Chapter 25

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Chapter #24


Naomi fastened the last button on Aryia's romper and smiled. "There you go princess you look absolutely perfect; now you're all ready to see Mummy and Papa." Apparently the magic words had been uttered when Aryia, as if in anticipation, picked up the chant and start calling for her mother.


"Yes baby, mama will be here soon."

"Naomi, did you hear what I said?"

Turning from the crib to Rajeev who stood near, she nodded. "Yes, I did, you will have to leave shortly. It's okay, I will get there when I can. I mean it's more important that you are on time to meet your boys than me being there."  Her mouth softened into a whimsical smile, making her all the more desirable, and he could barely concentrate on what she was saying.  "It's not like I will be any help to you; I don't know a thing about hockey, so why run late just for me? As long as I'm there before you finish won't that be good enough?"

It wasn't what he wanted to hear yet she was absolutely right. Common sense dictated that he leave so that he would be on time to the park, but he had been assured of her being free today and he wanted to maximize the amount of time he would spend with her; he had planned  the day around  it in fact. After her week busy with Aryia, it bothered him that she could possibly be delayed in being with him for any length of time. He exhaled his irritation and looked at his watch. "Okay, I can give it another five minutes, and then I will really have to leave."

Naomi sighed as loudly as he had in return and then wrapped her arms around his waist. "Another five minute ultimatum; really Rajeev, all you need do is ask for a kiss if you want one." Rising on her toes she brushed her lips against his stubbly cheek.  Scrunching her face at the bristly sensation she leaned her head against his chest, giggling when he put his arms around her waist.

"You will notice KT he didn't even have to ply her with chocolate. I really do hope we're not interrupting anything, you two."

Naomi stepped out of Rajeev's arms and turned towards the door. She felt a blush rise as Rachna looked at her knowingly, as she considered her close proximity to the man, not to mention the kiss she and KT had obviously witnessed. Not one to shirk a challenge she maintained her place beside Rajeev and raised her head, daring her friend to comment further.


"Great, the two of you are just in time; I'm off to coach hockey and then we have plans.  Aryia has been fed and she's all ready for you Ra." Grabbing Rajeev's hand, she indicated her readiness to leave and began walking out the room. Pausing beside her friends she gave Rachna a quick hug. "I'm so glad you are back; hopefully everything went well?" She acknowledged Rachna's nod and returned her smile.  For her ears only she continued "Well do try to get some rest today Ra, you look positively exhausted; too many late nights I would say."


"Oh, she has to have the last word all the time, doesn't she?" Rachna heard KT's laughter and turned to smack him.  He may have not heard Naomi's departing comment, but he figured that it was definitely retaliatory; and probably deserved considering Rachna's teasing. Her face, still a fiery hue after Naomi's remark, she stepped away in the direction of their babbling daughter who had grown ever more impatient as she waited for her mummy to come to her. Finally Rachna picked her up, and mother and daughter connected in tender reunion after their days apart. Exchanging kisses with her baby Rachna realized pure joy on seeing and holding her child for the first time after her weeks absence.  "Goodness, is it possible that she may have grown some, KT?"  When KT held her from the behind capturing both her and Aryia in his hug, Rachna sighed her contentment at the feel of being totally enveloped in love. "It's quite possible, Love, but if nothing else she is a happy girl for certain."  

"As is her mother if you want the truth." Leaning back she kissed her husband on the edge of his mouth. "If it's okay I'll stay with her until your visitation with Sanjay begins. Do you think you could do one thing for me though, KT?"

"Anything,  Rachna."

"Can you please bring our book back to the nursery; it has been a while since Aryia has heard her story."


Kabir had returned with the book overwhelmed with a sense of relief that it was back where it belonged. Immediately Rachna had taken it and began to read it to Aryia, who herself expressed excitement in  the recitation of the oft read fairytale in her own way, attempting to mimic her mother's words, while pointing at the illustrations of each page. He could never be more thankful for his wife, who despite everything was attempting to adjust to their new normal. How the rest of the day will go once Sanjay arrived he didn't know, but he would do everything in his power to ensure her happiness. For all that she had contended with it was the least he could do.


Whether by conscious effort or not Sonal's decision to arrive earlier than the appointed time threatened to disrupt all attempt for a harmonious afternoon.  Kabir had no sooner than closed the door behind her departure, when he turned and realized that Sanjay had already darted off, most likely in search of his sister.  He was certain that Rachna had not yet left the nursery, and he bounded up the staircase in hopes of intercepting the young lad before he entered the nursery. Calling his name he heard the answering "I'm in here" from the nursery and hurried in, praying that Rachna had already left. However, on entering the room came the understanding that he was too late. Sanjay stood spellbound beside the spare bed where Rachna along with Aryia had drifted off. Kabir watched as unbidden Sanjay moved the curtain of hair that covered his sleeping wife's face to get a better look at her. Considering his-self lucky when Rachna did not wake, Kabir moved quickly to collect the young boy and usher him away. His son's whisper stopped him. "Papa who is she? Why is she sleeping with my sister?"

"Sanjay Beta, that's Aryia's mummy."

The knowledge seemed to hit the little boy hard.  As unprepared for the little's boy's crumbling face and the tears that began streaming down his cheeks, never would Kabir fathom his son's next words. "Does this mean I have to leave now Papa?  I haven't played with Aryia yet."

Going down on his haunches, Kabir pulled Sanjay into his arms. "Beta, why would you think that you have to leave?"  

Between sobs, he got his answer out. " said that she was a bad lady, she wouldn't let me stay. Mama said Aryia's mommy doesn't like me and won't let me with my sis..sister."


Naomi waved at the sweet faces of Rajeev's hockey team as they set off in the NGO van that transported them back to their group home.  "That was so much fun! I know I was of absolutely no help, but they are the sweetest bunch. Unlike their coach, they were very patient with me; they didn't seem to mind how uncoordinated I am or that I have no clue about the game."

"What I don't understand is that you have such success as a model, but can barely take two steps without tripping, Naomi."

"Not fair Coach, modelling doesn't entail multitasking like hockey does. Here you are expected to run with a hockey stick, chasing after a ball, and then use the stick as well. That's just far too much for me to contemplate. Besides," she said saucily "I didn't have any heels on. Usually modelling entails fabulous heels, which I can work like a pro so that obviously was my issue. I'll just have to pack a pair for next time, and then we will see how I do." He looked taken aback by her comment, shocked even. "Come on Rajeev, you know I was just teasing right; I understand my own deficiencies it's just habit that I make a joke about them that's all." She watched him as he continued packing the equipment.

"Actually I was thinking that, that may be a sight to see; but I don't think you should try that around a bunch of impressionable boys who are half way in love with you already. That sounds like more for a private coaching session, I think" His teasing smile challenged her to comment, but Naomi looked away. She apparently had no retort, so he continued. "Thik hai, are you ready for what's next on the agenda?" She nodded and followed him to the car.


Rajeev put the car into park, and turned to his passenger.  "You don't mind a stop here do you, I just have something to finalize."

"Actually I wish you had told me, I would have brought my camera. Actually Rajeev, um I never apologized for what happened last time. I probably, well actually I was a little irrational."

"It's okay if you want to wait in the car, I won't be long."

She responded by getting out of the vehicle. "I love that you asked, but truly I am fine, so come on." As she waited for him she noticed that there were more vehicles parked than there had been the last time they had been there. "It looks as if some of your neighbors may have moved in now, so I guess it won't be too much longer for you." He answered with a noncommittal sound and guided her into the building.


There was a marked change from the last time they had been here. Gone was the barrenness of  new construction, now replaced with the energy of its new occupants.  "Wow can't you just feel the difference?  Just think all of you in the building, entering this new phase of your lives at the same time; so many different stories behind every door..."

"You are very excitable you know."

"And you aren't, so you should be lucky that you have someone like me to keep you entertained." They reached his flat and she waited while he opened the door. Suddenly she placed her hand over his on the door knob, obstructing his action in comprehension that he was unlocking the door. "You have your keys now?"

He watched the play of emotions on her face before responding. "Yes, everything was settled yesterday."

Resigned to the changes this signified, Naomi smiled regrettably before reaching up to kiss his cheek. "Congratulations, then. But you should have at least said something we could have had a proper celebration."

Allowing her to walk in ahead over him, he took the steps to catch to catch her up, more than ready to respond, as he guided her from where she had frozen on entering. Walking her into the lounge, empty save for the picnic setting in the middle of the space, he answered.  "That's why we are here. Will this suffice for a celebration?"


Rachna paced her bedroom, more furious than she had been in who knew how long. Expecting her husband any moment now, she was more than ready to unleash her ire. She absolutely refused to let her household descend into the turmoil that had threatened a short while ago. Hearing the click of the door behind her, she turned to see KT there. 


"Rachna, I'm sorry if you were hurt by anything Sanjay said; I promise I will deal with Sonal."

"You need to, but not on my behalf.  In fact forget me KT; just tell me that Sanjay is okay. Frankly, I don't care what that woman thinks of me, but how could she frighten her own child by saying things like that to him? She had to know that eventually we would interact at some point."


When Kabir had looked her way briefly in the nursery and had seen the single tear running down her face, he had taken the little boy away to Daadi so that he could attend his upset wife. Expecting to nurse her hurt feelings, he instead found her on the warpath; concerned for a child whose mere existence was a source of grief for her. She truly had to be the most remarkable woman he had ever met.


"KT did you hear me? I know I can't interact with him, but we need to encourage Sanjay. I don't care if he thinks that I'm the bad lady, but we have to reassure him that I will never keep him from his sister and that he will always be welcomed in his father's home. That a mother would impart such anxiety on their own child is unbelievable, and I will not stand for this to be done to your son. "


Kabir immediately retracted his initial thought. His wife in fact had to be the most remarkable woman ever.


crtkelly2016-05-24 16:15:12

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