Chapter 58

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Chapter 57

The cloying scent of the bouquet that Vihaan had insisted on purchasing for his Bhabhi permeated the closed car as Rajeev drove back to the Tripathi residence, conveying both his younger brother, the bouquet and the dinner summons for himself and Naomi tomorrow.  Mentally he corrected himself. The 'invitation' from his parents had been given in good spirit, and he knew it was only habit that had him thinking of it as an order instead. Perhaps less enthused than Vihaan had been when he announced his engagement, more so due to the lack of ritual involved, Ma had insisted that he bring Naomi home as soon as possible. It had been new, this not opposing his parents, but with the knowledge that compromise would be needed by both him and his parents, he decided it best to make the first step towards reconciliation.  His promise to his future mother-in-law that, for her daughter's sake, he work to resolve his issues with his parents, had him agreeing without complaint. The memory of Ma's stunned expression at his assenting, still had him smiling as he turned slightly towards Vihaan, who was still rambling non-stop. A bad mistake, Rajeev realized, as he collided with the oversized arrangement his brother was holding.

"You should have placed that back, Vihaan."

"Nay Bhaiyaa, I couldn't risk it getting damaged." He did however, transferred it the  to the other side. "My Bhabhi deserves perfection; if she can't get that in her life partner, at least she will have it in her Devar, and the flowers he's bought her."

Rolling his eyes, Rajeev shook his head as he wondered when his brother's over-the-top tendencies would be tempered. Consequently, when an uncharacteristic silence befell Vihaan as they drew nearer to their destination, it got his immediate attention.

"Aacha, you've gone quiet; dare I suggest that all that chatter was just a cover up and perhaps you are actually nervous to meet her?" Rajeev teased.

"Nay Bhaiyaa; not at all. As far as I'm concerned we're already the best of friends. To be honest, I'm thinking about Kabir; you know, all that he did to help the two of you. I mean it was right that he did something after the problems he created, but still it was a hell of an overture."

Rajeev contemplated his brother's words and the fact that Naomi's parents New York appearance was only a part of the solution he had proposed.  "Yes, you're correct, but the fact that he planned all of it even before issues arose speaks volumes of his genuine feelings for her. I can't help but be grateful."

"And so all is forgiven then? You've decided to let bygones be..."

There was an underlying tension in his response.

"Is there a problem Vihaan? You seem particularly determined to think ill of Kabir." Keeping his eyes on the road, Rajeev hypothesized his opinion of his brother caustic tone, "Does this have anything to do with you meeting him as well; with the fact that he's Rachna's husband? Tell me now, is this is something you can't handle? If so it would be better if you waited until Naomi comes home tomorrow to meet her. I'm sure your flowers will keep."

"Nay bhai, it's nothing like that. It's been really great, these past few days visiting Rachna, and it's clear that everyone has moved on." He paused. "But yes, it does feel awkward to actually be meeting her husband."

"Well if it's any consolation, I'm sure that the feeling is mutual, Vihaan. Think on it."

That seemed to revive his spirits somewhat. "Well there is that. Although still can't say that I like the level of influence that Kabir has over Bhabhi.  Doesn't this bother you?"

"That's an exaggeration, Vihaan, and frankly you are thinking out of context. She has been a friend to both of them for a number of years so much that they consider each other family. Families have disagreements, which can be very hurtful, as you know. Such is the case here, but the fact is that she chose to forgive him even before he had arranged for her parents to come to New York. And while it wasn't him alone in the planning;  I owe a lot to him Vihaan, so let's just leave  well enough alone."


"So, they knew the story; had gotten to know him already and now wanted to hear my version of events."

Naomi smiled, as she continued with her story. "I'm guessing our stories synced well enough, and a certain covert operation the night before where mummy and daddy had the opportunity to observe their future son-in-law discourage all of the untoward attention he received at the reception was a final reassuring sign that he was sincere in his feelings for me."  She stopped in her recitation, and looked at Rachna. "Tell me you had nothing to do with that, and I will call you a liar, Rachna. I don't think that KT would have even thought of that."

Rachna smiled.

"Guilty as charged. KT knew that images were the ones he had to use, but he had also figured that given the choice Rajeev wouldn't have agreed. If they were truly as impressive as he indicated, I knew that it would bring some attention to him, including the unwanted variety. Since I had no doubt that Rajeev would rise to the occasion, and it would only bolster his chances, I suggested that KT let your parents observe his response to the attention.  I was convinced that Aunty was already in his corner, and I knew that Rajeev's actions would definitely help your father make a decision."

"It did Rachna, Mummy and Daddy basically told him that; so thank you." Naomi then gestured to the laptop. "Those photos are what we should be looking for online, not this nonsense you've found on YouTube. He looks so hot in them."

"Arrey who said I didn't?" Gunjan replied. "It seems you are the only internet sensation to come out of the launch so far." She grabbed the last fruit slice off the tray. "But it's early days yet! Just imagine the fun we can have once those sexy photos hit the net!" she teased wiggling her eyebrows.

"Hello that's my fiance you are talking about! Keep your eyes on your own man, Gunjan. Rachna let's get on with this dress designing so I can solidify my claim, already."

The three women burst into laughter, the two already married, ecstatic for their friend who would soon be joining their ranks.


The infirmity of her leg cast not withstanding, Kabir contemplated how soon he could remove Sonal from his home. Suspect of every word , he attempted to listen with an open mind to her subtle complaints of weakness , while he visited with her . Despite her evident immobility, Sonal went out her way to attend to Sanjay, who had been with her, when he had gone to the downstairs guest room  unannounced . Oblivious to his return, he had used the opportunity to catch her unawares, in the hope that he would find Sonal more capable than he had expected, contrary to the information that Rachna had provided. However, despite his wishes, his discoveries hadn't helped. There was definitely no way that she could care for Sanjay on her own.   And now, as he sat with his son in his lap, he doubted both the reaction to and the fairness of  his decision to send her home would bring about.

"I am so grateful that Rachna was there for our son, and now this; well I am truly overwhelmed Kabir. She truly is a good person."

Kabir nodded, not trusting to respond to her compliments of his wife. Instead he turned his attention   to his child." And you beta, have you been good to your mother?"

"Yes Papa.  Mama can't help me too much though. Is Pari awake yet?"

Laughing at the interchangeable whims of a child Kabir answered his son, who having seen him was now ready to see his buddy. "I believe she is visiting with Aunt Rachna and Aryia right now, but you will see her very soon."

"Are they talking about her dress?"

"Her dress, beta?"

"For the wedding Papa; when Pari and Rajeev uncle get married. Are you going to make some more new clothes too Papa? Daadi said you would. Will you make something for me to wear to the wedding Papa? And Rajeev Uncle and Vihaan Uncle too?"

"Once everything gets arranged, then Papa will know if I will be making something for Rajeev Uncle and his brother, but I can say for certain, that yes I will  definitely will make something for you and for Daadi, Sanjay."

"When is the wedding Papa?"

Knowing of Naomi's distaste for his son's mother, Kabir chose to take the conversation elsewhere. "Beta, I'm sure you mother has no desire to hear this, so let's take our leave, and let her get some rest. If you want I can take your measurements and by that time Pari may be downstairs."

The little boy hopped out of his father's lap, excited for both being with his father after so long and in anticipation of seeing his Pari soon as well.


"I knew that nothing else would do; that here on the staircase would be the only place I could ask this of you." He stared down at her wide green eyes, so expressive, as he looked down at her despite Naomi being one step above him on the staircase. "You looked shocked Naomi, surely you had to know that I would take the opportunity to ask."  Her lips began to quiver, so he thought it best to carry on with his proposal.

"Love is a given; you know that I will always love you for everything you are, but I want you to know that you will never be without support. I will always be there for you no matter what; nothing will ever dissuade me from your side. You will always have an ear to listen; arms to hold you; shoulders to cry on, not that I expect you will need any of them. What I do expect you to partake of, is the adventure only I can offer when things get too dull with Mr. Sensible; a partner in crime is never a bad thing you know."  He finally paused in his speech. Mischief in his eyes ,  he handed Naomi the oversized bouquet and went down on one knee. "I'm certain that Bhaiyaa probably just told you that you would marry him, so I figured you should at least get the proposal you deserved from one of the Agarwal brothers. Say you will be my Bhabhi and make me the happiest Devar ever."

She couldn't hold it in any longer, and laughed in his face, before hugging Vihaan, squashing the flowers he had carefully selected between them. "You are an idiot Vihaan, but a thousand times yes." She leaned to whisper in his ear. "Anything that gets me my Rajeev, I will agree to, even your ridiculous proposal."

"Welcome to the family Bhabhi."


Wearing the look of a long suffering older brother , Rajeev  stood with Daadi , Kabir and Sanjay.

"Your brother Vihaan I gather?"

"Ha Kabir, in all of his glory," he responded sarcastically. "I live in hope that one day he will grow up."

His attention already moved back to his wife and her reaction to the spectacle ahead of her on the staircase, Kabir nodded in acknowledgement of Rajeev's comment.  Rachna who had come to a stop behind Naomi had looked on the scene between her two friends with an incredulous expression. When she finally had the chance to pass the young man, Kabir couldn't help but smile at her comment to Vihaan.

 "Cute Vihaan, but a totally amateurish effort, in contrast to your brother's apparently." And then she walked pass him, carrying Aryia, without giving him a second glance.


"Ha Vihaan," Gunjan concurred as she passed him next. "You should pay more attention to your big bro, maybe you'll finally learn that substance wins out over flash any day."

He turned back to Naomi, pleading at least for her support. "Bhabhi?"

"It was very endearing, Vihaan, truly it was, but there is definitely something to be said for a man of few words. When he does get around to saying them, they hold infinite meaning."  She glanced behind Vihaan to meet the eyes of the man in question, a rosy hue rising to her cheeks.  "Still waters run deep, remember that Vihaan. As far as a Bhabhi proposals, yours ranks pretty high amongst those I've ever received if that's any consolation, to but in comparison to Rajeev's..." She shook her head regretfully.

"Thank you for the flowers though, we should be able to decorate the entire house with them," she teased.


"I don't have any flowers for you Pari."

Naomi paused in her ginger descent down the stairs, as she tried to balance the oversized arrangement when she noticed Sanjay had left his father's side and began to climb the stairs to meet her.

"I'm sorry," he said when he came level with her.

"What reason do you have to be sorry, Sanjay. I know you have something so much better than flowers for me."

The little boy shook his head in confusion, "I didn't know you and Papa were coming home so I don't have anything for you."

Naomi passed the flowers back to Vihaan who stood behind her, and crouched down to Sanjay's level.  She lifted one of his arms and looked at it. "Are you sure, I thought I saw... maybe it's in the other hand." She lifted up his other so that his arms were fully outstretched. "See there it is, a gift much better than any silly flowers...a hug from my JayJay!"  She giggled when he caught on to what she had said and pounced into her arms. "How are you Buddy, are you feeling better now? I was so scared when I heard you had been in an accident, I wanted to come straight back home."

Sanjay nodded enthusiastically. "I feel a lot better. Rachna Aunty took good care of me. Only Mama has to feel better now."

Meeting Rachna's eyes at this comment, Naomi agreed, "Hmm Sanjay, let's hope your mama feels better soon."

"Can we play some games now that you are back; no one had time to while you were away."

"As long as it's okay with your mama, then yes we can, but we will have to check first."

"I hope so. I don't like to have to stay in the room all the time with her."

"I wouldn't like that either, so we will ask her nicely okay?"

"Okay Pari." His arms tightened around her some more. "I'm so glad you and Papa are home now, and Rajeev Uncle too. I think he missed you a lot. He had his grumpy face on sometimes."

Looking up from the very candid conversation to gauge her fiance's reaction, Naomi smiled. "Well I think I'll have to work extra hard to make sure we keep Mr. Grumpy far away." She winked at Rajeev's raised eyebrow, before turning back to the little boy's conversation.


"And with one conversation with a child, all my efforts are gone up in smoke," Vihaan joked as he approached the group at the bottom of the staircase.

"Substance over style," his brother mockingly countered, "Apparently even a four year old has it over you." Changing the subject he addressed their host. "Kabir, as you rightly concluded, my brother Vihaan; Vihaan, this is Kabir Tripathi."

The two men acknowledged each other with nod, until Daadi came and relieved Vihaan of the ostentatious bouquet he held.

"Perhaps it was a bit much," he ceded, as he held out his hand to Rachna's husband. "It's very nice to meet you Kabir."

"Likewise, and thank you for filling in for you brother in keeping Rachna's company for the duration."

"It was no problem at all. Bhaiyaa needed to leave to be with her, and I was happy to. You have a wonderful family."

Smiling indulgently at his wife and daughter who stood at his side, Kabir agreed. "That I am definitely aware of, but I thank you all the same.  Since my understanding is that we have gotten into the habit of feeding you, please say you will join us for lunch?"

"Much appreciated Kabir." He nodded towards his Bhabhi, "Perhaps if I get the right seat I may even get a chance to know my Bhabhi a little better."

"I think you will stand a better chance with me, beta," Daadi interjected. "I believe Sanjay adores her  just as much as our Rajeev does. It's bad enough that he will have to compete for her affections at lunch today."

The group laughed good naturedly until another voice broke into their merriment.

"Ha Daadi; young or old, every male that meets her does seem to fall under her spell don't they?"

They turned as one to see Sonal making her way towards them on her crutches.  "There's just something about her isn't it? Perhaps it's those eyes of hers. Anyway I thought not put you out any further by staying abed and having to be served there. I hope you don't mind me joining all of you for lunch as well."

"Not at all Sonal," Rachna answered, ignoring the back-handed compliment the woman had just issued, "In fact, we are so glad you feel up to joining us today. Kabir, why don't you help Sonal to a chair?" She then turned back towards the staircase. "Naomi; lunch?"

Peering at Sonal's  retreat to the dining table, she met Rachna's eyes. "Absolutely Ra."


"Pari, Papa measured me today for something nice for your wedding."

"I'm sure your Papa will have you looking very handsome, Sanjay."

"Aacha you two have a date in mind, and you haven't let me know?" Vihaan asked "So what will it be full out traditional; a destination wedding, what?"

Beneath the table, Naomi grabbed hold of Rajeev's hand and smiled at him, before turning her attention to the others. "Actually we're thinking sooner and I definitely have a destination that will hopefully work for everyone involved."

"It's the Zen Room at the Atrium isn't it?" Rachna guessed.

"You know me well Rachna; too well." She turned to encompass everyone at the table, smiling. "Since Rajeev has a short break coming up we thought that would be the best time. For some reason or another, he seems anxious to make it official sooner than later."

"Probably before you come to your senses Bhabhi," Vihaan teased.

"Anyway, " Naomi continued laughing, "I thought the UK would work out perfectly as a compromise for everyone distance wise, and that the time would be good since we will have to take into consideration Rachna's ability to travel.  Naturally it will be a place that I love, and then I thought that we all could enjoy the UK a bit together as a family. And before you all think I'm mad, no I'm not forgoing a proper honeymoon. I'm just deferring it until Rajeev has more time off from work. For now , some time in London and  a side-trip to Disneyland Paris will make me more than happy.  I think that it will work out perfectly don't you, Rajeev?"

"Whatever you want Sweetheart, "Rajeev responded.

The response from the others was unanimous. It was a go as far as they concerned.

"London and Paris sound fabulous, I can't wait to tell Mayank."

"Aacha, a bachelor party in London, can be a lot of fun Bhaiya."

"Naomi, I have some drafts that I've been working on, so at least I'm ahead of the game. We should review them afterwards."

"Pari, when we are in London can we go on the Eye?"

"Of course Sanjay, I absolutely adore the London Eye, and don't you think Disney Paris will be fun as well; I love Mickey and Minnie Mouse don't you?"

"No that won't be possible!"

Everyone stopped at Sonal's  exclamation.

"Ah..I just didn't want Sanjay's hopes built up, when he won't be able to travel because of my injury."

"Begging your pardon, I wasn't actually looking to have an extensive guest list, basically family, and of course this would include Sanjay." Naomi responded.

"How can you expect me to let him go without me?"

"I don't understand Sonal," Naomi asked innocently. "Even if you can't go, he will be with his father and his family, so what will be the problem?"

"Ah, what I mean is that he has never travelled anywhere without me, he may not be to handle the separation."

Rachna smiled patiently. "I understand Sonal, as a mother I truly do, but it will be okay. Even when he is pining for his mama, he will have all of us to nurture him. I know that it will be difficult with him away, but it wouldn't be for a long time either."

"Please Mama, I want to go back to London to go on the Eye with Pari!"

"And don't forget Disneyland , Sanjay."

"Please Mama?"

"I don't know Sanjay, I will have to think about it."

"What is there to think about Sonal?" Kabir asked quietly. "Surely you are not indicating that I cannot travel with my son?"

Sonal shot Naomi a particularly evil glare, for putting her in the position of defending herself.

"Are you telling me that I need exclude my son from a family celebration?"

Sonal pointed across the table at Naomi. "She is not family," she seethed. "She need not have anything to do with my son..."

As one, the entire table stared at the unhinged woman.

Kabir's eyes hardened, "Unlike yours, Naomi's position in this family is non-negotiable Sonal, so I would seriously suggest that you really think about what you wish to say next. Perhaps you should consider getting a bit more rest, as it seems you aren't thinking clearly."

The woman blinked rapidly and then put her hand up to her temple before stumbling over her excuse.  "Ha, I think I am a bit more tired than I thought; excuse me." She rose and retrieved her crutches. "Come along Sanjay." 

"Nay Sonal, Sanjay is fine here. You however are free to leave at any-time."

She wasn't unfamiliar with Kabir's nature, and knew that he was inferring more than her just leaving the table.  His defense of Naomi was unforgivable, and he would soon regret it, Sonal thought at she made her way back to the guest room.


Flicking through her sketches to the designs she wanted to share with Naomi, Rachna spoke. "You know she won't forget that Naomi; she will never forgive you for making her lose control like that in front of everyone." She came to one in particular drawing and passed it across the work desk in her studio, to Naomi.

"All the better Rachna. If she's focusing on me then that means less time her attentions will be on you and the upcoming symposium. Besides, I haven't done anything but dream aloud about my wedding.  How on earth was I to know that she would have a problem with Sanjay possibly travelling to the UK?" Naomi asked artlessly. "I really do love this, Rachana," she then said of the rough sketch.

Rachna was looking at her friend in wonder. "Oh my God, was it all a ruse then, Naomi?"

"No, Rachna not all of it; but you have to know I couldn't make that call by myself. We do have our families and their wishes to consider. As it is, I will have to explain to Rajeev that he doesn't have to give me Disneyland if it's not he really wants, but on the other hand, I really do think that a UK location and the dates would work out well for all involved.  We just need to get our families on board with the idea. Still, you have to admit that it worked pretty effectively in solving another piece of the puzzle.  Now we know for sure that this is more than just about hindering your success. Whatever Sonal is hiding definitely has something to do with London and involves Sanjay as well." Naomi held up one finger. "First, Sonal was so frazzled that she didn't even deny that they had been there before, and secondly it appears she will do anything to prevent him from returning to the UK." Naomi shared a look of understanding with her friend.

"If that is correct, then it means my suspicions may not be as farfetched as I had begun to think, Naomi."

She watched as her friend nodded, the ramifications of their doubts playing out in both of their minds. "If there is the slightest possibility of that being true, we will have to be on our guard for her next move, but for now at least, we can expect it to be directed towards me, and not you Rachna."

"Is that supposed to make it any better?"

"No, but you have more to lose than I don't you?" she responded pointedly indicating the hand that Rachna had unconsciously covered her abdomen with. "Besides it's not as if I am without protectors myself; Sonal would be crazy to make a move right now."


crtkelly2016-05-26 19:24:28

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