Chapter 15

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Chapter #14

 "Would it be too bold for me to say you look really good with a baby?"

Bouncing Aryia on one knee, while manipulating the mouse with her other hand, Naomi smiled even though she stayed focused on the computer monitor.  "Entirely too forward Sir; perhaps if this was day three of this experiment it would be acceptable, but it's definitely not the conversation we should be having on day two."

"Seriously, if it's just you and your brother, how did you learn to handle a baby so well?"

Naomi put down the mouse, and took Aryia up in her arms facing her, smiling back at the toothy grin Aryia gave her.

"Many, many little cousins; my mum has five older siblings who are all now grandparents, so I've always been surrounded by kids. To be honest the thought of being a parent scares me to death, but this little one here lets me have the best of both worlds don't you, Pumpkin?"

" My Pari"

Naomi gave Aryia an exaggerated kiss, giggling when she responded in kind, "That's right Ariya, all your Pari."

Rajeev smiled to himself, thinking that it was high time someone taught Aryia how to share. His eyes were suddenly drawn to her screen saver, "Okay, next question, what's with this building here? I've noticed that your screensaver rotates through a number of structures, but this building seems to be popping up all the time."

They both turned as a voice came from behind them. "Oh Rajeev Sir, your response to this will make or break everything you are attempting, so give it your best shot."

Naomi smiled as she turned back around. "This is The Atrium."

"Not just any atrium, The Atrium, "Rachna continued.  "If not for that building, none of this would have been possible. No Naomi and Rachna; no KT and Aryia." Rachna looked once more at the screen before turning and walking away. She sidestepped Kabir, who had come up behind her. The pain in her eyes was evident when she glanced at him, but as far as he could see, at least for now the anger was gone. He didn't know which was worse, but she had just acknowledged them as a couple, and for that at least he was grateful. Coming behind Naomi, he relieved her of Aryia, and stood there. "Rajeev, since no one is filling you in, The Atrium is her great love. It was love at first sight for Naomi apparently; she saw the building and decided that this would be university she would attend. No consideration as to what she would study, only that she had to study in this building. As I understand her mother had a fit over her decision initially or at least the reason behind it."

"Well it worked out perfectly as far as I'm concerned. I had my building, a first class education and found my best friend to boot. I'm sure even now my mum wishes that I made more decisions that worked out as well."

"So what do you like about your building, Naomi?"

Her smile lit the room, "Are you really interested, or just trying to get on my good side?"

"No really, tell me."


Kabir walked out in search of Rachna.  He located her in the lounge attending a telephone call while referring to something on her laptop. He watched as she made some notes and smiled broadly. He was certain that it was related to with Banaras Beauty, and he looked forward to sharing her excitement with her. However she noticed his presence as she hung up , and her smile evaporated. He knew then there was no chance of her including him in the news that had clearly pleased her, and it was dreadful to know that in hours they had become estranged to such a point.

"He has just asked her what she likes about The Atrium."

Genuinely smiling at last, Rachna acknowledged his comment, "Definitely a good move on his part."

"I would say so."  Kabir sat on the sofa adjacent to the one that Rachna was sitting. "So, where do we go from here, Rachna?"

"I'm going to move my work station into the office where Naomi is, there will be enough room for what I need  as well as a playpen for Aryia."

"Rachna that isn't necessary."

"It is for me KT, I need you to respect that this is what I need to do right now."

He nodded all the while thinking that  she had first moved from their bedroom, and now she was moving out of their studio. He fought the rising panic as to what would happen next if they continued in the same vein.

Rachna looked at her watch,  "I'm going to sort out lunch, and then I will be with Naomi for the remainder of the day. Will you be joining us?"

"Yes, of course."  Kabir watched her as she walked out of the room, and soothed Aryia when she began to protest her Mummy's leaving; knowing exactly how she was feeling.


"No, really Naomi, I do understand. Actually I've got you beat, in that I've  purchased my new place based on an artist rendering; totally pre-construction, but it looks really good on paper at least. I should be going for a site visit soon."

"Wow, I would really like to come with you, can I?"

"You want to see my new place?"

"Sure, how else will I be able see if your taste in buildings is any good?"

"Perhaps I can tag along with you too, so let me know when you are going. But before that are you staying for lunch, Sir?"

"Actually not today Rachna, I have some errands to run, before our hockey game today.  I'll see you ladies for dinner, thik hai."


Rachna looked around the room she would soon be occupying, before looking back at her friend, whose attention was still focused on the path that her Sir had exited.

"That's so weird that he's purchased somewhere basically unseen because of an image."

"Just as weird as your choice of a university; actually it sounds like something you two have in common."

"Maybe; so we are still on for this afternoon?"

"Yes definitely, although it may be a bit more disruptive. I'm going to move my workstation in here for now; I think there's sufficient space and for we three girls, well actually two and a half girls."

"No problem, we should have a great time." Naomi looked at Rachna's shocked expression "Ra, I'm not going to fight you on everything, I understand that you need the separation right now."

"I appreciate that. I'll call you when lunch is ready."


No one would ever be able to convince her that Rachna wasn't totally in love with Kabir. Naomi looked across the table and sent Daadi an encouraging smile, subtly indicating the pair at the end of the table. That neither had even considered anywhere but their usual seats  was telling, especially on Rachna's part. And Rachna may have thought no-one had noticed when she had referred to them as together earlier today, but Naomi certainly had, and she was more than sure that KT had as well. Yes, they were both more subdued as they interacted with Aryia, but clearly the foundation of their relationship was still holding firm. Perhaps with time, they could reach an understanding, and some sort of normalcy could be achieved, whatever that was to be under these circumstances.


At the same time Kabir sat there appreciating the very same thing. He had never thought that he had taken these moments for granted, but this afternoon he was truly thankful that he was here having lunch with his wife and daughter. Just twenty four hours ago he had thought that all was lost, but now he looked at Rachna, knowing that he would accept her enmity right now, just as long as she stayed here, where he at least had the chance to make things up to her.

"Kabir, your mobile."

"Oh, uh thank you Rachna."


Rachna closed her eyes, wishing for an end to this turmoil. She inhaled deeply, exhaling nosily, before she opened her eyes again. She refused to shed another tear over this situation. She looked to Kabir and nodded, "Ji KT, it's probably better to get it over with today. Naomi I'll just use the time to get the office rearranged. If everything is completed by the time you return then we can start reviewing the launch footage and getting the website updated."

"Okay Ra, I'll just go and get changed and will be back in a second."


"Nanhe, do not let your guard down one second. She is totally untrustworthy, and I'm sure that she is trying to manipulate the situation to her liking."

"Ji Daadi."

Watching Daadi walk away, Rachna reiterated her warning, "Daadi is absolutely right; she is most likely up to something.  At the very least, please consider Aryia when you are dealing with her. I'm putting my trust in you that at least you will do what's best for our daughter."

"Rachna, I'll be doing what's best for all of us, not just Aryia.  I know I can't change anything but, I promise, I won't let it interfere with us more than it has too."

"It's far too late to wish that KT, this is a life- long connection. We will never be able to remove her from our lives."


"Excuse me guys, I'm ready now."

Kabir and Rachna turned to see Naomi.  They both smiled at her changed appearance, knowing that none would find fault in that.

"I'll just go and bring the car around then."

Kabir kissed Aryia on her head, and then went to do the same to his wife. He stopped his forward action when she averted her face and stepped back.  Solemnly he left the house.



"Ra, I've got this okay. This is just a cheap move on her part to see how far she can overstep into your territory. KT won't let her do any more harm to you guys than what's happened, and she should try anything with me, actually I'm going in expecting it. She's brazen enough, questioning your choice of a nanny, but don't worry, I'm sure between us she won't gain anything over and above her child's visitation."


The lawyer had his client and the young woman escorted to his office in advance of meeting the opposing party and her lawyer. He had been surprised that they had responded so quickly, but he agreed that it would be best to resolve all of the issues as soon as possible.  

"My wife and I also agree that it's best to resolve this as quickly as possible, and thankfully Pari has also agreed to this meeting.  I expect that Sonal will find fault with her from the beginning, but unless it comes to any  point of law, I must insist that you allow Pari to speak for herself in response to any aspersions upon her character or capabilities. Rachna and I have total faith in her."


The lawyer looked at the pretty young woman and nodded. He motioned for the pair to follow him. They entered the conference room to find Sonal and her lawyer standing in the corner talking. They had come to attention when the door opened, and Naomi watched as Sonal gave her a once over.


 "Oh Kabir, this can't be her, she's barely out her childhood herself. Surely this sweet little thing isn't old enough or responsible enough to care for the children!"


Smiling benignly, Naomi walked over to stand directly in front of their nemesis.  Politely she greeted Sonal's lawyer to the side, before turning to the woman herself.  Placing her palms together, she looked at her with all reverence before she greeted her, "Namaste Aunty Ji", and then she bent to take the blessings of her elder.

" Aunty!" Sonal sputtered, "Nay, Nay what are you doing?"


'Damn those were some hot shoes she had on' Naomi thought smiling at Sonal's reaction before she stood with a look of total contrition. "Oh I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm just a visitor to your country, and when you addressed me as a child, I just assumed that you were that much older than me and deserving of my respect." She turned, "Oh KT Sir, honestly I meant no disrespect you will explain this to Aunty won't you?"


To his credit, KT kept his expression blank, but as soon as they sat at the table he quickly made a note on the writing pad in front of them, and moved it so Naomi could glance at it.


Us: 1 - Them: 0   - our round for sure!


Together they listened to the lawyers' preamble, and awaited Sonal's next move.

She would never make a good poker player,' Naomi thought as she looked at the visibly flustered woman.


crtkelly2016-05-24 06:50:44

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