Chapter 23

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Chapter #22 

Hello Readers, the request  was made, so here it is. Pure fluff , and not really moving the story at all, I guess you can call it a  weekend treat, so I hope  you enjoy.  I will get back to the story proper in the next chapter. 

She woke to the rays of light beaming through the bedroom's picture window; the beauty of the moonlight that had shone so stunningly over the ocean the night before, had now given way to the encroaching sun as a new day began.  Turning her back on the intruding brightness meant moving away from her sleeping husband, but even in slumber, he sought her out as he drew her back against him cradling her with his body, one arm draped securely around her waist.  Rachna snuggled against him and tried to go back to sleep.  She should have been at total ease this morning, but for one detail, which she would take care of now before KT woke.  Slowly, as not to disturb his rest, she reached for her mobile on the nightstand and was about to about to press the speed-dial number for home when the nibble on her earlobe stopped her in her tracks.  Her husband's voice in her ear was still husky with sleep, but  the timbre of it stirred every nerve ending in her body; even if she totally opposed everything  he was saying.

"You're solely mine for the next two days, love. I will play second fiddle to no one, not even our daughter, Rachna. Besides it's way too early to be calling anyone."

That's not fair, KT we've never both been away from her, I just wanted to make sure that..." Another nip to her ear, this one a little sharper than before, had her losing her train of thought completely, and when he began trailing kisses down her neck, he easily plucked the mobile from her now pliable grip, putting it back where it had been. By the time he had reached her bare shoulder her thoughts were a complete muddle, and she turned back to face him, more than willing to continue what he had begun. Wrapping her arms around his neck she moved to kiss him, whimpering as he tenderly caressed her, evoking the reactions that only he could. He was right, it was far too early for phone calls; besides nothing mattered but the two of them right now anyway.


Rachna put one arm up to cover her eyes from the full strength of the light now that the sun had fully risen. "Oh God KT, just close the drapes and let me sleep already."  She heard movement and was grateful that he had complied with her request although she still lazed for some time before finally rolling on her side and opening her eyes. The harshest rays had been blocked and she looked at her husband  lying beside her staring back, an amused expression on his face. He pushed her hair back over her shoulder, smiling.

"Is your plan to stay in all day, Rachna, truly I don't mind."

"I'm sure you wouldn't, but no, it isn't."

"I've had breakfast delivered, would you like to have it in bed?" He smiled when she shook her head."Thik hai, get up and come and eat then."

Kabir sat in the living room looking at Rachna's mobile shaking his head. He looked up to see his wife who despite her attempts, still looking delightfully disheveled in her robe and her hair tied back in a loose ponytail. "You've just missed a message from home."

She raced to where he was sitting on the sofa, holding her mobile. "Is everything ok, KT why didn't you bring me the phone?" He pulled her to sit on his lap and held the phone so she could see the video.


The screen was filled with a shot of today's edition of the Banaras local newspaper, reiterated by the close up on the date. "Good Morning Ra, I'm actually surprised not to have heard from you already this morning, but since I hadn't, I had just enough time to prepare this.  As you can see this is today's edition of the newspaper and..." The image panned over to crib where Aryia stood, happily leaning on the railing. Rachna laughed as Naomi negotiated the perfect shot of Aryia holding the newspaper so that the date was still showing.  "Okay here we in all the great blockbuster films, here is your proof positive that the image of your daughter is live...your proof of life video so to speak. Okay Aryia give it back, this is Daadi's and she hasn't read it yet."  The image jumped for a little while and then came back into focus with Naomi holding Aryia in her arms. "As you can see she has made it through the night fine, and we are looking forward to a great couple of days together doing things girls do when they don't have any parental supervision, you know extra time at the playground, lots of cartoons and no set bed time, stuff like that." When Aryia began babbling, Naomi quckly hushed her. "Shh, Aryia, don't tell them everything, if they know what we really plan on doing they'll come home sooner and put us on punishment.  Anyway, I hope you guys have a great time; we will see you Saturday morning. Oh and Rachna I will not be calling, so don't panic, but I will message you this evening and sometime tomorrow. But all jokes aside, please don't worry, I will take good care of our girl and she will be fine. Love you guys.  Bye...wave Goodbye to mummy Aryia."

Rachna laughed and waved back at the image of their daughter waving enthusiastically on the screen. She looked puzzled when a view of the ceiling came on. In the background she heard Aryia's garble and laughed out loud when Naomi's voice sounded. "What he's four years old and you agreed to meet him by the swings today? Oh I don't know Aryia, what would your papa say?" Aryia squealed in response. "Well that's true, papa isn't here and what Papa doesn't know..." And then the video shut off.


"She is so silly."

"But are you feeling better now?" he smiled when she nodded. "Shall we eat now?"


Kabir watched Rachna in the mirror as she put on her earrings and did a last touchup to her hair. The sunny yellow she wore complimented her healthy glow, which he immodestly had no problem taking credit for. She raised her eyes and met his stare reflected in the glass. "What is it KT?" He walked up behind her and embraced her, his hands coming together on her tummy and he pulled her back against him. "I'm just admiring my beautiful wife."  Her sigh was music to his ears, but he knew that he would have to retreat if they had any hopes of leaving the suite. Reluctantly he backed away and walked over to his luggage, retrieving two items out of it. "Rachna I've got something that I..."

"Kabir Tripathi, I absolutely forbid you to gift me anything else. Put whatever it is away this instant."


"No I'm serious, I don't know what you are trying to prove, but it's totally unnecessary." She walked over to him as kissed him on the cheek. "I appreciate everything you've done, but why the need for more, when I've already received the best gift of all?" Placing a finger to her lips to stop her, Kabir smiled and handed her the packages. "Naomi has sent these to you along with the explicit instructions that they are not to be used in conjunction with each other. I confess to being very intrigued."


Rachna sat and opened the smaller of the two packages. In it was one of Naomi's digital cameras along with a note to take a lot of pictures including a few of the Gateway of India for her screensaver collection.  Placing it aside, Rachna un-wrapped the larger gift, which was actually  two smaller boxes that had been taped together. Immediately recognizing them, Rachna burst into laughter, the meaning of the message now fully understood.

Beside her KT looked on in confusion. He picked up the two identical boxes and read the label, 'Clothing Optional'. The only thing that differentiated the two boxes was that one had a little red devil embossed on it while the other had a blue halo imprinted on it. His hysterical wife offering no clarification, he reached for one of the boxes with the intention of opening it, only for Rachna to smack his hand and snatch it from him. "You can't open it now that will spoil the fun, KT." She caught her breath to offer an explanation to her confused husband.  "Clothing Optional is a lingerie website that Naomi found when we were in university.  Your item is either packaged in a naughty box or a nice box depending on the item."

" Oh Really?"

"For the record I would like to say that this is the very first time I've ever seen a naughty box, but having seen the website, well, whatever is in there should be, uh interesting."

"Okay, I understand the message now, but are you not going to open them?" 

Rachna collected the two boxes, and  packed them in a drawer out of sight. "No, we are leaving. Tonight when we are back in you can select one of them, and then we will see what we end up with."


It had been a great ,albeit busy day. KT had hired a driver to take them around so that they could maximize the time that they had. Being that  she had one final meeting with Shryia Friday morning , before they flew back home on Saturday , KT had agreed to make it an early evening. As she held his hand across the dinner table she raised her eyebrow at his suggestion that they forgo dessert head back up to their suite.  "I'm sure that the two hidden boxes waiting in the room have absolutely nothing to with this right KT?"

His eyes twinkling with mischief he responded. "The thought never entered my mind, but now that you've mentioned it.."

Rachna leaned closer to him, "You my husband are insatiable; you are displaying a desperate lack of control."

He shook his head and brought her hand to his lips. "I confess to being desperately in love with my wife and nothing else. Shall we head back upstairs now?"

He certainly had a way with words, she thought. Only the  pinging of her mobile prevented her from  leaving the table  that instant. She looked down to receive her message.


Great Day, settling little miss down now, this parenting stuff a walk in the park LOL.


Of course he would select the naughty box, and now he was stuck trying to coax his wife out of the water closet. She was taking forever, and his only thought was that whatever it was, it was a little too risque for his Rachna to even consider.  "Come on Beautiful, don't worry about it, put on whatever you feel comfortable in ."

"Are you sure?... Okay, I'm coming out now."

She came out in the hotel robe firmly in place, and a quick look behind her showed that the lingerie box remained intact. Only slightly disappointed Kabir took her hand and led her back to the bedroom. She looked at the nightstand and saw an all familiar silver tray. She raised an eyebrow, and Kabir smiled as he picked up a truffle and offered it to her before she could say anything. "I couldn't resist  getting just a few more."

She ate the chocolate treat in silence and then leaned in to him. "Like I said, KT, you have become insatiable ." She kissed him slowly, pushing him to sit back on the bed. "Absolutely no control whatsoever, so it's probably a good thing that I received these isn't it?" Reaching into her pocket she pulled out the fur covered  cuffs and held them aloft. "Now the question is who needs them more?"


It was her secretive smile that had him reaching for the robe sash. When he untied  the knot, the robe fell open giving him a glimpse of what she wore underneath.  His hands fell away and he swallowed. He looked up into Rachna's face dumfounded, and deftly  she  clicked the cuffs in place, and then removed her robe.  "KT have you never heard the saying be careful what you ask for, you may just get it?" She reached for the tray and made her selection. "Have a chocolate, Love," she offered.


crtkelly2016-05-24 15:48:34

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