Chapter 46

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Chapter 45

 If you end up smiling, remember how brilliant I am, but if it upsets you, feel free to come home soon to give me the scolding I deserve.

Naomi crinkled her face at the odd message Rajeev had sent to her mobile. Seconds later she understood when an unrecognizable UK telephone number registered on her screen.

 "Bhabhi, how could you even think about leaving without saying goodbye?"

"Good Morning Vihaan. You do realize that I've been at the airport for hours so you would have had plenty of time to reach your brother before now."

"That's true if it was actually bhaiyaa that I wished to talk to, but since it was you I needed to speak with I insisted that he give me your number.  So were you able to find out the meaning of Bhabhi?"

She laughed, "You can't be serious Vihaan... "

"I am, and I really would like to know. Did you Naomi?"

"I don't know, Devar, what do you think?"

"Aacha, I see you must have.  Well just so you are aware, bhaiyaa has never referred to any woman as my Bhabhi before you Naomi. I just needed you to know the importance of this before you left. That and to let you know that if you ever need your Devar for anything, anything at all, that I'm here for you. At the very least our time zones will be slightly better than New York and Banaras, so you have another option if you need to hear a supportive voice on the other end of the phone while you're away."

She hesitated before she answered, and still she couldn't prevent her voice from quaking just a little bit when she did. "Rajeev will be so mad if he hears that you made me cry, Vihaan, but thank you so much; that has to be one of the nicest things I've heard recently."  

In the background the first boarding announcement sounded for their flight.

"They are boarding the flight now so I have to go, but I will send you a message after I arrive, okay? Oh and Vihaan, I really am glad you called me."

"Thik hai Bhabhi, have a safe flight."


"We will be boarding in a second, so I will have to hang up soon, Love. Promise me that you will do everything to take care of yourself, Rachna."

"Oh KT, how can I not, when you have left so many caretakers for me?"

"I'm sorry, it isn't fair for me to make light of your concerns. I promise that I will. You will call as soon as you land won't you?

"As if I have a choice, Rachna? Even the length of this flight will be too long for me not to hear your voice.

"Aacha? Well perhaps this separation will definitely be a good thing then, such a fixation surely cannot be a good thing."

"Are you saying that I should be cured of my preoccupation with my wife? Thik hai, perhaps I won't telephone then," he teased.

"Don't you dare think not to call me Kabir Tripathi." Recognizing that tell-tale airport announcement, Rachna sighed. "I guess you really have to go now.  I love you and I'll be counting the days until your return, KT."

"As will I, Rachna, down to the very minute."

 Kabir looked over to Naomi, who looked to be winding up the conversation she was having. Whomever she had been talking with had definitely made an impression as she had disconnected the call a bit more composed than she had been when they had left everyone to head for their gate. He had given her the space she had needed when they arrived there, but now with no alternative, approached her.

"Did you need any help with your carry-on, Naomi?"

"I can handle it, thanks KT."

"We should go then."



 I like my Devar very much, but was it destiny or just coincidence that he said what I needed to hear? I love you and miss you already.

 Rajeev looked at the text message with a sad smile. He quickly responded and then raised his head as Daadi approached.  She nodded in approval. "If you are able to smile, even one of sorrow, then you still have hope, beta; that's a good thing. You have to be the source of her strength right now, thik hai?"

"I agree Rajeev. And I think you did well by letting Vihaan reach out to her; it will be good for her to have someone a bit more removed from the situation to interact with." Rachna looked up from her mobile, continuing.  "Naturally, the fact that he is solely in your corner is an added benefit."  With her daughter at her shoulder she moved to stand beside Daadi and stared steadfastly into the face of the man who had now transitioned from her coach to her friend. "I already know her answer, so I'm going to ask the same of you Rajeev. What are you going to do about this; or precisely what are you prepared to do?"

"Anything I have too, Rachna."

The younger woman nodded approvingly, while Daadi smiled and looped her arm through his as the group prepared to leave the airport.

"An excellent answer Rajeev beta; hopefully we can settle this very soon, and then get onto the wedding planning. Of course we will let Naomi's parents take the lead, but considering the circumstances, I think as soon as possible should be the inclination, don't you think, beta?"

"Absolutely, Daadi."


10 Days 9 hours and 27 minutes left until I'm reunited with my love, not that I'm counting

Kabir reread Rachna's message and smiled before shutting off his mobile in preparation of takeoff.  He was about to close the his tray table when Naomi suddenly placed her mobile on it, as she bent to retrieve the file folder that she had dropped. Overhead the captain announced their imminent departure, so he picked her mobile to complete his task. Her phone was still on the text message she had just received.

Even if you don't want to believe in destiny, I still believe that I would have found you somehow and you would have been my choice - so either way we are meant to be Sweetheart.

 Her hand collided with his and she looked to the side, realizing that he held her mobile. Her lips tightened. Kabir passed her the device with his apology.

"It wasn't intentional; we will be taxiing soon..."

"It's fine KT, don't worry about it."

He watched as she longingly looked once more at the screen before shutting the phone off. Discouraging further conversation, she put on her earphones and closed her eyes.  After a few minutes, the plane turned on to the runway and began to taxi, gradually picking up the speed in order to achieve flight. At the moment of lift off, Kabir heard the tiniest sob escape his seatmate's lips, and watched a single tear trail down her cheek.  Sighing he covered the petite hand on the armrest. Either Naomi was too caught up in her grief to notice, or she recognized his good intention, but Kabir was grateful that she did not deny his attempt at comfort. Watching her, he could only repeat his vow that he would do everything in his power to make sure that she returned back home with him.


Deciding that she could spare some time in her workshop since Aryia had settled down for the afternoon, and for the first time in days she did not feel the need for a nap herself, Rachna let Daadi know where she would be, before heading downstairs. Hopefully she would make some good headway on the latest design she was working on in the space of time she had. Diverting first to the kitchen she prepared a snack so that she could have on hand. Satisfied that she had everything she needed, she settled down for a productive session. She had not long been at it when the doorbell rang incessantly.  Aware that she was probably closest to the entrance, she got up from her worktable to go to the door.  She intercepted Daadi heading there and shooed her away from the task with a smile. "I've got it Daadi."

Her smile faltered on sight of the uniformed officers waiting when she opened the door.

"May I help you?"

"Namaste Madam ji, we are looking for Mr. Kabir Tripathi."

"I'm sorry my husband has left today on business. He will be out of contact until late tonight when his flight lands. What is this all about?"

The officer looked at his notes and then back at the young woman who had greeted him. "There has been an accident and we were directed to contact Mr. Tripathi on behalf of Miss Sonal and her young child.."

Rachna's eyes widened in shock. "Are they alright; is Sanjay okay?" Beside her Daadi who had overheard the conversation, and had come to join Rachna, gasped.

"I'm unable to confirm their status; only that they are both currently being treated. Are you able to accompany us to the hospital?"

Rachna nodded frantically in response, "Yes..yes, of course." She turned to the older woman. "Daadi can you call Rajeev and let him know..."

"Ha Beta, of course, I will tell him to come to you as soon as he can."

Seeing that how acute her worry for her grandson was, Rachna disagreed. "Nay Daadi, tell him to come home to be with you, I will be okay. I will call as soon as I have news."


Roused from the sleep she must have succumbed to shortly after takeoff, Naomi blinked when Kabir reached over to set her tray table in place. He signaled the attendant, who on realizing that the young woman had awoken confirmed her meal selection, before hurrying off to her chore.

"Thank you, KT."

"I hardly need thanks for that, Naomi. You needed to eat."

She shook her head, "No, not the food. I'm talking about earlier. I know that you don't approve..."

"Nay Naomi; not another word." He swallowed and stole a glance at her demoralized stance. "It was never my place to approve or disapprove any choice you had made. I admit that at the time I felt totally justified in speaking as I did, but I was wrong. Certainly it was no way to speak to a friend, but truthfully I haven't considered us friends in some time, and that's what makes it that much worse. If my words weren't warranted towards a dear friend, then I certainly cannot defend uttering them to someone I consider family;  perhaps even the little sister I never had."

She cracked a tiny smile, "So that was your big brother impression? Well you seem to have the role down pat."

"I disagree. No brother would have purposely  inflicted such pain on their sister with the words and untruths I said that day.  Naomi, a lesser man would have surely run for the hills if he was under the scrutiny that Rajeev has been as it pertains to you. But he never shied away from anything that any of us asked of or demanded, concerning his intentions towards you. He's a good man, Naomi, I never should have implied otherwise. I truly cannot express how sorry I am."


Rachna paced the room, her mobile at her ear. "It was a hit and run; the person never even bothered to stop. Nay Gunjan, he's fine, I mean he has a few scrapes but he's okay. Apparently Sonal managed to push him out the way and took the brunt of the impact. I can't believe that someone could do this. Ha, I'm going to take him home, but it looks as if Sonal will have to remain in hospital for a few days at least." Turning around to the woman lying unconscious with one leg in a cast in the hospital bed, Rachna shook her head. "Even when she gets released I don't know how she will manage. We will probably have to hire a nurse for her. Anyway do you think you can handle the list? Thanks Gunjan. You can just take them home to Daadi. I'll be here for a little while longer."


She turned to the little boy who sat dazed in the chair beside his mother's hospital bed. "Sanjay, beta, the doctor said that your mummy is going to be fine, but they need to take care of her for a few days." The little boy looked up at the man who was in the room, who smiled gently. "Ha beta, we are going to let your mummy rest for a little while. You can come back to see her tomorrow and you will see that she will be awake and feeling much better."

Sanjay scooted out of the seat and walked over to Rachna Aunty. "Bye Mummy, see you tomorrow." He whispered.

Blinking back her tears, Rachna turned to the physician. "Thank you so much. Please if there is any change, please call..."

"Ha Mrs. Tripathi, we will." He smiled as he watched the young woman and child leave and then turned to attend to his patient.

 Her piercing stare met his for a moment, before she puckered her lips and blew him a kiss.

"What excellent bedside manner you have Dr. I swear I feel better already." She shifted uncomfortably in the bed. "But honestly, was such a cumbersome cast really necessary?"

"Well, you did pay for immobility Sonal dear. I dare say though, your son is growing into quite the handsome young lad, Sonal. It's good to see the two of you after so long."


crtkelly2016-05-25 15:45:27

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