Chapter 44

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Chapter 43


He told her everything: from the discovery of the drug fact sheet in Naomi's passport case, until the moment Rajeev had left the studio last night. It hadn't taken long in the telling before Rachna's face had lost all color. Several times he had wanted to stop in his recitation, but she wouldn't allow him to. Now she looked at him in utter disbelief; her brown eyes appearing huge against her pallid complexion. Suddenly, as if a shooting pain had struck, Rachna grabbed her head and closed eyes. She began rubbing her temples, small circular motions with her index fingers.


She held one hand up to keep him at bay. "Unless your next sentence is to tell me how you are going to fix this Kabir, I honestly do not want to hear another word." She raised her head and looked back at her husband, seeking his resolution to the trouble he had instigated. It amazed her that after freely opining their friend so severely that now he could sit there clueless as how to repair the chasm of his and Naomi's friendship, and worst yet, resolve the discord his words had created between Naomi and Rajeev.  Rachna shook her head; in truth she had never been so annoyed.  She reached in her bag for her mobile, quickly dialing a number.

"Hello Mummy...ji Mummy, Aryia is fine; she's actually just napping right now. Yes, we will definitely see you tomorrow morning before we head to the airport.  Mummy I have a dilemma I'm hoping you can help with." Turning away from her husband she continued with her conversation. "I really think that Naomi needs a break from the Tripathi household for a while; we've had so much going on of late. Of course we haven't fought Mummy, I just think she needs a little normalcy away from the chaos of the modelling and caring for Aryia; she has just done so much for us that I think she may be a little worn out. Do you think it would be okay if she came to stay with you and Papa when she returns to Banaras from New York, if she needs the break?" A small smile came to her face, with her mother's response. "A little nurturing from you may be just what she needs. I will talk to her later today, and we will confirm tomorrow at the latest. Thik hai Mummy, I love you too."


 Scrolling through her contacts she located the number she wanted and sat back on the blanket. "Your phone, please KT." Confused, Kabir pulled out his mobile and handed it to her; watching his wife as she dialed another number. She looked at him, her displeasure evident. "At the very least, you will bear the expense of the long distance calls I'm going to have to make," Rachna grumbled as she waited for the caller to answer. "Hello Stef; it's Rachna. I'm sorry for calling so early...No I haven't changed my number; this is KT's number, but I figure it would be good for you to have this number at any rate. She's in flight mode again, and I'm certain that we are going to need your help. At the very least we just need you on standby...No Stef, Rajeev isn't the cause; I swear, it's definitely nothing of the sort, but she is upset and not thinking clearly. I'm going to try to get her to see reason, but I think it's going to take more than my efforts, so I just wanted to let you know. You can expect KT to call you as well so, at least now you have  his number. I'll skype you a little later."

She disconnected the call and handed the mobile back to KT.  

"I will talk to her this evening, but honestly KT, I don't know if it will help.  You have to realize that you were so wrong, and you will have to fix this."


Naomi trudged into to the house, the afternoon had been one emotional upheaval, and she was feeling the effects in full force. She met Rachna's stare and her eyes brimmed.  Just by her look, Naomi had discerned that her best friend was aware of everything. She glanced around, glad that KT wasn't anywhere to be seen; she didn't think that she would be able to hold it together at all if they were to come face to face.

"My husband does not normally subscribe to idiotic behavior, but once in a while, he will completely take leave of his senses." Moving to hold her friend's hand, Rachna offered a small smile of apology. "Obviously last night wasn't one of his finer moments, but you must know that it was purely out of concern that..."

"You shouldn't have to explain or apologize on your husband's behalf, Rachna."

Rachna looked up at the man who towered over both her and her friend. "I understand that, Rajeev, and I fully expect that he will do the responsible thing and offer his own, but right now, I am willing to do so in his absence."

"Excuse me for a second I just want to pack this in my suitcase. I will be right back."

Rachna and Rajeev watched as Naomi left to go upstairs. Holding the bridge of his nose, Rajeev sighed.

"Is she still insistent that she is going home?"

 He nodded.  "She can't see past her hurt and the uncertainty of things right now."

"Don't worry Rajeev, we will sort her out." She watched as Naomi started to descend the staircase. "As a matter of fact, we will start now. I'm going to take her into my workshop, give me at least twenty minutes and then come in, thik hai?"


Since she had missed seeing Sanjay, Naomi made a point of showing her friend where on her computer she would locate the games he liked on the laptop in the office just in case the little boy wished to play them during his visit. Rachna had smiled, for all of her assertions that she was leaving, the fact that Naomi had seemingly forgotten the computer equipment she had set up in the workshop, spoke to where her heart's desire truly lay. Even if it was all a pretense Rachna was more than willing to go along with it.

"I think I can handle it, Naomi.  Do you think you could skype Sanjay though; he really did miss you seeing you today."

"Sure Rachna, that won't be a problem." Naomi looked once more at the computer, and then shut it down. She looked over to worktable her friend had moved to.

"Rachna, just out of curiosity what sort of nickname is Bhabhi?"

 Naomi's stomach dropped, when Rachna looked up in alarm. But then her friend smiled, and her eyes twinkled with happiness. "How is Vihaan, Naomi?"

"How did you ...?"


Rajeev had surprised by taking her to the NGO group home where she was able to see her boys one last time before she left. She had been so happy to see them, as they were her, since she had missed their last practice due to being ill. Before long they had her in tears as they had taken the time to create a slew of get well messages for her: drawings, stories and poetry. She promised them she would take every last one of the creations with her to read on the flight to America, but she hadn't had the heart to tell them that she would probably not be back for some time. Instead she enjoyed their company for the afternoon. Rajeev had even arranged for their usual ice cream treat and was settling things with the vendor, when one of the little boys brought a ringing mobile to her. She had automatically answered it, not even thinking that it wasn't hers.


"Hello I'm looking for Rajeev."

Only then had Naomi realized that it wasn't hers "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize, let me get him for.."

"Wait, is this Naomi?"

"Yes it is."

"Accha, a beautiful voice as well. How are you Bhabhi; are you feeling better?"

"I am...who am I speaking with?"

"Oh Bhabhi, you're breaking my heart, don't you know who this is?" She could hear the smile in the voice, but really didn't know how to respond.  "I suppose your Devar wouldn't be of any interest to you not when you only have eyes for Rajeev, but he could have at least told you about me. After all he tells me everything about you. " 

Naomi couldn't help laugh at the charming voice on the other end. "Well I don't know what a Devar is, but if you tell me who this is then I will make sure to chastise Rajeev accordingly."

"It's Vihaan, Bhabhi."

"Ah I see. It's nice to meet you Vihaan. But why are you calling me, what is it again?"

"Bhabhi? Well obviously it's because that's what I was told to do."

"But what does it mean?"

The voice on the other end laughed. "I'll let you find out for yourself, and the next time we speak you can let me know if you like it or not."

"Hmm okay, I'll just ask Rajeev."

"Nay, not him, ask someone else."

"It better not be naughty, Vihaan." She turned when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She smiled and turned back to the call. "OK Vihaan, Rajeev is back, I'll hand you over to him."

"Alright Bhabhi, have a safe flight tomorrow, but make sure you get your answer before you leave."


"So how did you guess that it was Vihaan, Rachana?"

"Because you could only be his Bhabhi, mind you, if he said that he was told to call you that, only one person could have."

Naomi waited.

"Bhabhi translates to elder brother's wife, Naomi.  You do understand that only Rajeev could have told Vihaan to call you this, right? Once you marry you would be Vihaan's Bhabhi and he would be ..."

"My Devar?"

Rachna nodded, "Your husband's younger brother." Rachna walked over with a length of embellished fabric in her hands. "One thing I know for certain is that Rajeev is not frivolous with his words. If he is referring to you to Vihaan as Bhabhi, then he means it. I know that you are feeling unsure about what is real right now and that things have spiraled out of control, but I can assure you that you shouldn't have any doubts after that telephone conversation."

She took advantage of Naomi's semi-stunned state and got her over to the mirror.

" Now close your eyes a second, Naomi."

When she did, Rachna placed the maang tika in her hair, and draped the veil over her hair. The intricate border framed her face exquisitely.

"Naomi, do you remember when you thought it okay to settle; that you would probably say yes if Abhi asked one more time?"

"I was a fool for sure. Thank God he never asked again."

The door opened quietly and Rachna motioned him in, but had him stand just inside the doorway.

"Okay, open your eyes and tell me what you think and if you would still be settling now?"

Naomi opened her eyes, and was enthralled by her reflection and by what the bridal headpieces represented. "I love him so much, Rachna, and I so want to be his wife."

Beside her, Rachna sent a wink to the man at the door, and then shooed him away. She smiled at her friend caught up in her dreams.

"Okay, Naomi, now what are you going to do about it?"


The day hadn't gone at all how he had hoped, in the end he had to cancel the dinner reservations for he and Rachna. What should have been a lovely last evening spent with friends and later his wife, had imploded to become something that in no way resembled what any of them had wanted, but he had no right to complain at all. Thankfully he had ten days to resolve things; hopefully it would just be a celebration delayed. Sighing at his foolishness, Kabir headed towards the bedroom. He checked his watch, figuring the lateness would mean that Rachna would again already be asleep. She wasn't, and not only that she stood there greeting him with a smile, but in the most striking long pale pink nightgown.  She had lit candles in the room, and looked like an angel drawing him through the gates of heaven.  "You are an absolute fool Kabir Tripathi, and I still expect you to sort this out properly, but I love you and nothing could keep me out of your arms tonight."


crtkelly2016-05-25 15:20:59

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