Chapter 50

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 Chapter 49


"So if I understand right, you are actually a faculty member of the college that my daughter did her semester exchange at Rajeev?"

A cacophony of protests rose from the other two participants on the skype call, refuting the implications of the statement, but in lieu of commenting, the man to whom the question had been directed gazed stoically back at the woman who had spoken.

"Mother, you have taken this information totally out of context. Do you truly believe I would have allowed such a thing to occur? I would have gone to Banaras myself to bring her home, if anything of the sort..."

"Please Aunty, what you are saying... nothing can be further from the truth. Rajeev Sir would never cross the boundary of teacher and..."

The older woman held up one hand, a directive for silence. "Stefan, Rachna, it is more than obvious that the two of you have your opinions, but this question was not asked of either of you.  I'm very appreciative to both of you for connecting us, but I think it's time that both of you disconnect from the call now and leave Rajeev and I to talk." She looked at her watch. "Frankly Stefan it's past your bedtime and I know you have to get up early for work, so perhaps you should sign off so that you can get some rest."


"Good Night son, I will talk to you later. I love you."

"I love you too Mum. Good Night."

She turned her attention to her daughter's friend with a gentle smile. "Rachna dear, by the mere fact that you are a mother I know you to have a busy day ahead of you. And that is not even taking into consideration your own work. I am more than certain that Rajeev can survive without your presence."

"Ji Aunty."

"That's a good girl. Kiss the baby for me and please give my regards to your parents and Kabir's grandmother, okay dear? Oh and Rachna, when you speak to Stefan in a few minutes, can you reiterate that for now Naomi is to know nothing of this conversation."

Rachna had the grace to look sheepish. "Ji Auntie, have a good evening."

Down from four connections to two, the older woman focused on the remaining participant. "Now where were we Rajeev?"

"I believe you were questioning the nature of my position at SVC and if there was the remote possibility that Naomi and I could have met when she first travelled to Banaras. The answer is no. I have just returned to SVC this past academic year after a lengthy absence. Assuredly I would have encountered Naomi, had I still been at the college, if for no other than reason of her friendship with Rachna, given Rachna's participation in hockey. Obviously this would have made even the thought of a relationship with Naomi untenable.  With hindsight being 20/20, I am most grateful that we did miss each other."

"Then it was through Rachna and Kabir that the two of you met?"

"Our formal introduction was made here, however it seemed we were fated to meet prior to that evening." He briefly described their encounter, unabashedly admitting that Naomi had made more of an impression than he had on her.  Throughout his dissertation, he noted that Naomi's mother kept an impassive expression on her face, but she definitely reacted when he mentioned that her daughter had appeared to be crying, over and above the circumstances of Aryia's misadventure.

"She was extremely unhappy when she arrived home."

"I would say the circumstances weren't much better when she first returned to Banaras."

"And now she is waxing poetically about life and one's destiny. Am I to assume that this is solely due to you Rajeev?"

"I wouldn't be so arrogant to assume full credit for this Aunty.  I can only say that she has gone through a period of growth, totally separate from our relationship, and perhaps this has made her more receptive to the possibility of us. However nothing would please me more than to know that in some small way I've returned her to a happier state of mind. She deserves all the happiness in the world."

"And do you believe yourself to be the one that can provide this happiness, Rajeev?"

"Absolutely; how could I not, when she has become the source of mine?

The slight raise of her eyebrows, barely perceptible was the only reaction to that statement.

"So Rajeev, tell me about your family."


"I just don't understand Stefan, how could your mother be so mistaken to believe that Rajeev was on the faculty during Naomi's attendance?" Rachna hadn't been able to hide her panic that her friends' mother could possibly be considering such impropriety as a factor in her daughter's relationship with the coach.

"Mother knew exactly what she was doing by asking that question, Rachna. Now that I have had the opportunity to think about it, I'm even more sure that it was a test. Let's call it a character litmus test of sorts. For someone in Rajeev's position, it was a particularly offensive suggestion. My guess is that she asked it to gauge his reaction."

"And the verdict?"

"I deduce that of the three of us, that Rajeev came out looking the best. One would say he showed the control let's say one may need dealing with someone as melodramatic as my baby sis."

"That's mean, Stef."

He laughed. "You know I love my sister, but I also know her character. And although she's the best, you have to admit that she can be over the top.  I doubt that this will be their only conversation before this is over, but I'm certain Rajeev will be put through his paces. Mummy will do it in the nicest way possible, but she is definitely in fact finding mode in order to determine if he is worthy of her daughter. "

"It just has to work out; you just wouldn't believe how perfect they are for each other, Stefan."

"I hope you are right, Rachna. I've gone out on a limb here supporting him for the mere fact that he makes her happy. I would hate to be wrong about him." He sighed. "Anyway Mum is on the case now, and there's nothing more formidable than a mother in protection mode, right Rachna? Nevertheless, I am going to have to get some shut-eye, so I will have to say good night, or good morning as is the case."

"Take care Stef."


There's nothing more formidable than a mother in protection mode.

These words played over and over in Rachna's head until finally she couldn't wait anymore. She picked up her phone, deciding to call KT on the off chance that he was available. He picked up on the second ring.

"Rachna, is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine Kabir, I just wanted to see if you were available to talk."

"We're back at the hotel; actually we have just settled down for dinner here at the hotel restaurant."

"You and Naomi?"

"And Nathanial from the firm. We just have a few things to discuss, but if it's urgent..."

"No KT, everything is okay. I will give you a couple of hours and call you back, thik hai?"

"Ji Rachna. I look forward to speaking to you my love."

"I can't wait. I love you KT."


A slight stirring was heard over the baby monitor, and Rachna realized that one or both of the children were probably awake now. Before leaving the room, she checked her laptop, and noticed that Skype was showing that Rajeev and Naomi's mother were still logged on. She mumbled a quick prayer for her friends and headed towards the nursery. She opened the door and smiled on seeing Sanjay standing near the crib entertaining his sister.

"Good morning betas."

Both children turned in her direction at the sound of her voice, and her heart melted at the sight of the two innocent faces smiling at her.

"There's nothing more formidable than a mother in protection mode," she thought.


Rachna watched as Daadi left the room with the two children.  She spun around in the chair to face the computer monitor.

"Alone at last, Beautiful."

She smiled at her husband. "Is it necessary for me to let you know how much I miss you, Kabir Tripathi, or can we get straight on to conversation?"

"I'll take your word that you miss me just as much as I do you, so perhaps, we can just get on with talking. But before we do, thank you Rachna."

"For what KT?"

"For everything you do; you are just incredible my love. You have had so much on your plate in the past few days, and you have just handled it effortlessly."

"I'm a wife and mother, my first responsibility is to my family's wellbeing, you have to know that."

"Well I think you are amazing . So what has been going on with you on top of everything you have had to contend with, Rachna? Was it something specific you had hoped to speak to me about earlier?"


"Sanjay beta, I am just stepping outside thik hai?"

"Okay Aunty, I'll stay with mama."

When Rachna had looked back at Sanjay in the hospital room, she thought she saw a look of panic in the Sonal's eyes, but it was gone so quickly, that she assumed that it had been her imagination. She smiled at the little boy before turning back to Mr. Patel. "Why don't we step out into the hallway?" she said, and lead the way out of the room.


They had made small talk of how her work was progressing, the commissions she had picked up since the launch - even he was aware of her success of her first client- and then out of the blue, Mr. Patel had offered a business proposition that could revolutionize her brand if it were to successful.


"KT, Mr. Patel would like to showcase Banaras Beauty as part of an Indian fashion symposium for some of the UK's leading fashion distributors." She rambled off some of the names of the distributors he had mentioned. "The intent had been to contact me in a few days, but with Sonal and Sanjay's mishap, and our chance meeting at the hospital, he decided to impart the information then and there, to see if I would be interested." She stopped to give her husband the opportunity to respond.

"Incredible, absolutely incredible Rachna. There are some very impressive names amongst that list you do realize that don't you?"

"Ha KT, aside from that there are some young startup companies involved as well.  Obviously I haven't committed to anything, but this is a very exciting prospect. It is definitely something to think about."

"Definitely, Beautiful."  Kabir smiled at her excitement, but even through the monitor, saw an underlying concern. "Rachna is a... but coming now?"

"Not so much with the proposal, KT; it's just something that Mr. Patel mentioned. At least of two of the newer distributors were referred to Patel Industries by Sonal from her past dealings with them."

"That shouldn't be surprising, Rachna, she did have a modelling career here in New York if you remember."

"Yes, but these are UK based firms KT, so don't you think that's a little strange?"
Her husband laughed. "Rachna how can you ask me that, when I'm here in America due to my partnership with a New York Firm. I think you are just overthinking things."

"But Kabir..."

"Nay Rachna, stop. Don't take on more than you must. Why don't  you just think about this fantastic opportunity and if you intend on taking advantage of it. How soon will have to make a decision concerning the symposium?"

"I still have some time. I will be receiving a formal proposal from Patel Industries in a few days, and you will be back well before I have to make a final decision."

"Excellent, that's just excellent.  I am so proud of you, Rachna; you are a star, there is no doubt of that."

"I had the very best of mentors."

They talked for a while longer, before it became evident that Kabir was ready to rest. Rachna blew a kiss to her husband and bid him a good night. The time differences were definitely a downer to this trip, but at least they were afforded two opportunities a day to talk. Moments after she disconnected the screen saver initiated and Rachna watched the rotating images for a while until her mind wandered back again to yesterday.


Mr. Patel had re-entered the hospital room, and while she waited quietly, had bid his assistant goodbye.

"Remember Sonal, should you need anything, please just get word to us." The bedridden woman nodded. "Mrs. Tripathi, I will be in touch in a few days with that proposal. Hopefully we can look forward to a favourable response.  I think that especially for one of the younger firms that Sonal sourced for us, the opportunity to serve as UK distributor for Banaras Beauty would be a major coup; don't you agree Sonal dear?"

"H...ha  Mr. Patel," She cleared her throat; to Rachna it seemed that she was slightly nervous.

"But, I find I must be leaving, Namaste."

"Namaste Mr. Patel."


Now in the room alone, Rachna addressed Sonal. "It is good to see you alert Sonal. Sanjay was quite worried.  Kabir insisted that Sanjay get re-checked by the family doctor, and thankfully he is quite well. He will be back to school in another day or so."

"Thank you Rachna, I honestly appreciate you being able to keep and care for Sanjay for me."

"I imagine it must be difficult to be so far away from your family at a time like this, Actually  when Sanjay made mention of your mother residing in New York, my thought was to make mention of this to KT and get him to contact them to let them..."

"Nay...nay, I mean that's not necessary, uh Mr. Patel, I mean my job has already contacted my parents on my behalf." She settled from her outburst. "But thank you for the consideration."

"Truly it's no trouble, Sonal" She looked down to identify the incoming call on her mobile. "Excuse me, I have to take this."


"Mama, do you think my naanii is still mad at you?"

"Hush Sanjay, don't you see Rachna on the phone."

"But, Mama."

"Bas Sanjay!" she hissed back.


Engaged in conversation with Arpita, who was back at the workshop, Rachna had raised her head slightly, at the odd question Sanjay asked his mother, wondering at it and why it had evoked such a harsh response from Sonal to her son.


The computer screensaver rotated through another cycle. The image she waited for came up and then gave way to the next. Something was wrong here; definitely wrong. She was sure Sonal was hiding something. Despite how cordial she had been at the hospital, Rachna would never trust her.


"There's nothing more formidable than a mother in protection mode," she thought.


crtkelly2016-05-25 18:31:12

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