiled a sly grin, believing that she had got to the younger woman.

"Public displays such as was written about you and your Rajeev are not at all acceptable here, Naomi. And unfortunately it is usually the female that bears the burden of upholding the honor of the family and so it will be she who suffers for such irresponsibility. Even in the more progressive Indian families this remains true. It's just as well that the two of you are engaged. That fact may be your only saving grace today. Still at the very least you can expect some form of chastisement, Naomi."

"How did you cope with it Sonal; what was your secret?"

The woman shook her head. "I don't understand..."

"Returning home unmarried and pregnant...I mean if I understand you correctly your own family must have been horrified to say the least that their daughter returned home, all set to bear an illegitimate child. A child out of wedlock: I doubt even my parents, and their perceived low standards, would understand that. "

"That wasn't a problem," she snapped, "My child was conceived within ..." She stopped and took a deep breath. "I meant to say, my parents were far more understanding, probably as a result of residing in America for so long. It's far different here in Banaras."

Naomi turned her head to look out the window. She smiled. "You are lucky then Sonal, very lucky. I know that had that been me coming home in that state, my parents would have me loaded on the very next flight demanding that the father of my child make an honest woman out of me. Your position could have been totally untenable, but obviously your family loved you more than they cared for their family honor."

The car had pulled into the driveway of Rajeev's parents' home, so Naomi gathered her things and exited. "I can only hope my future in-laws are as supportive. Thank you for the advice though."


Yup, Naomi thought, it all came down family honor, and in this situation it made all the difference.  Naomi was certain that it would have taken but one phone call from Sonal's parents to Daadi, informing them of their daughter's predicament and Sonal would have achieved everything she ever wanted, to separate KT and Rachna and become Mrs. Kabir Tripathi. The fact that she hadn't even made the attempt, plus her earlier slip of the tongue, proved everything. Rachna was right; Kabir was not Sanjay's father. Naomi took her mobile and sent a message:


Let's play a game, how would you finish this sentence:  My child was conceived within...


crtkelly2016-05-20 18:33:31

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